Petroleum Engineering
1. Reservoir fluids engineering
2. Production mechanisms
1. Project Management
2. Project, Financial & HR Management
3. Socio- Technical System Design
Materials Engineering
1. Microsystems and Nanotechnology
2. Metal castings
3. Non-Ferrous metals engineering
4. Engineering graphics
5. Power system analysis
6. Fuel cell technology
7. Computer aided manufacturing
8. Machine vision and sensors
9. Electronic devices
10. Design of digital and VLSI systems
11. Microwaves and fiber optics
12. Communications theory and systems
13. Mobile communications
Civil Engineering
1. Earthquake Engineering
2. Structure Analysis
Chemical Engineering
1. Fuel cell technology
2. Computer aided manufacturing
3. Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer
4. Cryogenic engineering
1. Advanced GIS Methods
2. Drinking Water Quality & Treatment
3. Emergency Water Supply GIS Fundamentals
Safety, Risk and Reliability
1. Occupational Health & Safety
Environmental Engineering
1. Microbiology for Environmental Engineering
2. Meteorology and hydrometry
3. Solid waste management
4. Air pollution control
5. Contaminated land and groundwater
6. Water resources management
7. Environmental System Modeling
1. Manufacturing Management
2. Microsystems and Nanotechnology
3. Intelligent Information Systems
4. Metallic Structures
5. Nanotechnology
6. Operations Management
7. Organization Analysis and Design
8. Precision Engineering
9. Risk Management and Reliability Engineering
10. Ergonomics
11. Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Environment Sciences
1. Flood Risk Management
2. Potable Water Treatment Technologies
3. Process Engineering and System Hydraulics
4. Process Science and Engineering
5. Soil Plant Water Management
6. Surface and Groundwater Hydrology
7. Sustainable Resource Management
Civil Engineering
1. Concrete Materials
2. Reinforced Concrete
3. Design and Construction
4. Structural Assessment and Loading
Water Engineering
1. Biological Processes
2. Chemical Processes
3. Membrane Bioreactors
4. Modelling Hydrological Systems
5. Risk and Reliability Engineering
6. Sustainable Resource Management
Computer Science
1. SAP
2. Information systems
3. Distributed systems
4. Object-oriented programming and design
5. ORACLE Financial
6. Software Quality Assurance
7. GIS
8. Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems
9. Computer science fundamentals
10. JAVA for beginners
11. Introduction to programming
12. C++ for Dummies
13. Introduction to algorithms
14. Multimedia & graphic designing
15. Web designing
16. Networks & distributed systems
17. System software engineering
Fine Arts
1. Cultural Resource Management
2. Heritage Conservation Planning
3. Drawing
4. Painting
5. Sculpture
6. Printmaking
7. contemporary art theory
8. Introduction to electro acoustic and computer music.
9. Cultural Resource Management
10. Foundations in Indigenous Fine Arts
11. Heritage Conservation Planning
12. Collection Management
13. Cultural Heritage Sector Leadership
1. Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases
2. Dermatology
3. Diabetes - Courses relating to Diabetes include Intensive Management
Transport Engineering
1. Transport engineering and operations
2. Transport policy
3. Highway engineering
4. Railway policy, management and engineering
5. Freight transport
6. Design of roads, rail, bridges, tunnels and embankments
Social Science
1. Criminal Justice Organisations: Dimensions and Challenges
2. Contemporary Perspectives in Criminology
3. Public Policy Issues in Crime and Justice
4. Introduction to Criminal Law
5. Social Impact Assessment
6. Understanding Social Policy
7. Social Justice and Health
8. Social Impact Assessment
9. Sex, Drugs & Disease: Health of the Marginalised
10. Methods in Gender Planning
11. Governance and Community Engagement
12. Social Planning for Development
13. Research Methodology in Social Sciences
14. Reproductive Health: Social Dimensions