Research Unit


This assignment will prepareyou to do research at the college level. What is college level research, you ask? Previously, you may have done research by gathering information on a topic from a variety of sources. This is the “report” style of research. You will learn how to do research that does much more than simply report. Here, you will learn how to do original research—research that focuses on a specific question or problem that you (and your eventual readers) find interesting and significant.

Here’s one example of the difference between report research and original research. A student doing report research would gather a bunch of information on the riots in Ferguson, Missouri—then type it up. In contrast, your original research will aska specific question like, “How did local police practices in Ferguson contribute to tension in the community?” Yoursources will still help you gather information related to that question. However, your research will do more than just repeat or compile that information. Instead, you will interpret or digest the information, connecting and analyzing the info in your own original way. In this way, your research will offer not more than just information; it will also offer a unique perspective—one that readers cannot get from anyone else but you!

Learning Objectives

By the end of “Writing and Research,” students should be able to...

  1. Understand and practice writing as a multistage process
  2. Use writing for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating
  3. Develop strategies for inventing, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading
  4. Read actively to identify and develop ideas, using strategies like annotating and reflective note-taking
  1. Produce texts that present ideas effectively
  2. Focus on a controlling idea or question
  3. Support ideas with reasoning and evidence
  4. Summarize others’ ideas clearly, accurately, and thoroughly
  5. Integrate their own ideas with the ideas of others
  6. Synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources
  7. Organize material to support and clarify ideas
  1. Identify and practice research methods
  2. Develop and refine a research topic and question
  3. Evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources
  4. Identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments in sources
  5. Document where information and ideas come from using an established system such as MLA style


Project / Description / Points
Attendance & Participation / We have fifteen class sessions. Earn points for each session that you…
• attend in its entirety,
• complete Activity Sheets
• and fully participate in, putting effort into each and every class activity.
If you are unprepared or not participating, or if you arrive late or leave early, you will not earn points that day. If your absence is marked green in the portal, we will not deduct points for that day, as long as you maintain your Activity Sheets / 200
(5 points per class X 50 class sessions)
Paper Components / The 10 assignments include:
(4) Summaries of sources using stop and jot sheets
(1) Introduction
(1) Outline
(1) Body Paragraph Assignment #1
(1) Counter-Claim
(1) Draft
(1) Peer Edit / 350
(35 points per entry X 10 entries)
Speech Annotations / Complete 3-5 annotations for speeches in the Yellow Booklet. If you do more than 3, you can get extra credit. / 180
Research Proposal / Articulate your tentative research question, its significance, and your work plan. We will have a one-on-one conference to discuss your proposal. / 80
Journal Reflections / A collection of reflections based on either reading additional material related to your topic, a reflection based on a benchmark assignment, personal growth, or a hardship faced during the marking period. These need to be one-page in length. / 100
Annotated Bibliography / Research something you’re interested in. Bring together five different perspectives on that topic from five other researchers. Discuss how these five perspectives relate to one another. / 120
Research Paper / Write a research paper that makes a debatable claim, supports it with reasoning and evidence, and engages with the claims of other thinkers. Within your argument, engage with (summarize and synthesize) AT LEAST four sources that tackle the same specific topic or question, but which offer differing perspectives. / 300
Research Binder / Maintain your binder. We will announce binder checks in order to keep grading your work on-time. We will also award points at the end of the paper to completed binders-organized an in order. / 150
Research Talk / Present your first research project to the class in the simple but provocative style of a TED Talk. This is extra credit an option. This will help you in case you need extra points during the marking period / 75-100
Total points available / 1,555
Final Grade / Points
A / 1,330+
B / 1,230+
C / 1,130+
D / 920+
F / 900 or below

Calendar: Note that this is a “preview” of our schedule for this unit, and it may change (due to special activities or inclement weather). Our class website is the authoritative source for our schedule, and especially our class-by-class schedule. You must pay attention to website and, on occasion, post assignment there.

Week / Week of / Topics / Assignments this week / Major Assignments (in addition to journals) / Journal Assignment – due Fridays
1 / Feb 1 / What is the purpose of research? / -Peer Edit / -Peer Edit
-Hand-in 2nd quarter essay by Friday / You can choose to do a reflection this week on any fears, questions, concerns you have about writing a lengthy research paper. You might also want to start thinking about some of the topics we talked about in class and expand on one of our class discussions.
2 / Feb. 8 / Identifying a Problem / -Watching Selma
-Completing a Regents Task 1 / Journal Reflection: What did you think about the movie? Did it get you to think about a topic for your paper? What was the most riveting scene/part of the movie and why?
3 / Feb 15 / Break Week / Break Week / Break Week / Journal Reflection
What are some ideas you have for your paper? Make some personal connections to one or more of the topics.
4 / Feb 22 / Introduction to Rhetorical Strategies; Ethos, Pathos, Logos / Understanding rhetorical strategies
Research topic and read 3-4 sources for your project / Write and submit prospectus/letter proposal
Prospectus Due by Friday / Journal: Are you happy with your topic? What are some issues you are concerned about? How do you think you would apply ethos, pathos, logos?
Free write on something of interest to you.
5 / Feb 29 / How to create a good summary?. / Reading and evaluating sources
Gather all of your research! / Summarize all (3-4) sources
Annotated Bibliography
Task 3 Regents related to your sources / Journal: What is the hardest part finding research for your topic—or write a reflection on anything that you want to this week.
6 / March 7 / How to write a thesis/claim and outline the entire project. / Creating the introduction and outline / Annotated Bibliography due on by 10 pm on Monday, March 7th
Introduction and Outline due on March 11th / Journal: What struggles are you having? What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far about your topic?
Or Reflect on something you would like to this week.
7 / March 14 / Making Claims.
Responding to counter-claims / Writing the counter-claims
Developing the body paragraphs / Draft is due on March 18th via / Journal- Your choice
Reflect on the work you have done so far.
8 / March 21 / Break Week / Journal: Free write on whatever you would like about school—life—college---just make sure it is school appropriate.
9 / March 28 / . / Peer Edit / Final Paper Due Via on April 2nd / Journal: How is the marking period going? What are some skills you are taking away from this class this quarter? Do you feel like you have gained confidence as a writer and a researcher?
10 / April 4 / Task 1
Task 3 / Prepare and deliver extra credit TED talk / Journal- What would you change about the quarter? What would you tell another student about this project? What are some changes you would make to this project—shorter is not an answer 

Contract for Research Unit

To participate in this research unit, I agree to…

(write your initials beside each item if you agree)

Attend class regularly—not missing more than a week’s worth of classes (in other words, no more than 1 class).
Arrive to class on time. I understand that arriving late is disruptive and that…
-Arriving up to 5 minutes late will cost me 4 course points--half of the Attendance & Participation (A&P) points for that class session.
-I cannot enter class more than five minutes after class has started, and I will lose all A&P points for that session.
Complete and submit writing tasks when they are due. I understand that late work will be penalized by 10 percent per day, and that no late work will be accepted more than a week after the due date. I also know all major assignments will be handed in to
Complete all journal entries on time and bring a copy of each journal entry to class on the day that entry is due. I understand that I cannot earn points for attending class if I do not have my journal entry completed and with me in class.
Be prepared for each and every class session. This means completing, and bringing with me to class, all materials (journal entries, readings, drafts, etc.) that were involved in preparing for that class session.
Bring to class any and all readings completed for that particular class session.
Participate in all in-class exercises and activities. I understand that if I do not participate in class activities, I will lose my attendance and participation points for that day.
Submit only my own original work and never plagiarize. I understand that plagiarism includes submitting others’ work as my own. I understand that plagiarism also includes borrowing information or ideas from others and failing to give credit--to acknowledge that they are borrowed, and whom they are borrowed from. I understand that plagiarism is a serious academic offense and that, if I plagiarize, I will fail the assignment and be reported to college administration.
Refrain from using electronic devices including phones, tablets, and computers, except when instructed, or after seeking permission to use these for class purposes only. If I must use my device, I agree to leave the classroom to do so: “take the call in the hall.”

On the lines below, please print your name, then sign and date. You will submit this signed contract to the instructor, but do make a copy for your records.


Outline for “Writing & Research” Unit / Page 1