Session #1

What Do You Want?

“Weight Loss Goals”

Eliminate The Habit Of Dieting Failure:

Weight-loss failure is primarily due to past failures. These failures create negative conditioning that is referred to as “habit or failure” or “failure expectancy”. The seven steps needed to eliminate this unwanted conditioning are:

1.  Notice specific problem areas

2.  Outline why problems exist

3.  Set reasonable goals

4.  Outline plan of change

5.  Take action to make the plan happen

6.  Reward yourself

7.  Check your progress, and alter plan if needed

Define Your Weight Loss Goals:

Your weight-loss goals should be written in a specific and well-defined manner. Your goals state what you want…not what you want to get rid of. For example, “I weigh 110 pounds.” is a correct goal affirmation. “I want to lose 40 pounds.” is incorrect because it implies to your brain that you are 40 pounds overweight. The correct goal affirmation implies to your brain that you weigh 110 pounds. For the most effective behavioral changes, state goal affirmations correctly.

Here is your initial goal list:

1.  “I control my eating at all times.”

2.  “Overweight eating habits have changed to my new thin eating habits.”

3.  “My weight loss is permanent.”

4.  “I weigh (goal weight). I lost (# of pounds) in (amount of time – months or weeks).

The Two Factors Essential For Lasting Success:

1.  Belief

Belief is our only true reality. Whatever you believe is true, is true to you. Belief dictates what you feel is right or wrong…possible or impossible. Belief is a choice. If you choose to believe weight loss is difficult, it is. Believe weight loss is easy and fun and it becomes so. Discard all doubts about your success and create a POSITIVE BELIEF SYSTEM.

2.  Commitment

Your commitment to your weight loss goals creates the motivation necessary for achievement. Your commitment is the foundation for the development of purpose, persistence, and patience. Commitment is the first step. It leads to the most important factor for success – TAKING ACTION!

The Most Dangerous Element To Weight Loss Success:

Complacency indicates a negative belief that success is unachievable. In all probability, your past attempts at weight loss failed because of complacency. TAKE ACTION instead of being complacent. Focus your thoughts on the many benefits and rewards your goals will bring you and you will defeat complacency.

Step-By-Step Blueprint For Weight Loss Achievement:

Take these five steps necessary for success (as outlined on the Quick Tips CD provided to you).

1.  Define your goals

2.  Develop a plan of action

3.  Implement thought identification

4.  Create a visual goal model

5.  Take action

Session #2

“Road Map To Winning Weight Loss”

Develop Your Plan Of Action:

Your plan of action is the specific attitudes, beliefs, and actions that are necessary for you to implement into your daily routine to achieve success. Affirm and act upon these goals daily.

1.  “I exercise.”

2.  “I eliminate fatty foods and eat healthy foods.”

3.  “I go easy on myself.”

4.  “I am patient.”

5.  “I practice sensory-imagery each day.”

6. “I use persistence and patience during the goal-attainment process.”

Physical Activity:

Fact & Fiction  How much do you really need?

Fact: Exercise, on a consistent basis, is mandatory for permanent weight loss. The type of

exercise should have the following criteria:

ü  Use large muscles – such as the thigh muscles.

ü  Be continuous, without interruption or breaks, like walking or bike riding.

ü  Should increase breathing, but not to the point where you can’t carry on a conversation.

ü  Start with 20 minutes EVERY DAY and gradually up to an hour.

·  After reaching your weight goal, you may be able to exercise only 3 or 4 days a week to maintain.

Walking, jogging, swimming, and bike riding are good examples of moderate intensity exercise. It is important to note that the benefit of exercise is not the amount of calories burned while exercising. The more important and true benefits are:

ü  Lower set point

ü  Create muscle mass that burns fat

ü  Increase metabolic rate

ü  Reduces appetite

Fiction: Exercise increases appetite.

Exercise does not increase appetite. High intensity exercise (heavy weight-lifting, for example) increases appetite, but moderate intensity exercise actually reduces appetite.

The benefit of exercise is not the calories burned while exercising. Moderate intensity exercise causes your body to change how it takes energy from the body. It actually causes stores of fat to be broken down.

