Pastor Charles Holmes



The Seven Seals closes the New Testament and sealed it up. That is true. Now, we know that that is, by prophetic utterance, by scientific, and by the Word. Three has give the witness to it, that it's the Truth.


128 Notice Revelations 10:1 to 7, all the mysteries are to be revealed to the Bride, by the messenger of the Laodicea Church. Has anybody got a Revised Version Bible? If you have, you'll notice there where it said, "the angel," it's in parenthesis it says, "the eagle." See? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. See? The messenger to the--the Laodicea Church, see, Revelations 10:1 to 7.

129 And he said that this... in that day that he seen Him come down, and he eat up the little book. And there was... "He put one foot on land, and one on the sea, and swore by Him that lives, and ever and ever, that, 'Time shall be no more.'" And when He did, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. And when the Seven Thunders uttered their voices, John said he was about to write. And He said, "Don't write It." Uh-huh. See? And he sealed It.


149 Notice, there will be no more carrier, mother churches, denominations, after this carrier shuck.

150 Because, after the shuck, there is no more, nothing left by then but just the Grain. Is that right? It's got to be the Grain. It's got to be the same kind that went into the ground, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, a Spirit come upon the Bride to do the same things that He did. See? It's the reproducing again of the Grain.

151 The Word, yet young, spake for Itself, "And know not that I must be about My Father's business?" Huh!

152 There is the secret of the Message now, just exactly, "the Father's business." What is the Father's business?

Could you think of what the Father's business was, in Him? To fulfill what Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." Fulfill what Isaiah, said again, "The lame shall leap like a hart," and all these thing would take place. Like Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet, among you, liken unto me." It was the Father's business, to fulfill that Word.

Well, if that come down through them stalks, of them natural women; what about these stalks of these spiritual, church women? Churches means women, women means "churches," rather. Is that right?

Then what is it now? "We must be about the Father's business," the Wheat would cry back, the Grain. Yes, sir. What must it do? Vindicate Malachi 4, vindicate Luke 17:30, vindicate Hebrews 13:8, vindicate Saint John 14:12, vindicate all of His Word. Vindicate Hebrews, I mean... Revelations, the 10th chapter, of the opening of the Seven Seals, and the mysteries of God; even to serpent's seed, and all, would be manifested; marriage and divorce and all these other mysteries that's been hid under the pillars for all these years, from the theologians and so forth, but it's now the hour. That's the Father's business.

Think they would receive It? They want to be dignified, and say, "Our denomination don't teach us That." But the Bible does. That's right.


So, which a way your nature is this morning! If you're a doubter of God's Word, you would be a doubter over there. I don't care how holy you are, how you live, and how good you live, it wouldn't change you one bit to die, just your dwelling place. And if you can't accept the whole Word of God the way It's written, you wouldn't do it There; so, don't worry, you won't be There.

You've got to accept It in Its fullness, in the power of Its vindication and the revelation of what It is, then you become a part of It. It's only His Word that He'll raise up, as He did His Word on the first Easter morning. Only His Word came forth, and those who had died in His Word, believing His Word and vindicated His Word.


312 Want It come to the city of David, the city of Jerusalem. There was no place ready for it at that time, and so is it today. These great mysteries that's been unfolded by the Seven Seals, there's not a place in any denomination... would have to quit being a denomination to take It. All the way from Luther on down to the Pentecostal Oneness, there's not a place can receive It. Neither can a man receive It and stay in his denomination. He'll have to follow the wheat or go with the shuck, either one he wants to.

313 Christ is our Ark, the Word. They want their denomination. He cannot, notice, cannot be carried on the new carts of the denominations, His Message cannot go on the cart of a new denomination when It's supposed to be bore and come on the heart of a prophet. It cannot. He promised it, It would be thus, and that's the way It must be.

314 So the denomination will never receive It, neither can they receive It. And they're just as blinded to It as the Jews was when they hung Jesus to the cross, when Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, they don't even know what they're doing." Don't despise them, but just pray. For what if you was in that same condition with your eyes so blind that you can't wake up and see what's going on?

315 Neither could they see that That was their very God. When He was hanging there on the cross, and them singing the 22nd Psalm in the temple, two hundred yards away, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? They pierced My feet and My hands." See? "All My bones, they stare at Me. Why has Thou forsaken Me?" And there, the very God that they had sung about, blind enough to have Him tacked to the cross, and didn't know it.

316 Now, don't the Bible say that the Laodicean church, that thinks that she's so great by her denominational members, she'd be "naked, miserable, poor, blind, and don't know it"? What does the blind mean? The blind means for this Laodicean church like it did the ending of the Jewish church, blind to the very Christ that they had on the outside, knocking, trying to get in; "naked, miserable, poor, wretched, blind, and don't know it." O God of mercy!


