Award winning charity supporting homeless or vulnerable young people to transform
their lives through person centred support to transform their lives.
Dear Applicant
Thankyou foryour interestinbecominga trusteeat BYHP (Workingwithyoungpeople). ThedescriptionofBYHP’s activities,theTrusteeRole profileandanApplication Formare enclosed. Foran informaldiscussion please docontactAnna Day ChiefExecutive Officer on 01295 259442.
BYHP is an extraordinary charity that provides person centred support to young people who are aged 13-25 who are either homeless, at risk homelessness, or extremely disadvantaged to transform their lives.
With a headquarters based in the Grimsbury Cattlemarket Estate, and a second social enterprise premises based in the Banbury town centre, we work peripatetically across North Oxfordshire and neighbouring Counties.
Award winning
During 2011-2012 we were delighted that the organisation’s hard work was awarded by HRH Queen Elizabeth II, The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for volunteer groups recognising BYHP’s longstanding contributions in supporting young people through an holistic approach to their difficulties.
It is indeed an honor to receive this recognition especially when we were against competition from other charities nationally.
We are also delighted that this year we were awarded at the Cherwell Business Awards for the best ‘Charity & Community’ in Cherwell, which again represents the enormous contribution we continue to make in North Oxfordshire.
Life changing
Our services are based on person centered approaches because we have learnt that working with young people who have had very tough lives is about finding a way to overcome their individual hurdles; empowering them to take control of their lives, and transform their life chances. We work with young people so that they can challenge their self-esteem, build their confidence, and tackle the behaviors that prevent them from moving forward; as well as support them to develop positive lifestyles and family relationships.
Our future
We are shaping our future services this year and developing our strategy to embrace the challenges presented by a 12% increase in homelessness in 2012 combined with significant welfare reform, alongside increasing competition for resources.
If you have the skills to contribute to this journey, we very much hope you’ll express your interest and apply to join us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Anna Day
BYHP’s Aims
BYHP’s mission statement:
“BYHPexiststosupportand assist youngpeopleinfindingandmaintainingasafe homefromwhichtheymaybeassisted todeterminetheirownopportunitiesin life”
BYHP’s Values and Principles
- We will treat young peoplewithrespect,dignity and honesty.
- Wewillinvolveyoungpeoplein allaspectsoftheplanning,developmentand delivery ofservices and individually indecisions that involve them.
- We will ensurethat services are delivered efficiently, effectively and are continuouslyimproving,consistentlymeetinghighstandardsand the needs of young people.
- We will work to develop and promote effective partnership working.
- Wewillmaintainand developa range of servicesfor youngpeopleat risk,where appropriatein partnership with other organisationsand seeking to compliment, not duplicate services.
BYHPwas launched in Banburyin1989as amulti-agency initiativeledby theCounty YouthServiceinresponsetotherisinglevelsofhomelessyoungpeopleinthearea.
BYHPbecamean independent registeredcharityin 1995, and in 2006it becamea CompanyLimited by Guarantee andis governedby avoluntary Board of Directors who bring with them wide and varied knowledge and skills.
Who doesBYHP work with?
BYHPoffers a range of services to young peopleagedupto25whoarehomelessorin housingneed. Thecharityworkswithyoungpeople across Oxfordshire. On average BYHPworkswith in excess of 800youngpeopleinthe Cherwell District eachyear. Over halfof alltheyoung peoplewe see are aged16and 17, withroughlyequalnumbers of menandwomen. 37%oftheyoungpeoplewere homelesson theirfirstvisitto BYHP and 4%ofyoungpeople had slept rough atsome pointin the preceding4 weekperiod.
Supporting homeless or vulnerable young people to transform their lives through person
centredsupport to transform their lives.
