Rotary Star 2/16/12
By: Jennifer Page
An unseasonably warm February evening lured Rotarians to the Clubhouse this past Thursday night to mingle, dine and hear the latest adventures from our local Boy Scout Troop. Vice President, Jen Page, filled in for President Jim Stormont while hitting the links in sunny Florida and Sue Kreahling offered the invocation. Viv Daniels kicked off the evening by playing the infamous R-O-T-A-R-Y song and then played some Valentine’s Day tunes so that Marty Helman could serenade Frank and keep us all entertained. Chef Kim Mills treated us all to a hearty dinner of prime rib and potatoes followed by delicious chocolate cake and ice cream.
V.P. Jen rang the bell yet again at 7PM sharp. Mike Thompson introduced his guest Brian Hastings of Sawyers Island, Marty Helman introduced local nurse Irene Fowle, and Laura Francis introduced husband Steve as a guest for the last time as he will be joining our ranks as an official Rotarian! Jen went on to read two heartfelt letters of thanks from the Boothbay Region Community Resources group thanking the Club for recent donations of $3500 to the Fuel Assistance Fund and $1000.00 to go towards Housing Assistance. Jim Botti announced that plans are underway for the Annual Soup Bowl Supper to be held on March 29th. Sign-up sheets for help will be circulated at the next meeting. Chip Griffin was awarded a pin for 31 years of perfect attendance (or “perfectly late” attendance according to our group of early birds at the back table).
Program Chair Seth Hedgcock introduced local Scout Leader, Jason Downing, of Troop 274 who gave us an update on all things Scout related including their growing ranks, camping adventures, community projects, and upcoming events such as the “Camporee” to be held in May at our very own Boothbay Railway Village. Downing hopes that high profile events such as the “Camporee” will help to promote Scouting in the region so that their group will continue to grow. For more information on local Scouting you can find them on Facebook under Boy Scout Troop 274 or visit
V.P. Jen efficiently ended the meeting at 7:30 PM getting everyone home in time to put their feet up and catch a little prime time. The cheers could be heard all the way up Oak Street!
Next week’s meeting will be Alex Gaeth of Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Midcoast Maine.
To learn more about Rotary, our Club, and all the good stuff we do visit our website: or "like" us on Facebook at Prospective members, visiting Rotarians and guests are always welcome to join us at our weekly meetings, held Thursday nights at our one-of-a-kind Clubhouse at 29 Oak Street in downtown Boothbay Harbor.Conviviality commences around 6:00 p.m., dinner is served promptly at 6:30, and we then have a short business meeting followed by a special speaker. The evening ends at 8:00 p.m.