Session #3

“Diets Don’t Work! Eat Your Way To Thinness!”

Why Dieting Destroys Your Opportunity For Lasting Success:

Body fat is controlled by a control center in the brain referred to as the weight-regulating mechanism. The regulating mechanism is responsible for what some refer to as the “set point” (the amount you weigh) in two ways:

  1. It controls your appetite - the amount you eat.
  1. It triggers systems to waste or conserve energy.

Decreasing food intake causes your body to slow down the metabolism in order to protect stores of fat. The less you eat, the less you burn…also causing other metabolic, hormonal, and enzymatic changes in order to conserve energy, which causes fatigue. This makes it almost impossible to maintain normal activity levels. A decrease in physical activity further complicates the problem by:

1.  raising the set point (weight level), creating a cycle of increased hunger and energy conservation.

2.  loss of muscle tissue, which causes less fat to be burned.

3.  affecting response to insulin, which causes increase in fat stores.

Reducing food intake to lose weight is like throwing a ball and chain to a drowning man.

Learn The 5 Primary Behaviors That Cause Your Body To Be Fat:

  1. Choice of foods

·  Refined carbohydrates (white flour products and sugar) and foods high in fat raise the set point.

  1. Eating irregularly

·  Skipping meals will cause over-eating later in the day and reduce the metabolism.

  1. Eating for other reasons than hunger

·  Many people eat for entertainment, boredom, compensation for emotional stress, and habit.

  1. Decreasing food intake

·  This causes the body to conserve instead of waste energy and to store fat instead of burn it. Eat plenty of the right kinds of foods will allow your body to burn fat.

  1. Lack of physical activity

·  The only way fat can be reduced and broken down involves muscular activity on a continuous and regular basis.

Correct Nutrition - Fad, Fact & Fantasy:


Eating correctly without exercise will not cause the body to lose fat. Movement is the most important factor in the weight control process. Exercise lowers the set point, increases resting metabolic rate (amount of energy used when resting), and creates lean body mass (which uses fat stores for energy).

Correct food choices:

Study after study has shown that weight gain is more dependent on what types of foods are eaten rather than their caloric content. Eating the right kinds of foods actually cause the body to ‘waste’ rather than ‘conserve’ energy.

  1. Decrease fat consumption

The average American consumes 40% of his calories in the form of fat. Although most nutritionists disagree on the correct amount of fat, we suggest 20%, or half of what the average American consumes.

  1. Reduce refined carbohydrates (white flour products and sugar) and increase complex carbohydrates (whole grain products, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

The quick release of sugar into the blood stream stimulates the release of insulin, which decreases blood-sugar and creates a strong desire to eat within a few hours of intake. Because complex carbohydrates are broken down more slowly, insulin is released at a more even level and energy levels don’t rise and fall as sharply.

  1. Decrease high caloric fluids (including soda with artificial sweeteners)
  1. Increase water intake.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

5.  Eat three meals a day

Some people will need to learn how to eat breakfast. Eating in harmony with natural drives will allow you more control over what you eat. The last meal of the day should be at least four hours prior to bedtime. Also, make at least one meal a day large enough to feel satisfied (not uncomfortably full). If you get hungry between meals, have a snack.

Recommended Reading:

How To Lower Your Fat Thermostat by Remington, Fisher, and Parent.

Master The Most Important Eating Habits Characteristic Of Naturally Thin People:

1. Have a self-image of being thin and energetic.

2. Be physically mobile to develop muscle that burns fat.

3. Like yourself. Have self-esteem.

4.  Understand your body’s relationship with food and exercise.

5.  Control emotions and stress. Handle adversity without using food as a buffer.

Repeat these affirmations daily:

·  “I set and achieve daily performance goals.” (Believe It!)

·  “I monitor my progress.” (Believe It!)

·  “I am a good person deserving of success.” (Believe It!)

·  “I achieve because I take action.” (Believe It!)

·  “I am calm, relaxed, think logically, and reason with precision.” (Believe It!)

Four Steps To Safe, Effective, Lightening-Fast Weight Loss:

This simple formula will dramatically speed up results, which in turn will fuel your motivation for taking continuous action on your journey to lasting success.