78 If it's going to cost people anything, they don't want nothing to do with It. That's the way it is today. If It's going to cost you your bunco parties, big times, your cigars, your dirty jokes, all the filth and things of the world... The reason they don't want It, It'll cost them something, your big society name with a lot of glitter on it.

But It'll give you a name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, that fadeth not away. So you must take your choice; you're a free moral agent. Oh, receive God's Christmas Gift is my--my prayer for you.

80 Yes, they don't want It, because It does something to them. Or did the government, the government didn't want Him. Herod didn't want Him. No, sir. Because why? He was going to change his program. And the government don't want Him today. We're supposed to be a Christian nation.

Why, the U.N. don't want Him. They'll take every other idea in the world besides His (See?), they'd never offer prayer. There's no prayer at them sessions. They just go in there and "dog eat dog," as the old expression is from the street. They don't want Christ. He'd have to change their programs; therefore, they don't want Him. They didn't want Him then; they don't want Him now.


97 But they'd try to make a puppet out of Him, pack Him around from place to place like that Pharisee did: brought Him down there to give some entertainment to get a big bunch of guests around, could prove that He wasn't a Prophet. You know the story I teach on that. See? They'd do the same thing today for what he could get together to bring around for their entertainment, they'd do the same thing. And He'd go. Hallelujah. He'd go, for He always goes where He's invited, when He knowed what that Pharisee was going to do. He knowed that Pharisee had no use for Him. He knowed there's a trump up the sleeve somewhere. Them Pharisees had nothing to do with Him; they hated Him.

And this old Simon wanted Him to come down there so He could bring the crowd around his place. But He knew it. He walked on in. Did he pay much attention to Him? It was the dignitaries he was paying attention to. He set back with unwashed feet. It'd be the same thing today. They don't want Christ. They don't want God's way. You see?

98 Yeah, Jesus would say, "You are of your father the devil." And those men kept that laws and things and everything in their denomination and creeds just to the letter; they washed pots. And Jesus said, "You've taken Your creeds and made God's Word of non-effect by your traditions." And Hebrews 9:12 says over there, I believe, no, it's Hebrews 12... no, 9:12 I believe it is, somewhere right along in there, he said that when we are cleansed and pardoned, we are purified from dead carnal works. And when we are truly pardoned of our sins by the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost comes into us and we're dead with carnal works.

Oh, you Pentecostal church, why did you make such a mistake? You blind leading the blind, don't you know you come out of that fifty years ago, and drawed this group of people right back into it? Can't you hear the Word of the Lord? Dry bones, what's the matter with you? You won't receive what's sent to you. They wouldn't then; they won't now.


162-4 {309} That's exactly what it done, what Daniel said this antichrist would do. He will fit the people's place. Yes, it'll fit their--their menu for this day for the churches. For in this church age they don't want the Word, Christ; but they want church. The first thing, they don't ask you if you're a Christian. "What church do you belong to?" "What church?" They don't want Christ, the Word. You go tell them about the Word and how to straighten up; they don't want that.

They want something, just live anyway they want to and still belong to church and obtain their testimony. See, see? So, he fits the menu just exactly. And you remember, "he" was finally called "she" in the Bible. And she was a prostitute and had daughters. Just fits the bill of the day, what the people want. There it is.

163-1 {310} God has promised it; when the Word is refused then they are turned to their desires. Let's read Thessalonians again. Let's... I want you to watch here just a minute. Say, "Well, we read it awhile ago." II Thessalonians 2:9-11, It said that they would, in turning down, rejecting the Truth, they would be given over to a reprobate mind and would believe a lie and would be damned by it. Now, that's what--that's what the Holy Spirit said.

Now, isn't that the desire of the church today? You try to tell people they have to do this, that, or the other; they'll let you know right quick they are Methodists, Presbyterian, or whatmore; they don't have to paddle in your boat. See? Certainly. They want it. And God said, "If they want it, I'll just let them have it. And I'll actually make them believe that that's the truth, 'cause I'll give them a reprobate mind concerning the truth."


354-2 {155} Now, notice, the--the beast come to combat it now, was man. And we all know that this beast of man, this power of man in his intellectuals, recognized that that kosher that Martin Luther had in his hand when he was climbing those steps... They said, "This is the Blood of Jesus Christ. This is the body of Jesus Christ."

And Luther throwed it down and said, "It's bread and wine. It's not the body of Christ, 'cause It's been exalted and setting at the right hand of God, making intercessions." See, wisdom (See?), man.