DATA OF THE RESPONSIBLE FILEBusiness Name / Estabanell y Pahisa Energia, S.A.
CIF / A-61121752 / Address / Street Rec, 26-28
Location / Granollers / Province / Barcelona / Postal Code / 08401
E-mail /
Name and surname
Identity document / Address
Location / Province
Postal Code / E-mail
By means of the present writing I exercise the:
□Access right
REQUESTS, that the right of access to their files be given of charge within a maximum period of one month from the receipt of this request, and that the information is sent by post to the above address within a period of ten days to counting from the resolution of the request for access.
It is also requested that this information should include, legibly and intelligibly, the basic data that are included in my files thoseresultingfrom any elaboration, process or treatment, as well as the origin of the same, the assignees and the specification of the specific uses and purposes for which there are stored.
□Rectification right
REQUESTS that it is agreed to rectify the following erroneous personal data:
By the following data:
That it takes place within ten days from the collection of this request, and that i am notified in writing of the result of the rectification practiced.
That if it is agree, within a period of the working days that it is not appropriate to access to practice the proposed rectifications in whole or in part, i should be reasonably informed in order to request, where appropriate, the protection of the Spanish Protection Agency of Data, pursuant to article 18 of the aforementioned Organic Law 15/1999.
□Cancellation right
REQUESTS, the cancellation of the following data:
That it takes place within ten days from the collection of this request, and that I be notified in writing of the result of the cancellation practiced.
That if it is agreed, within a period of ten working days, that is not appropriate to accede to practicing all part of the request, as appropriate, the protection of the Spanish Protection Agency of Data, pursuant to article 18 of the aforementioned Organic Law 15/1999.
That if the cancelled data had been previously communicated, the person responsible for the file should be notified of the cancellation made so that the latter also make the necessary corrections so that the data quality duty referred to in article 4 of the aforementioned Organic Law 15/1999.
□Opposition right
I EXPOSE: (describe the situation of your personal data treatment and list the reason why you opposed to it)
To prove the situation described, iam enclosing a copy of the following documents: (list the documents attached with this application to prove the situation you have described).
REQUEST, that my exercise of the right of opposition be treated in the terms set forth above.
□ Revocation right
1. -REQUEST, that within a period of ten days from the receipt of this request, the processing of data relating to my person that is in their files, in the terms provided for the Organic Law 15/1999 about Protection of Personal Data.
2. -Revocation of consent regarding:
□For all the purposes stated in the consent.
□For advertising purposes or commercial prospecting.
The purpose that is detailed below:
Date: ______/______/20______
Signed: ______