BYHP’s Services
Unlocking Potential andBYHP’sOna Roll
BYHPruns UnlockingPotential,anemployabilityskillscourseforunemployed young peopletohelpthemgainskills,qualificationsandtheabilitytomove intoemployment. Oursocial enterprise, BYHP’sOnARoll,corporate cateringandsandwichshop, provides workexperience following on from the course. The BigLotteryfundthisinitiative. The shophas beenestablishedwiththeprimaryobjectiveoftrainingyoung peoplewhilst developinganincomestreamforthecharity. BYHP’sOnaRollisasubsidiaryofBYHP, based inBanbury towncentre,for more information visit
Alcohol Support
ComicRelieffundustosupportyoungpeopleto reducetheiralcoholusethroughbetter understandingoftheconsequencesof over usingalcohol.We runthisalcoholawareness project inthe BYHP Drop In, local secondary schools andyouth clubs.
Domestic Abuse
BYHPsupportsvulnerableyoung people who are/orhave been the victims ofdomestic abusethrough groupsupport workandindividual1:1 casework.Wedeliverthe Recovery Toolkit training course inpartnership with a localChildren’s Centre.
Ourskilledmediators,whereappropriate,willworkwithhomelessyoungpeopleand theirfamiliesto enablethemto remainat orreturnhome. Weworkwiththefamiliesin groupsandput them intouchwithother agenciesthat can supportthem with issues such as alcohol useor depression. Withfunding fromcharitabletrusts, BYHP has expandedthis scheme to preventhomelessness at anearlierstageby working with youngpeople aged 13 plus andtheir families.
Mental Health supportandCounselling Service
BYHPhasa smallteamofqualifiedandexperiencedCounsellorswhoare abletoprovide valuable additional support to young people who may bevulnerable.
Training (EET)
BYHPisfundedBy OxfordshireCountyCouncilto support homelessyoung peopleacross thecountymoveintoeducationandemployment. ThisenablesBYHPtolinkyoung peopleintotrainingandemploymentinitiativesat an early stageandbreak the“nojob, no home, no job” cycle. We have closelinkswithConnexionsand training and employment providersacross thearea.
Nightstopprovidesovernight accommodationforhomelessyoung peoplewithvolunteer
‘host’households. Hosts are vetted and supportedsothattheschemeisabletoofferhelp to theveryvulnerable. BanburyNightstophas been operating successfully since
May 1999.
ServiceUser InvolvementandConsultation
BYHPisauserled serviceaimingtoinvolveyoungpeople inallaspectsof itsservice deliveryand is constantlypilotingand adaptingnewwaysof achievingthis. We ask youngpeoplefor feedback onourservicesthroughformalmeetings,asuggestionbox, questionnaires,evaluation formsand group andindividualdiscussion.Youngpeople regularlyvolunteerat BYHP ina varietyofways,for example duringthe drop-in sessions and helping to run prevention sessions in schools.BYHP aims to give young people opportunities to helpthem secure employmentandhas been able to provide employment foryoung people thathave beenusers of our services in the past.
Partnership Working
BYHP’sroots lie in partnershipworkingand one of its primefunctionsis identifying need andfacilitatinga multi-agencyresponsetothatneed. Wetrytofindcollaborativeways ofresponding to need ona daily basis. We work closelywithour partners and value the strong linksthat have been established withinthe areas wework.
BYHP’sQualityPolicymeansthatweare constantlyworkingtoimproveourservices. BYHPcollectsdetailedinformationoneveryyoungpersonwho contactstheagency and producesstatisticalinformationonaquarterlybasis.Wemeasure the successof our workwithyoungpeoplethrough outcomemeasurements.AllBYHP’sservices are evaluatedon an annualbasis withchanges madeinlightof the evaluation. Leadingon fromthis,BYHP’s BusinessPlanisreviewedandupdatedannually. BYHPisanaffiliated member of Nightstop UK, Shelter National Housing Advisory Service, Advice UK, HomelessLink, SITRA and NCVO. BYHP’s advice and information service has been awardedthe Community Legal ServiceQualityMark – GeneralHelpwith Casework. BYHPhas been identified by theCommissionfor RuralCommunitiesas a project which demonstratesbest practice;wealsowontheCommunityGroupof the Year Award from TheBanburyGuardian and are an EmployerofExcellencerecognized byPeninsula BusinessServices for the promotionof goodpractice, employee relationsandEqual Opportunities for all staff.
