Maryland Swimming Policies and Procedures

Maryland Swimming (MDSI) operates under its By-Laws, Policies and Procedures and the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations


Business records management policy

Document destruction

Financial Policies and controls


Financial policies, including audits and reviews

Budget Process

Investment policies


Registration and Membership


Reduced Price Memberships

Diversity and Outreach policies


Article 4BOARD

Mission, Vision and Website

Organizational Structure

Board Procedures Job Descriptions

BOD/HOD Meeting Schedule

Conflict of Interest Policy

Convention Delegates and Procedures

Crisis Management Plan

SWIMS Access and Responsibilities

Code of Conduct/Honor Code


Awards and Recognition for Volunteers

Awards and Recognition for Coaches and Clubs

Awards and Recognition for Athletes

Officials Training, Certification and De-Certification

Board of Review


Website management

Anti-Recruiting Policy

LSC Travel polices

Safety – Report of Occurrence


Single Age Group Championships

Performance Awards

Select Camps

Education and Mentoring Programs

Club Mentoring Program

Officials Annual Reimbursement

National Official Qualifying Meet

State Championship Meet Volunteers

Application Procedure

Discretionary Fund Reimbursement


Geographic areas within the LSC

Vendor Bid Policy

Appendix AMinimum Standards for MDSI Officials

Appendix BOfficials Discipline & Decertification

Maryland Swimming Policies and Procedures


1.1.0 Business records management policy

The MDSI Treasurer shall: Authority By-Laws

Invoices: Ensure that invoices are paid timely, that receipts are deposited within a timely time frame.

Bank Statements: Reconcile bank statements monthly and correct anydiscrepancies.

Investments: Manage MDSI investments to achieve a reasonable rate of returnwithout undue risk.

Financial Records: Keep a set of books that accurately presents the status of MDSI financial position and actual expenditures to budget.

Reports: Present current financial information to the Board of Directors at itsmeetings.

Budget: Prepare a budget for the upcoming fiscal year for the Annual Houseof Delegates meeting.

Tax Returns: Ensure that tax return and any other tax or financial required filingsare submitted timely.

National: Send USA Swimming the required financial and tax information as theyrequire.

1.2.0 Document Destruction

MDSI Financial documents are to be maintained by the Treasurer, or by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, for a period of 7 years. The Treasurer is responsible for destruction of any and all financial documents, upon approval of the Executive Board.

1.3.0 Financial policies and controls

Authority – By-Laws. The Treasurer shall be the principal receiving and disbursing officer ofMDSI. Except as otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, the Administrative Assistant shall receive all moneys, incomes, fees and other receipts of MDSI and the Treasurer shall pay all bills, salaries, expenses and other disbursements approved by the LSC Administrative Assistant, the Board of Directors or the House of Delegates,or required to be paid pursuant to Section 8.3. Whenauthorized by the Board ofDirectors, income and expenses may be received and paid by a division, officer, or committee or coordinator, provided that the division, officer or committee or coordinator promptly submits to the Treasurer an itemized report, duly attested by the division, officer, orcommittee chair or coordinator and either within the approved budget of such division, officer, or committee or coordinator, orauthorized by the Board of Directors or the House of Delegates. The Treasurershall be a member of the Finance Committee but may not be its chair. TheTreasurer shall issue a quarterly report listing the current budget variances byline item, all receipts, all expenditures and the current fund and account balancesfor the preceding quarter and for the fiscal year to date, together with suchother items the General Chair or the Board of Directors may direct

1.4.0 Contracts

Authority – By-Laws. The General Chair and Administrative Vice-chair each may sign and executein the name of MDSI; deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, agreements or other instruments duly authorized by the Board of Directors or the MDSI Policies and Procedures.

Additional signing authority may be provided by standing resolutions of the Board of Directors or House of Delegates.

1.5.0 Financial policies, including audits and reviews

1.5.1 Financial and Federal Tax Reports:

Authority- By-Laws The Secretary shall forward to USA Swimming national headquarters a copy of the annual closing Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expense for the preceding fiscal year following the completion of the annual audit

1.5.2 Annual Audit:

Authority – By-Laws. An annual audit, or Financial Review, of the accounts, books and records of MDSI shall be completed no later than the end of the third month following the end of its fiscal year.

The audit, or review, shall be conducted by an independent auditor or by the Audit Committee.

The members of the Audit Committee shall be the Finance Vice Chair, who shall serve as chair, the Administrative Vice Chair and one other member not the Treasurer

If the Audit is done by the Audit Committee, a report shall be presented to the Board of Directors, containing thy signatures of all members of the Audit Committee, stating that the financial records and reports of MDSI have been reviewed and present the financial condition of MDSI. If the audit is performed by an independent auditor, the report shall be in accord generally accepted auditing practices

1.6.0 Budget Process

Authority-By-Laws. The Members of the Budget Committee shall be the General Chair, the Finance Vice Chair, who shall serve as Chair, the Treasurer, the Administrative Vice Chair, the operations/Development Vice Chair, the Senior Athlete Representative, the Age Group Vice Chair and the Senior Vice Chair.

