Burlescombe Parish Council May 2017Minutes


Minutes of

Annual General Meeting

Held in the Community Hall, Burlescombe on Monday 8th May 2017 at 7pm


5.1 / Present:
Councillors: Les Neville (Chairman), David Sprague, Karen Collard, Kevin Stower, Cliff Taylor Judy Downing
District Councillors Heather Bainbridge & Christine Collis
County Councillor Ray Radford
PCSO Carrie Morris
Parish Clerk/RFO - Leslie Findlay / ACTION
5.2.1 / Apologies: No apologies
The Current Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting before Councillors voted for the election of Chairman. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved that Les Neville remain in post. Having agreed, the Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.
It was unanimously agreed that Councillor Karen Collard should remain in post as Vice Chair.
5.3 / Declaration of Interests:
No declarations made.
5.4 / All Parish Councillors agreed to receive all correspondence by email.
5.5.2 / Election of Appointments and Committees
The following appointments and Committees were unanimously approved:
Chair of Planning – Councillor Stower
Vice Chair of Planning – Councillor Taylor
Planning Committee – Councillors Sprague, Downing and Collard
Risk Management Committee – Chairman, RFO and one Councillor
Responsibilities on the Council:
Highways / David Sprague
Quarry Liaison / Judy Downing
Play Areas / Karen Collard
ORL/Park Wood / Cliff Taylor
PROW / Les Neville
Grand Western Canal / Les Neville
St Mary’s Church / David Sprague
Community Hall / David Sprague
Westleigh Representative / Karen Collard
Responsible Financial Officer / Leslie Findlay (Clerk)
5.6 / Police Report:
PCSO Carrie Morris introduced herself and was welcomed by the Chairman. It was agreed that the Police monthly reports can be rather misleading and PCSO Morris will inform the Clerk if there are any issues that pertain to the Villages. Councillors thanked PCSO Morris for her recent presence around the ORL, where there has been a few incidents of petty vandalism. She will continue to patrol the area whenever possible and be present at the School gates at drop off time or collecting time to encourage Parents to park responsibly. It is also hoped this may encourage traffic to drive more slowly through Burlescombe!
Offence / recorded crime Apr 16 to May 17 / recorded crime Apr 15 to May 17
Violence with injury / 8 / 5
Violence without injury / 14 / 4
Rape / 0 / 1
Other Sexual Offences / 2 / 1
Burglary Dwelling / 0 / 3
Burglary Non-Dwelling / 3 / 2
Vehicle Offences / 3 / 2
Shoplifting / 1 / 1
Other Theft / 7 / 8
Criminal Damage / 4 / 2
Public Order Offences / 3 / 4
Trafficking of Drugs / 2 / 1
Possession of Drugs / 3 / 1
Other Offences / 1 / 0
Crime Recorded
Public Safety
Anti-Social Behaviour
Crime not recorded
TOTAL / 51
136 / 35
Mr Gerard Stewart informed the Councillors that he had attended the recent Quarry Liaison Meeting and had been assessing local opinion on the possibility of a 20mph speed limit through the village which was in support of a statutory limit. (This was further discussed later in the Meeting).
In addition he reported that recently a lot of stones were coming off the loaded lorries and indeed a cairn was starting to be built by the Redlands Factory. The Chairman reminded everyone that it was important that if a lorry was seen going through the village unsheeted it should be reported to Mr James Sims (A.I.) who will take action. / ALL
5.7.4 / Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
Notice Boards – Clerk informed the Councillors that the new Notice Board for Ayshford has been ordered and Mr Howard Pope will be repairing the leak on the Burlescombe Board.
Telephone Box in Westleigh. The Chairman had been unable to find a volunteer to restore the Box so it was agreed that the Clerk should contact Mr Pope to see if he would be willing to take the task on or recommend somebody else.
Town Farm Quarry Liaison. Clerk read out an email from Mr Mike Deaton (DCC), suggesting that instead of a Liaison Meeting a representative from the Quarry attend a PC Meeting. This was not agreeable to Councillors and Clerk to reply to Mr Deaton requesting an Annual Liaison Meeting and preferably in Sept.
20mph speed limit through the village. There was a considerable discussion regarding the pros and cons to having a statutory speed limit of 20mph through Burlescombe as opposed to an advisory one which A.I. had agreed to abide by. Cllr Radford confirmed that a statutory limit would involve a TFO which can be a costly business and lengthy process.
A 20mph speed limit to be introduced was proposed and seconded with one objection (KC) two abstentions (LN, DS) and three approvals (KS, JD, CT). With such a divided Council it was agreedthe Clerk should contact Mike Deaton to request more information on both processes.
The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record and unanimously approved by the Councillors. / LF
5.8 / Chairman’s Report
Grand Western Canal - The menagerie at Fossend now includes two Canada geese and one native white goose. There were 7 ducklings but only 5 have survived. The swans have eight cygnets. ‘Tilting Weir’ installation should be completed very soon.
5.9.3 / Planning:
The following new applications were discussed:
17/00648/MFUL Extension to slurry store (1150 sq. m.) at Bycott Farm, Lower town, Halberton (neighbouring parish) – No Objections
17/00657/HOUSE retention of PV solar panels on roof and flues for pellet boiler and cooker at Ley Barn, Westleigh – No Objections
17/00718/FULL Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling and formation of new vehicular access (Revised Scheme) at Corner of Brimstone Lane, Westleigh- No Objections
The Planning Committee Meeting April Minutes were signed and approved. (Available to view on the website).
MDDC Decisions:
17/00269/HOUSE Erection of a single storey extension to form sun lounge and single storey storage building at Spirings Cottage – granted full planning permission
5.10 / Councillor Downing’s Report
Westleigh Quarry Liaison Group Meeting, Monday April 24th 2017 at Burlescombe.
