Membership Recruitment, Outreach and Retention

This document serves as the membership development strategic plan for 2010-2011. Outlined in this plan are the responsibilities of NASW-MI staff and the Regional Board Representatives, as well as the standards for member growth and retention.

NASW-MI Responsibilities

Recruitment Strategies

  • Representation at workshops, conferences, and other events throughout the state.
  • Continual contact with all universities in Michigan that have accredited BSW and/or MSW programs.
  • Development of rapport and collaborative partnerships with agencies, organizations, and associations that employ or assist social workers.

Outreach Strategies

  • New Members
  • Every member who joins receives a New Member letter via US Mail.
  • This letter replaces the previous New Member folder that was sent out.
  • Previous materials / resources are available on NASW-MI website in the MemberResourceCenter. Hard copies can be provided upon request.
  • Reinstated Members
  • Every member who reinstates and has an email address on file receives a personalized ‘Thank you for reinstating’ letter via email.
  • Renewed Members
  • Every member who renews and has an email address on file receives a personalized ‘Thank you for renewing’ letter via email.

Retention Strategies

  • Renewal Notices
  • NASW-MI sends out personalized Membership Renewal emails to members who are due / past-due (within past 3 months) for renewal – see page 7.
  • Members without an email address receive a Renewal letter via US Mail.
  • Pilot test results – Within two weeks of email being sent out, 30 members (7.2%) who needed to renew in previous 3 months (February, March, & April) had renewed. Adding in the May renewals, 123 members (17.6%) had renewed.

Regional Board Representative Responsibilities

Recruitment Strategies

  • Actively engage in discussion with non-members regarding membership at events.
  • Provide resources and important contact information for NASW National or Michigan Chapter if interest is expressed.

Outreach Strategies

  • Serve as a contact for monthly/bi-monthly member meetings in your region.
  • Contact members to thank them for joining or reinstating their membership.
  • Assist the Director of Member Services & Development in outreach activities as needed.

Retention Strategies

  • Contact members to encourage membership renewal before they lapse (members lapse three months after their renewal date).
  • Assist the Director of Member Services & Development in retention activities as needed.

Membership Standards

  1. While recruiting members, engage in casual/regular conversation. If they are able to create a connection with you on an area of interest, experience, etc., they are more likely to join and become involved.
  2. Try not to sell the membership to individuals. Even though membership benefits are the major “products” of NASW, try not to act like a sales agent. By building rapport and fostering a personal connection to non-members and members while explaining the benefits, social workers will want to join or remain with NASW.
  3. Ensure you are available to members of your region. Your email address and/or phone number will be listed in several areas of the website and newsletter for members to contact you, and it is expected that you respond to members if they contact you.
  4. Keep in regular contact with the Director of Member Services & Development. You are the eyes and ears in the social work field across Michigan and you should regularly report to the Chapter office. At least once a month, you should call or email the Director of Member Services & Development to update on your efforts of membership recruitment, outreach, and retention.
  5. Although we want everyone to be a member, it is ok if someone does not want to join or remain a member. If they are not a member and will not join NASW, please find out why! If they are a member and do not plan on renewing, please find out why! There are certain things that we cannot change (such as the price of dues) but there are a lot of things we certainly can change. Feedback on why people will not join or renew is extremely important and needs to be reported to the Director of Member Services & Development as soon as possible.
  6. Feel free to give out contact information to members and non-members if they have bigger questions than you can handle. The NASW-MI staff is always available to answer general questions and both the National and Michigan Chapter websites are updated regularly.

Dear <NAME>,

NASW–Michigan Chapter welcomes you!

Now that you are a member, please consider becoming involved. The best way to discover all the association has to offer you is to keep your contact information with us current. Be sure to update your email with us in order to receive email alerts and e-newsletters from both the National and Chapter offices. The Web is fast becoming one of our most important tools for sharing information and opportunities. At any time, you may change or update your information by contacting our office.

The National website and the Chapter website are separate. You’ll want to check our Chapter website () at least once each month for legislative updates, professional news and resources, and training opportunities in your area.

The Michigan website may be accessed by using your membership number as your username and your postal zip code as your password. If you have any trouble, please call the Chapter office and we will be happy to walk you through the process. According to our records, your information is as follows:

Your member # (username) is: <ID>

Your ZIP code (password) is: <ZIP>

We have recently introduced a Member Resources section on the website, which houses many useful documents pertaining to your membership. This section will be expanding rapidly as more documents are added – so please check often! All materials in this section are available for download and can be made available in a printed form upon request.

