HBA Connector: Frequently asked questions
Getting started:
Q: Where can I download the HBA Connector App?
A: You can download the App on your iOS device from the App Store by searching for “HBA Connector” or your Android mobile device by searching the Google Play Store for “HBA Connector”.
Q: What devices support the HBA Connector App?
A: The application can be downloaded from the App Store on all iOS devices with iOS 8 or higher. The application can be downloaded on all Android Mobile devices (not tablets) as long as they are running on Operating System KitKat or higher.
Q: How do I login?
A: After downloading the HBA Connector App,set up your username and password. Next, click “Join” to create a username. If you already have a username, click “Login”.
Q: I can’t login?
A: If you are receiving an error that says “Network Error”, be sure you have an Internet connection when trying to log into the application. If you have a strong connection and are receiving an error “Invalid login”, contact your chapter administrator to ensure you are using the correct email and password.
administrator: Kirsten Webb
Q: How do I logout?
A: To log out of the app, click on the 3-line menu bar in the upper left corner, and select “Logout”.
Navigating the App:
Q: How do I know if I have all of the latest content on my app?
A: If the administrator makes updates to the content, you will receive a pop-up on your screen asking if you would like to refresh data. If you have not received this pop-up and would like to ensure you have the latest content, click on the 3-line menu bar in the upper left corner and select “Refresh”.
Q: How do I turn push notifications on or off?
A: Click on the 3-line menu bar in the upper left corner and switch the notification slider. If the white circle is to the left, your notifications are off. If the white circle is to the right, your notifications are on. To allow push notifications from your HBA Connector App, be sure your device is set up within Settings to allow for push notifications.
Q: Why is there nothing in “My Agenda”?
A: As an app user, it is your responsibility to add events to your agenda. You can add events from within the application by pressing: “Add to Agenda” if it is displayed at the bottom of the event details. You can export or import events to/from your device calendar.
Q: How do I import personal events from my device calendar?
A: Within the “My Agenda” module select the + button to the right of the time filter. You will receive a pop-up asking if you would like to import events or export. Select accordingly based on your needs.
Q: How do I export HBA events to my device calendar?
A: Within the “My Agenda” module select the + button to the right of the time filter. You will receive a pop-up asking if you would like to import events or export. Select accordingly based on your needs.
Technical questions:
Q: Why is there nothing in the Resources Module?
A: Click on the gray headers to drop down a list of documents. Select the resources you wish to view by filling in the circle with a check mark. Then select “Sync Assets” from the bottom left of the screen.
Q: How do I view an asset in full screen from within the resources module?
A: After successfully syncing documents, you will see icons on the right side of the screen. Tap an icon to view that document in full screen.
Q: How do I close a document?
A: Once viewing a document in full screen, the toolbar will disappear after a few seconds. Double tap the screen with your finger to display the toolbar with the option to close, bookmark a page, or view thumbnails.
Q: How do I leave a module and go back to the main dashboard?
A: Click the “Home” button on the top right corner of each screen(Apple) or click on the back arrow on the upper left corner (Android).
Q: Why won’t my application refresh?
A: You need an Internet connection in order to refresh data.
Q: Do I need Internet to use the application?
A: Most features can be utilized without an internet connection. You will need internet to download and login to the application, as well as refresh data. Some other features, including web links will require an internet connection.