Supporting homeless or vulnerable young people to transform their lives through person
centredsupport to transform their lives.
Becoming a Trustee
All applicants should note that all responsibilities and decision making (including finances)are collective. We arelooking fortrusteeswho can offer arangeof professional skills,inparticular:
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Social policy
- Expertise working withyoung people,ideallywithanOxfordshire focus
- Advice work
- HR,
- Marketing,
- Social enterprise and
- Young people who have formerly used the service
BYHP has obtained Trustee Indemnity Insurance to limittrustees’ liability.
To apply to become a trustee, please review the attached role profile and complete the
Application Form and return it to:
Anna Day
Chief Executive Officer
Launch Pad
2 Chandos Close
OX16 4TL
Who is eligible tobe a trusteeof BYHP?
This section has been adapted from Charity Commissionguidance.
Ifyouareover18,meettheRoleProfilePersonSpecificationandarenotdisqualified from becoming a trustee, thenyouare eligibleto apply.
Somepeople are disqualifiedby law from actingas trustees,includinganyonedescribed in section 72(1) of the Charities Act 1993. This includes:
- Anyone who has an unspent conviction for an offence involving deception or dishonesty;
- Anyone who is an undischarged bankrupt
- Anyone who has been removed from trusteeship of a charity by the Court or theCommissioners for misconduct or mismanagement
- Anyone under a disqualification order under the Company DirectorsDisqualification Act 1986.
Itisnormally an offencetoactasatrusteewhiledisqualifiedunlesstheCharity Commissionhasgivenawaiver. Certainindividualsare also disqualifiedfromholdinga range of positions in children's charities, which includes charity trusteeship.
Wewill need a declaration from the prospectivetrustee thattheyare not disqualified. We willalsoconsult official registers ofdisqualifiedpersons. AsBYHP workswith vulnerableyoung people, we will ask all Trustees to agree to BYHP obtaining a Disclosure from theCriminal Records Bureau (CRB) ontheir behalf.
Ifyou are unsure whetheryou are eligibletoapply,pleasedo call Anna Dayandhave animpartial conversation with her.
Manycharitiesnowprovideroledescriptionsandpersonspecificationsfortheirtrustees. Aswellashelpingtheorganisationclarifytheroleofitstrustees,theseareusefulaidsfor peoplethinkingaboutbecomingtrusteesandhelpthoseconsideringnominatingothersfor trusteeshiptoputforwardsuitablecandidates.
1Toensurethatthecharitycomplieswithitsgoverningdocument,charitylaw,company law,andanyotherrelevantlegislationorregulations;
2Toensurethatthecharitypursuesitscharitableobjectsasdefinedinitsgoverning document;
3Toensurethatthecharityappliesitsresourcesexclusivelyinfurtheranceofitsobjects, (thecharitymustnotspendmoneyonactivitieswhicharenotincludedinitsown objects,nomatterhowworthwhileorcharitablethoseactivitiesare);
4TocontributeactivelytotheBoardofTrustees'roleofgivingfirmstrategicdirectionto theorganisation,settingoverallpolicy,defininggoals,settingtargetsandevaluating performanceagainstagreedtargets;
5Tosafeguardthegoodnameandvaluesofthecharity,actingasanambassadorfor thecharity,promotingitsgoodnameandreputation;
8Toprotectandmanagethepropertyofthecharityandtoensuretheproper investmentofthecharity'sfunds;
10Inadditiontotheabovestatutorydutiesofalltrustees,eachtrusteeshoulduseany specificskills,knowledgeorexperiencetheyhavetohelptheboardoftrusteesreach sounddecisions.Thiswillinvolvescrutinisingboardpapers,leadingdiscussions,focusing onkeyissues,andprovidingadviceandguidanceonnewinitiativesorotherissues relevanttotheareaofBYHP'sworkinwhichthetrusteehasspecialexpertise.
6Anunderstandingandacceptanceofthelegalduties,responsibilitiesandliabilitiesof trusteeship
8Nolan’s1 sevenprinciplesofpubliclife;selflessness,integrity,objectivity, accountability,openness,honestyandleadership