The Budget Committeeis authorized and obligated to annually consult with the officers, committee chairs and coordinators and prepare and present a proposed budget for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates. The proposed budget may contain alternatives.

1.7.0 Investment Policies

Authority – By-Laws. The members of the Finance Committee shall be the General Chair, the Finance Vice Chair who shall serve as chair, the Administrative Vice Chair and the Treasurer.

The Finance Committee is authorized and obligated to develop, establish where so authorized or recommend to the Board of Directors and supervise the execution of policy regarding the investment of MDSI’s working capital, funded reserves and endowment funds, within the guidelines, if any, established by the Board of Directors or the House of Delegates


2.1.0 Registration and Membership

The USA/MDSI Swimming year starts September 1st and ends August 31st each year.

Register Club and Head Coach First!

Next register Assistant coaches. There is no such thing as “a helper”

Then register swimmers.

2.1.1 Club Registration

Authority – By-Laws. Every Club member shall pay an annual fee consisting of a National Club Fee established by USA Swimming and a local club fee established by MDSI.

Each September every club will receive a USA Swimming club registration form that must be completed before any coaches or athletes can be registered.

Every club will receive a personalized MDSI registration form from the MDSI Office. This will list your club code, club name and the registration fee thatapplies to your club. Year Round Club fees vary according to Club Recognition orClub Excellence Achievements. These fees and discounts are listed on theMaryland Swimming registration form.

No swimmers can be registered until the Club and HeadCoach are registered for the new season.

A New Club must contact the MD Swimming Office before attempting toregister.

All clubs are to send 3 delegates to the annual Maryland Swimming House of Delegates meeting, one coach, one athlete and one non-athlete that is not a coach. All 3 must be registered members of USA Swimming

Monthly bills will be emailed to the designated club representative every month

Payment is due to be received by the MDSI Office, with a team check made payable to Maryland Swimming, within 30 days. A late fee of $25 will apply for any payments notreceived. If no payment is received by the following month, (next billing cycle), a grievance may be filed by the MDSI Office, and the athletes and coaches from that club will become unattached until such time as the outstanding bill is paid.

A designated and registered Team/Club Registrations Coordinator must attend a one-time registration training class before their team members can be registered for a new season.

2.1.2 Athlete Registration

Authority – By-Laws. Each Athlete Member shall pay an annual fee consisting of a national fee established by USA Swimming and a local fee established by MDSI.

Athlete registration fees are paid, by club check only, directly to Maryland Swimming upon receipt of a monthly invoice.

All swimmers in a USA Swimming practice or sanctioned meet must beregistered.

USA swimming registration forms are electronically distributed to every club or team representative before the start of the new swimming year. There is a copy posted on the website as well.

Swimmers underthe age of 18 may not sign the consent forms.

Swimmers/Families should fill out a new application every year as contact information or addresses may have changed.

The Team registration coordinator will collect all registration information and shall export the registrations to the MDSI Office electronically. This “batch” of registrations may be up to 400 swimmers or it can be as small as 1 swimmer. Teams registering more than 400 swimmers may contact the MDSI registrar for instructions.

All paper registration forms are to be maintained by the club for 1 year! Do notsend any to the MDSI Office unless they are specifically requested.

Copies of either a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, State proof of age IDcard or a passport must be presented to the club registrar to verify birth date, genderand correct name spelling, for all swimmers when they register for the first time. Copiesof birth certificates should not be maintained.

“New” registration is for a swimmer who has never, ever, been registeredanywhere in the United States with USA Swimming – no matter how long ago.

A “Renewal” is someone who has at some time in his or her life been registeredwith USA Swimming. If you are not sure whether the person is new or renew, enter them as “renew”, the system will flag them.

A swimmer registered with aclub, does not need their card for proof of registration. USA Swimming’s Personal Deck Pass can be used for proof of registration. Coach’s Portal roster may also be used.

Maryland Swimming does not do deck registrations.

Before every MD Swimming sanctioned meet a cross check (Pre Meet Recon) isrun to verify that swimmers entered into the meet are registered. There may bea $100 fine if an unregistered swimmer is entered into a meet. (Thereare additional fines if an unregistered swimmer actually swims in a sanctionedmeet.)

New athlete memberships processed on or after September 1st will be validthrough December of the following year.

At any time, a club may request a copy of their club’s registered athletes.

Always use the athlete’s legal name to register them! The preferred or nicknamemay be entered in the Preferred name box. Do not be afraid to verify aswimmer’s legal name.

If a swimmer has a disability which could affect their participation in normalcompetition, please have them check the appropriate disability box. This is oneexception to the do not mail this form to MDSI Office. In this instance, please mail the registration form to the MDSI Office. We will have the MD

Swimming Adapted Swimming Chair contact the coach to determine if the swimmer may qualify to participate in special USA Disability programs and meets.

Question any information in the registration form that does not appear to becorrect or accurate.