  1. Walk briskly each day. Start with 20 minutes and build up to an hour.
  1. People often confuse hunger with thirst. Before eating, drink a 12 oz. glass of water and wait five minutes. If you are still hungry, eat.
  1. Never eat four hours prior to bedtime.
  1. Eat fresh and wholesome foods. When eating out, consume salads, vegetables, fruits, fish, and poultry. Eliminate all sweetened soft drinks.

Sure-Fire Trick To Dissolve Hunger-Pangs And Cravings:

We call this technique, anchoring. Your hypnotist will show you how to create a full and satisfied feeling with a simple thought.

Identifying The Causes Of Success:

The primary factors that are responsible for success are:

·  Implementing your plan of action into your daily routine (TAKING ACTION).

·  Accepting responsibility for your behavior, results, and failures.

The Two Most Important Rules Of The Mind:


Positive self-expectancy is a characteristic present in all achievers. If you expect success without considering the possibility of failure, your success is insured. Only when you doubt that you will have success (negative self-expectancy), failure will begin to rear its ugly head. Your brain and nervous system responds only to the images and information you provide them. Provide your brain with positive images and information and have positive results.


When you have thoughts of fear, your heartbeat speeds up. Thoughts of worry and anxiety can create ulcers. Specific environmental triggers may influence your thoughts about eating. However, your mind is your universe and you control what you think. For example, think how you are enjoying what you are eating…that you are full and satisfied with less  your body and appetite will react accordingly. It is your mind…think what you want!

Belief System Can Make Weight Loss Effortless Or Impossible:

Belief is your basis for all action. Belief dictates feelings, attitudes, and perceptions to our brains. Here are the four Personal Quality Goals that will be mandatory for you to create a positive belief system.

1.  Optimism:

·  “I always expect that good things happen from every situation. There are no failures - only results I learn from.”

2.  Enthusiasm:

·  “Each minute of each day is a special moment that holds many rewards for me.”

3.  Self-Discipline:

·  “I have power and strength. I do what I know is best for me.”

4.  Positive Excitement & Adventure:

·  “Each day I learn and grow. I find wonder and happiness in everything I do.”

Session #4

“Do It Like Thin People Do”

Habit eating is similar to Pavlov’s dog salivating upon hearing the ring of a bell. People, places, or environmental influences effect your desire to eat.

Cue Management Technique:

5.  Eat in specified place.

6.  Only eat.

7.  Keep serving dishes off the table.

8.  Leave table when done eating.

9.  Eat slowly, deliberately tasting every bite.

Break Up The “Habit-Eating Reaction”:

1.  Alternative activity. (Do something besides eat.)

2.  Modify situation. (Change patterns or times concerning eating.)

3.  Change or decrease what you eat.

4.  Delay Technique  Drink water and wait five minutes. If you’re still hungry…then eat.

Session #5

“Your #1 Weight-Loss Weapon”

Use Thoughts To Make Your Weight Loss Easy:

The way you internally represent the weight loss situation will dictate your degree of difficulty. Do you feel losing weight is a golden opportunity to feel better, look better, and an opportunity for a more rewarding and enjoyable life or do you mentally represent weight loss as a hard and difficult process that you will eventually fail at? Remember…what is expected tends to be realized. Mentally represent weight loss as easy and it becomes easy.

Gain Total Control Over Emotional Eating:

Most over-eating or binge eating is an emotional reaction to an emotional problem. Many people will use food as a buffer when confronted with emotional problems. Here are the four primary causes for emotional eating:


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1. Security

2. Reward/Cancellation

3. Pacifier

4. Stimulant


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Predictable Weight Loss Obstacles & What To Do About Them:

The major obstacle you will encounter on your journey to successful weight loss is Yourself. You are totally responsible for what, where, when, and how much you eat. Rationalizing that you “had a bad day” is placing more importance on eating incorrectly than losing weight. Here are some of the lies weight losers tell themselves:

1. I was meant to be fat.

2. Diets don’t work for me.

3. My life is too stressful to lose weight right now.

4. I feel deprived without eating my favorites.

Why You Have Good & Bad Days: