Works Cited

"Business Coalition for Climate Action Doubles." Environmental Defense. 8 May 2007. Environmental Defense Organization. 24 May 2007 <>.

Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times on the Web 22 May 2007. 25 May 2007 <>.

Global Warming. 2007. Cooler Heads Coalition. 24 May 2007 <>.

Gowdy, John. "Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics of Sustainability." International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14.1 (2007): 27-36.

Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology. New York: Springer, 2005.

Milken, Michael, Gary Becker, Myron Scholes, and Daniel Kahneman. "On Global Warming and Financial Imbalances." New Perspectives Quarterly 23.4 (2006): 63.

Nordhaus, William D. "After Kyoto: Alternative Mechanisms to Control Global Warming." American Economic Review 96.2 (2006): 31-34.

Shulte, Bret. "Putting a Price on Pollution; Climate change laws seem inevitable, but their economic impact is unknown." US News & World Report 14 May 2007. 24 May 2007.

Uzawa, Hirofumi. Economic Theory and Global Warming. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003

How to prepare the works cited page

General rules – Check each one off to ensure that you have done it.

1. Entitle this page: Works Cited. Center this title at the top of the page. Double space between the title and your first citation.

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2. List all entries in alphabetical order by last name of the author; sources with no author (ex. websites, databases, etc.) should be alphabetized by the first important word in the entry.

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3. Double-space between lines of an entry and between entries.

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4. Begin the first line of each entry at the left margin then use a hanging indent.

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5. Each source on your works cited must match up with a parenthetical

citation within your paper

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6. For URL addresses (http://www.....) Make sure the web address is in black and not underlined (right click on the address and select remove hyperlink or change it manually)

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7. Follow the MLA Citation Guide CAREFULLY – make sure your citations are in correct MLA format (including punctuation!!!!)

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