Buzón no. 15, Offex Murcia CB, C.C. Las Velas Calle Catamarán 1, Los Alcázares 30710, Murcia, España
Janice Penning opened the meeting, welcoming the 67 members to the 10th Annual General Meeting.
Apologies received from Frits Ijzendoorn, Jo Pering, Julian Pering, Vernon O’Byrne, Colin Finch, Oakley Petts, David Hobbs, Mick Burgess, Rosemary Kavanagh, Richard Pinkstone, John Parker, Brian Murray, Jack Moss, Carl Vogt, George Wedgwood, Jim Moyles Robert Limehouse, Ingo Wilson, Tim Clarke, Pat Fleck, Kerry & Sue Marlow, Nilam Wright.
- MINUTES OF THE 9TH AGM – These had been distributed and posted on the website. It was proposed that the minutes should be accepted as a true copy. Proposed by Mike Phillips, seconded by Alan Brake and passed unanimously
- MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES – There were no matters arising.
- COMMODORE’S REPORT – Attached.Janice thanked the membership for their support during her term of office and hopes that now she will have time for sailing.
- TREASURER’S REPORT – Peter Ewers gave a report – attached.He complimented the Social Scene for the introducing the 100 club which has supported the purchase of the support boat.
- MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’S REPORT– Apologies were received from Jo Pering (Membership Secretary) However Peter Ewers did advise the meeting that the membership stands at 170 (Full and Family membership) which is the highest it has been since SAMM was formed.
- RACE CHAIR REPORT – Terry Chapman reported, attached. It was disappointing that the autumn series had to be cancelled due to the problems with the support boat and also having to cancel some dates due to a conflict with other CAR activities. There was therefore no presentation of trophies for the racing but the special award for contribution to the Racing was given to Bob Miles for his unstinting dedication in maintenance of the support boat. Terry also outlined use and maintenance of the new support boat. It will be available for all members however not for skiing, fishing. There are basic qualifications required for driving the boat, same as those for the previous rib. A titular or ICC is the basic requirement. This qualification requires NIE and a medical. A course is available at Thomas Maestre, total cost approx. 200€. Members holding this qualification can be taken through the operational procedure for the support boat to ensure competence. Residents must have the Spanish qualification, non residents can use the boat on qualifications held through their own country i.e. RYA certification, but would still need to be familiarised with the craft via Bob Miles.
- WEB MASTER REPORT – Unfortunately it was not possible to download the report before the start of the meeting but a copy is now attached.
- PUBLICITY REPORT Terry Chapman reported. A good coverage has been achieved this year through all the local free papers. Contacts have been established. Any publicity related items can be channelled through Terry for inclusion in articles.
- SOCIAL REPORT Jill Chorley reported. A very successful year on the social front with trips out, the summer bash at the Costa Narejos Hotel, culminating in the Christmas Dinner at the Triana Hotel, San Pedro. It is hoped to replicate this Christmas Dinner in 2016. The Dates for your Diary is currently being prepared but could not be ready for this meeting due to issues regarding the change of meeting date. The 100 club was introduced and proving very popular and a good contribution towards the support boat. The Social Committee had also provided tapas after several meetings and contributed towards the music at various events as well as contributions to publicity for the Open Day and the purchase of the marquee. The monthly draw for the 100 club followed - 27 Graham Wharrad, 30 Chris Rooke, 03 Derek English, and 60 Race Group.
- Election of new Commodore – PaulAndrew Shard, proposed by Adrian Chorley, seconded by Bob Blinkhorn. The vote was carried unanimously. At this point Paul took the chair and continued with the meeting. A vote of thanks was given to both Janice for her term as Commodore and to George for holding the post of Web Manager for 6 years. A bouquet was given to Janice and a gift will be presented to George on his return to Spain.
- Election of Pat Fleck as Web Manager Proposed by John Down, seconded Alan Brake. The vote was carried unanimously.
- Election of Maggie Blinkhorn (Secretary) Peter Ewers (Treasurer) Jo Pering (Membership Secretary) Terry Chapman (PR/Race Chairman), Jill Chorley (Social Committee Chair). Proposed by Anne Phillips, Seconded by Carole Sibson and carried unanimously.
- Proposal to add to the Rules of Association: Members who volunteer for office or do something on behalf of SAMM should not be paid for any time they spend doing the required work but can claim agreed expenses for materials. However, members who have a skill could possibly be asked by SAMM to tender for work against other companies or people as part of a normal procurement service and if they win the contract, should be paid through their company. Proposed by George Wedgwood, seconded by Terry Chapman. The floor vote was 26 for and 8 against.
- To change the date of meetings to second Tuesday in the month, proposed by Jo Pering, seconded by Julian Pering. The floor vote showed 7 votes for the change and the over whelming majority voting to keep the meetings on Wednesday.
- Leaders should have vote at committee. An amendment to the proposal – votes should include any issue that specifically affects a particular group. The amendment was accepted which accepted the whole proposal.
- A.O.B
- Meeting closed at 1.00 p.m.
Prepared by Maggie Blinkhorn ……………………………………………………………
Signed by ………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ………………………………