Contact the MDSI Office if you are registering a foreign athlete or have anathlete going to a foreign country to swim. This does not apply to USA Teammembers.

There is no age limit to register as an MDSIathlete.

An athlete who is not a member of a club may register as Unattached.

2.1.3 Non-Athlete Registration

Authority – By-Laws. Each Coach Member shall pay an annual fee consisting of a national fee established by USA Swimming and a local fee established by MDSI.

Individual Members registered as “Other” shall pay an annual fee consisting of a national fee established by USA Swimming and a local fee established by MDSI.

Non-athlete registration is to be used for all Coaches, Officials, MeetSafetyDirectors, Meet Entries Directors, Registration Coordinators,Meet Directors, Chaperones andanyone who is just interested in being a USA swimming member.

All Coaches and other Non-Coach Non-Athlete members must be at least 18 years of age.

All coach applicants must pass the Fundamentals of Coaching 101 before registering as a coach member.

Any coach who is renewing for his/her second year will be required to complete Foundations of Coaching Exam 201 and the Rules & regulations for Swim Coaches, before they can be registered as a coach member.

Anyone 18 and older registering as a non-athlete, in any capacity, must first complete the USA Swimming Background Check. It is posted on the USA Swimming website – There is afee and results are forwarded directly to the MDSIOffice. The Background check must be repeated every 2 years.

Anyone registering as a non-athlete, in any capacity, must complete the Athlete Protection Training course which is found on the website. There is no fee for this training. Results are forwarded directly to the MDSI Office. The Athlete Protection Training must be repeated every 2 years.

Athletes who will also be coaching or assisting, must have 2 types of registration Athlete and Non-Athlete, the reason being that the insurance coverage isvastly different for each.

No one may be on the practice deck or competition deck who is not aregistered coach or official or athlete. The only exception is meet workers suchas timers, safety marshals, computer operators and clerks of course.Having a USA membership does not entitle someone to be on the pool deck at any time.

No one may assist or help with coachingwho is not registered as a USA Swimming Coach Member. Dry Land and Yoga Instructors must be registered non-athlete members and pass the Background Check and the Athlete Protection Training.

Non-athlete registration forms are available through team registrars and are posted on the website. Non athletes affiliated with a MD Swimming club, must process their registrations through their club registrar.

Officials have a different registration form.It is available through club registrars and is posted on the website.

Coaches and Officials and other Non-Athletes, only, may pay by personal check if theirpaperwork is not submitted as part of a club/team submission. All checks are tobe made payable to Maryland Swimming. Non athletes affiliated with a MD Swimming club, must process their registrations through their club registrar.

Coach applications will not be accepted without copies of required certificationsattached. Current CPR and Safety Training for Swim Coaches. Accepted providers are listed on the website as is an explanation of the process for submitting the Safety Training for Swim Coaches certifications. The Background check, Foundations of Coachingand APT course do not need to be attached as they are provided directly to the MDSI Office. The certifications submitted must be current to be registered. TheMDSI Office does not have the ability to update or change Background Check information.

Copies of official Red Cross course record sheets may be supplied as proof of certification.

It is a coach’s responsibility to keep all certifications current with USA/MDSwimming. Lists of certified coaches are distributed for every meet. Not keeping certifications up to datewill result in an inability to be on the pool deck, at practice or at meets. 24hours before the start of a meet, the Meet Referee or meet director is sent a listof coaches who may be on deck for a meet, there can be no exceptions to thatlist without direct communication with the MDSI Office. Updating a certificationand not notifying MD Swimming may result in a coach not being allowed on a pool deckMake sure that all coach certifications are accepted by MD Swimming, aconstantly updated listing of those accepted courses and providers, is postedboth on the MD Swimming website and the USA Swimming website.

When a coach’s earliest certification expires they immediately are downgradedfrom coach member to “other” member and cannot be on the practice deck or the pool deck. There is no grace period for a coach whose certifications haveexpired!

Always use the legal name of the person registering as a non-athlete.

Maryland Swimming pays registration fees for Referees and active members of the MD

Swimming Board of Directors.

Coaches with temporary or permanent disabilities who need assistance to complete their certifications should contact the LSC registrar for a waiver.

Any non-athlete may register as Unattached if they are not affiliated with a particular club.

Deck Pass is the valid proof of membership for Coaches, Officials Non-Athletes and Athletes.

2.2.0 Transfers (Forms and Fees)

There is an official USA Swimming transfer form that is posted on the website. This is the only form that can be submitted.

The transfer form must be submitted by the new club. It cannot be submitted by a parent or athlete, unless they are declaring their new status as Unattached.

MDSI does not charge any fees to process an athlete’s or a non-athlete’s transfer.

Any swimmer who previously swam for another USA club, anywhere in the USmust submit a transfer form when they register. When in doubt, as some swimmers and their parents are not sure, go ahead and register the swimmer with your club. If a transfer isneeded, it will be flagged and the MDSI Office will contact the team’sRegistration Coordinator.