Metallica - Master of Puppets

·  What lyrics stand out to you in this song?

o  Obey your master, your life burns faster.

o  Blinded by me you can’t see a thing.

o  Taste me, more is all you need. Dedicated to how I’m killing you.

o  Source of self-destruction

o  Where are the dreams I’ve been after. Promised only lies. Fix me!

o  Hell is worth all that, natural habitat

o  I will occupy, I will help you die

o  I will run through you. Now I rule you too.

·  What do you feel like this song means – secular vs. spiritual?

o  Secular – Drug addiction being your master “Chop your breakfast on a mirror.”

o  Spiritual – Who is your master – Matt. 6:19-24.

·  What can be our master nowadays?

o  Money

o  Drugs

o  Alcohol

o  Lust

o  Food – What happened to gluttony being a sin?

o  Media

o  Good works

o  Relationships with friends and family.

o  Church work (to a point)?

·  What are other words that be associated with false masters?

o  Idols

o  Graven images

o  False gods

o  Half-heartedness – Malachi 2

§  v. 7 – Priests should know better.

§  They ask “What have we done wrong?”

§  God says, “You know what you’ve wrong.”

§  They gave him “crap sacrifices.”

·  How could church work be a master?

o  Too focused on relationships and even “looking good for the Lord”.

o  Not spending time with the Lord.

o  Doing things for Him is good, but we must know Him.

·  How could family and friends be our master?

o  Too much focus on pleasing them.

o  Not enough on focus on pleasing God.

·  But, should we go out of our way to help someone if that means missing church?

o  I think there could be an exception.

o  Jesus stopped where He was going all the time to help people.

o  John 11 – Jesus couldn’t get there in time before Lazarus died.

§  Why did Jesus weep? – For Lazarus or Mary?

·  Could that be considered a spiritual act or sacrifice of worship?

o  I think so. Look at:

§  James 2:14-26 – Faith without works is dead.

§  James 4:13-17 – Do good when you can, or you’ll be sinning.

§  Romans 12:1-13 – Spiritual act of worship pleasing to God. Verse 13 says to practice hospitality.

·  Why are we going to church?

o  Is it truly for worshipping God?

o  Is it socializing with friends?

o  Is it because it’s expected?

o  In South Park (big time secular reference), Stan asks his dad if they have to go to church. Stan’s dad says they get to, not have to.

·  Why are we helping those in need?

o  Because God says so.

o  Because we have compassion on someone. Feel for someone.

o  Because it looks good.

o  To be seen.

James 1:27, Isaiah 1:10-20.

§  Help the fatherless and the widow.

§  This is true religion, a spiritual sacrifice to God with our whole heart that He accepts gladly.

§  He doesn’t want “crap.” He wants all of us to surrender to Him being our master. We aren’t puppets but are free to make choices but God wants us to choose Him.