Additionally, watch your email mailbox for the Chapter’s monthly newsletter, Connections, which contains articles, events, classified ads, local program listings and much more.

Please call or visit our website for any additional information related to your membership or Chapter activities. We look forward to working with you!


Maxine A. Thome, PhD, LMSW, ACSW, MPH

Executive Director

Vince Coraci, LLMSW

Director of Member Services & Development

Dear NAME,

On behalf of the staff at the NASW-Michigan Chapter, I want to thank you for reinstating your membership. You play a vital role in promoting and advocating for the social work profession and without your support, we could not continue our valuable work.

Now that you are a member again, I encourage you to become involved. The best way to discover all the association has to offer you is to keep your contact information with us current. Be sure to update your contact information with us in order to receive email alerts and e-newsletters from the National and Chapter offices. The Web is fast becoming one of our most important tools for sharing information and opportunities. At any time, you may change or update your information by contacting me.

The National website and the Chapter website are separate. You’ll want to check our Chapter website () at least once each month for legislative updates, professional news and resources, and training opportunities in your area.

The Michiganwebsite may be accessed by using your membership number as your username and your postal zip code as your password. If you have any trouble, please call the Chapter office and we will be happy to walk you through the process.

Again, I want to thank you for reinstating your membership with NASW and I look forward to speaking with you in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.


Vince Coraci, LLMSW

Membership Development Director

NASW-Michigan Chapter

517-487-1548, ext. 15

Dear NAME,

On behalf of the staff at the NASW-Michigan Chapter, I want to thank you for renewing your membership. You play a vital role in promoting and advocating for the social work profession and without your support, we could not continue our valuable work.

To get the most of your membership, I encourage you to become involved. The best way to discover all the association has to offer you is to keep your contact information with us current. Be sure to update your contact information with us in order to receive email alerts and e-newsletters from the National and Chapter offices. The Web is fast becoming one of our most important tools for sharing information and opportunities. At any time, you may change or update your information by contacting me.

The National website and the Chapter website are separate. You’ll want to check our Chapter website () at least once each month for legislative updates, professional news and resources, and training opportunities in your area.

The Michiganwebsite may be accessed by using your membership number as your username and your postal zip code as your password. If you have any trouble, please call the Chapter office and we will be happy to walk you through the process.

Again, I want to thank you for renewing your membership with NASW and I look forward to speaking with you in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.


Vince Coraci, LLMSW

Membership Development Director

NASW-Michigan Chapter

517-487-1548, ext. 15

Dear <NAME>,

On behalf of the NASW-Michigan Chapter, I want to thank you for your membership. You play a vital role in promoting and advocating for the social work profession and without your support, we could not continue our valuable work.

The benefits of being a member of NASW-MI are increasing each year as we find better ways to meet the needs of our membership. As a member, you receive many benefits, including:

  • Resources / Information – Our website ( and Connections newsletter feature updated information and resources on licensure, political arena, regional meetings, CE workshops, and more. Additionally, our staff is available to provide individualized assistance via email and over the phone.
  • Committees & Special Interest Groups – Members are welcome to participate in various committees and Special Interest Groups, designed to help you connect with colleagues and influencing policy, practice, and education.
  • Legislative/Social Policy Committee
  • Program Committee
  • M-PACE Steering Committee
  • Chapter Ethics Committee (CEC)
  • Committee on Nominations and Leadership (CCNLI)
  • Finance Committee
  • Conference Task Force
  • Aging Special Interest Group
  • Healthcare / HIV/AIDS Special Interest Group
  • Human-Animal Bond Special Interest Group
  • Child Welfare Special Interest Group
  • Physical & Sexual Violence & Women’s Issues Special Interest Group
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender (LGBT) Special Interest Group
  • Private Practice Special Interest Group (NEW!)
  • Black Student Social Worker Special Interest Group (NEW!)
  • Community Development Special Interest Group (NEW!)
  • Education – We have recently launched the NASW-MI CE Learning Center, which contains over 100 continuing education courses that you can take in the comfort of your own home or office. In addition, Chapter members receive discounted pricing on all continuing education programs sponsored by NASW-MI.

Our records indicate your membership was up for renewal on <DATE>. I encourage you to renew and continue your involvement with NASW. The easiest way to renew is to call the National NASW Membership Hotline at 1-800-742-4089 and a representative will help you. If you have any concerns regarding your membership with NASW, please call or email me – I would love to hear from you!


Vince Coraci, LLMSW

Director of Member Services & Development

NASW-Michigan Chapter

517-487-1548, ext. 15