Business improvement plan
Business Name: ______Proposed improvements for action over the next 6-12 months.
Details of implementation / Responsible person (CEO) / Action officer / Proposed implementation date / CompletedManagement commitment
- Establish and implement a process for conducting annual reviews of safety and injury management systems.
- At six month intervals, work through the Online Benchmarking Tool or Serious About Safe Business (SASB) pack ‘compliance at a glance’ self assessment to identify opportunities for further improvement.
- Incorporate positive work health and safety (WHS) indicators in the monthly report. These indicators might include the number of committee meetings, inspections, corrective actions taken and safe work procedures(SWP) reviewed/relaunched.
- Establish a health and safety management plan that identifies positive performance indicators (PPIs) to measure safety and injury management performance at the workplace. Monitor and report on PPIs and targets regularly.
-a set number of inspections completed per month/quarter etc.
-type/trend of issues identified
-number of staff trained in WHS risk assessments
-number of SWP completed
-number of staff trained in SWP.
- Ensure that WHS and rehabilitation accountabilities of staff are reflected in position descriptions.
Consultation, cooperation and coordination
- Review and improve communication and consultation with staff at all Queenslandwork sites in regard to WHS and rehabilitation.
- Establish a health and safety committee to consult on matters across all work sites.
- Implement a program of monthly safety toolbox talks.
Risk management andsafe work procedures
- Review the effectiveness of current contractor arrangements, including monitoring contractors identified on site and completing contractor inductionto ensure risks are being managed effectively.
- Assess the risks associated with mobile plant and pedestrians and implement controls to manage the risk.
- Review current risk assessments andSWP for high risk tasks (including hazardous manual tasks) and ensure that controls are implemented as per the hierarchy of controls.
- Conduct an audit of trolleys and other mechanical aids as part of the risk assessment process.
- Develop a maintenance schedule for plant and equipment.
- Ensure that where risk assessments have indicated the need for a SWP, these documents are communicated to and understood by workers, contractors, visitors etc. For example, use illustrations to effectively communicate messages.
Training and supervision
- Roll out the planned orientation and induction process to ensure all employeesare well informed about WHS roles and responsibilities and rehabilitation and return to work practices.
- Implement toolbox talks or safety alert discussions with workers to raise awareness of WHS issues.
- Undertake a training needs assessment with those responsible for undertaking WHS activities to help them perform their workplace health and safety duties. This may include training in hazard identification and risk assessment procedures.
Reporting safety
- Implement a hazard inspection and reporting system at the store level and record findings/actions.
- Develop a procedure for reporting all notifiable incidents to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, as per statutory requirements.
- Review inspection checklists to ensure that physical and psychological hazards are being assessed (for example, risk of fatigue, aggression from customers etc.).
- Ensure that corrective actions are followed through, monitored and reviewed.
- Seek worker input during regular hazard inspections.
Workers compensation and return to work programs
- Complete QCOMP’sYour Overall Return to Work Systemchecklist to assess stay at work (rehabilitation and return to work) procedures.
Further development
- Subscribe to e-SAFE to ensure the workplace is up to date with legislative and other changes.
Signature: ……………………………Print Name………………………………..Position …………………….. Date: ……/……/20……
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Injury Prevention and Management (IPaM) – Business improvement plan
PN11316Version 2 Last updated January 2013