Business Information Management ISyllabus

Fall/Spring 2017-18

INSTRUCTOR:Jacqueline Fields

Room:CHHS RM 239

Contact Info:(469) 272-2000 Ext. 7371,

Office Hours:By appointment

Conference: 6th period- Rm. 239; or by appointment

Tutorials: According to CHHS Policy and by appointment. Tuesday – Thursday- 7:15am – 8:00am; after-school by appointment only.

Course Description/Objective: Business Information Management I

Introduction. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and make a successful transition to the workforce and postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies, create word-processing documents, develop a spreadsheet, formulate a database, and make an electronic presentation using appropriate software.

Text (s): Business Information Management I (MS Office 2013/16), Joyce Nielsen (Author), Suzanne Weixel (Author), Janice Snyder (Author), Pearson Publishing, Boston, MA

Supplies: Notebook, pen, pencil, flash drive and earbuds

Grading Policy:

  • Exams 40% (exams, projects, binders)
  • Daily Work 60% (in class assignments, homework, participation, quizzes)
  • Students are encouraged to utilize student access to view grades, current assignment, and important messages on a daily basis.

Academic Honesty/Ethics: All students are expected to submit their original work. Copying of Labs, projects, tests, or quiz’s will not be tolerated and students risk receiving a F. All students are to adhere to the DCCCD Intellectual Property and Computer Software and Copyright Policy. Please review the Student Code of Conduct in the Catalog and the current schedule. All students are to adhere to the CHISD Computer Software and Copyright Policy. Please review the Student Code of Conduct Handbook. All students have been assigned a personal log-in and should use only the assigned log-in. Using another student/teacher log-in may result in disciplinary action.

Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend regularly all classes in which you are enrolled. You have the responsibility to attend class and to consult with your instructor(s) when an absence occurs. If you are unable to complete a course in which you are registered, it is your responsibility to withdraw from the course by the appropriate date. The date is published in the academic calendar each year. Your instructor cannot do this for you.

Classroom Computer Policy:

All students are expected to submit their original work. Copying of assignments, projects, tests, or quiz’s will not be tolerated and students risk receiving a “zero”. All students are to adhere to the CHISD Computer Software and Copyright Policy. Please review the Student Code of Conduct Handbook. All students have been assigned a personal log-in and should use only the assigned log-in. Using another student/teacher log-in may result in disciplinary action.

Classroom Procedures:

Please adhere to posted and printed classroom procedures.

Disciplinary Procedures/Consequences:District Policy will be followed in regards to disciplinary procedures.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD):

All students are given network and Wi-Fi access. Misuse of this privilege, could result in the removal of access and/or disciplinary procedures in accordance with CHISD policy and applicable laws. Personal devices can be used as a resource to educational instructional activities only and must be turned off/ or put away at the teacher’s request. CHISD personnel are NOT responsible for lost or damage of device(s). Students are encouraged to install a tracking app on all devices. Each student has been assigned an email account. Email address format is with the password of students birthday (mmddyyyy).

Student Organization: All students are encouraged to become a member of Business
Professionals of America – BPA. Dues are $25. For more information on BPA go to and/or Students are also encouraged to participate in University Interscholastic League (UIL) competitive events. No fee is required for this organization but will require after-school tutoring sessions. Please sign up with Ms. Fields.


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First Nine Weeks

  • Excel Basics
  • Working with formulas and formatting
  • Functions, formulas, and charts
  • Advanced chart techniques
  • Pivot tables

Second Nine Weeks

  • Word Basics
  • Basic Editing Skills
  • Formatting Skills
  • Working with Tables
  • Merge editing features
  • Automating tasks
  • Microsoft Office Systems Certification (optional)

Third Nine Weeks

  • Access Basics
  • Tables and datasheets
  • Data entry with lookups and forms
  • Queries
  • Printing reports

Fourth Nine Weeks

  • PowerPoint basics
  • Text and graphic elements
  • Prepare and present show
  • Curriculum Integration
  • Publisher
  • Microsoft Office Systems Certification (optional)

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The syllabus and course outline are subject to change due to teacher, school, and/or district needs

Please sign, date and return to Ms. Fields. You have read and discussed with your child the expectations, classroom policies, and procedures covered in this syllabus. If you have questions or comments, please contact me via e-mail or phone during the indicated conference time.

Print Parent Name: / Parent Signature: / Date:
Print Student Name: / Student Signature: / Date:

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