In the Quarry Report given by James Sims (Manager A.I.) he mentioned that this first quarter of this year had been a very busy time at the quarry with production continuing at an upward level & that there had been much demand for asphalt also particularly with the M5.
There were 2 complaints about noise in January- blasting near the Westleigh area. Cllr Downing mentioned dust as another issue- there was a particularly large amount visible on Thursday April 13th- 1 complaint had been received by A.I. James intimated that the Environmental Agency will be monitoring dust in the near future.
Cllr Taylor raised the issue of lorry damage on the railway bridge - a lorry had obviously collided with the bridge & a stone was moved forward, Cllr Taylor had contacted British Rail & an engineer had inspected the damage! Colours of paintwork left at the scene were equivalent to A.I. lorries & at lorry height! 3 Councillors notified A.I. management.
Cllr Downing rang twice in this period to report lorries transporting stone which were not 'sheeted' - these were not A.I. lorries. It was again mentioned that the amount of stones on the road near the Ayshford former Pub were quite considerable & a slip hazard.
Cllr Neville mentioned again the brightness of the lights at the Asphalt Plant & asked if this could be reduced without causing a problem for lorries using the area.
Cllr Downing mentioned the problem noted by other Westleigh residents of traffic in a queue at the Canonsleigh entrance at busy commuter times causing road restrictions.
Alternative Route.
A.I. Contracting Division have been given the updated costs of development by D.C.C. & a bill of quantities is being prepared. Mike Deaton (D.C.C.) said Somerset C.C. would have to also be involved in discussions.
20 MPH Zoning.
After much discussion the general agreement was for the Parish Council to discuss & decide on 20mph zoning or speed restrictions to be put in place in Burlescombe (from Canonsleigh end near the electricity sub-station on private land to St. Mary's car park (this would have to be given permission by the Church Council).
The Minerals Local Plan is now adopted & published.
Traffic Movements.
These are up on the same period as last year, between January & April this year an average daily amount of 237 lorries passed through Burlescombe.
The designing & installation of equipment to divert water from Fenacre Brook to the canal is still causing problems - A.I. said the problem was being held up by an over-worked Environmental Agency.
Hopefully the new notice board & replacement for the other original notice board at the Old Railway Track (explaining the history etc.) will be 'pushed forward' by management at A.I.
Cllr Neville said we hoped to have an official opening in early summer this year.
Next Meeting - 24th July 2017 at Westleigh URC Hall 4pm.
5.11 / Councillor Sprague’s Report
The potholes continue to increase on the road out of Burlescombe towards the A38 and the chevron signs have been removed from the sharp bend above St Mary’s Church. Cllr Radford will remind Nick Allan of the Councillors concerns.
No report for St Mary’s Church or the Community Hall. / RR
5.12.3 / Cllr Taylor’s Report
It is looking very nice and I have only needed to remove a small ladder from the path since the last report.
The nature reserve is growing like wildfire along with all the weeds along the ORL. Clerk was to contact Grahame Hawkins to ensure the maintenance gets underway shortly.
The Units have had the tyresand a lot of the general rubbish removed and a skip is now in place andthe area is looking a lot tidier now.
The Water Tower
I met with Mark from AI who looked at the structure with me, the overgrown Ivy is damaging the tower but also holding it together, There is a large crack from the top to the bottom of the tower from the ORL side.
It is not in a good state and will no doubt require further investigations to understand what remedial works will have to be carried out.
In the meantime I have ordered a”dangerous structure keep off” sign to put up.
It was decided that the maintenance of the Water Tower needed to be formalised, Clerk requested to write to John Penny(A.I.) to see if they wish to restore the Tower or if it is to be demolished will assist with the cost.
Weeds are growing on the paths and the bluebells look magnificent. Clerk to check with Grahame Hawkins to start the weed spraying. / LF
5.13.7 / Clerk’s Report
The Internal Auditor had completed Section three of the Annual Audit.
Councillors approved the Annual Governance Statement.
Councillors approved Section 2 of the Accounts for Audit. Both statements were signed by the Chairman who thanked the Clerk for her work on producing the accounts for audit.
The following expenditure was approved:
Amount £ / Cheque No / Payable to / Comments
292.50 / BACS / Countrywide Grounds Maintenance / Grass cutting for Mar, Apr & May
1153.20 / BACS / Signs of Cheshire Ltd / Deposit for Ayshford Notice Board
36.00 / 702 & 704 / Community Hall / Hire of Hall
185.90 / BACS / HRP Construction Ltd / Repair of Westleigh Notice Board
195.00 / BACS / Norman Snell / Internal Audit invoice
10.50 / BACS / URC Hall / Hire of Hall
25.00 / 703 / Friends of GWC / Annual membership
It was agreed that the membership for the Friends of the Grand Western Canal should be paid by Standing Order in future. This will take effect from 01 April 2018.
Chair of Planning requested authority to purchase a tablet and projector in order to assist with the planning meetings. This was fully supported by all Councillors and approval was given for the following funding:
ASUS Transformer Book - £249.99
Dell Mobile Projector - £399.00
Also for a case to be purchased to protect the items – price not available but funding agreed up to £50
Income received:
£11.92 Wayleave payment
£936.66 VAT rebate
5.13.8 / Correspondence
Register of Interests – letter from MDDC forwarded to all Councillors
The Chairman of MDDC had requested to attend a Meeting. Clerk to respond suggesting the July or October meeting. / LF
5.13.9 / Matters brought forward for information or future agenda:
Clerk had distributed proposed dates for the 2018 meetings, as the first Monday in May 2018 is a Bank Holiday it was agreed to postpone the Annual General Meeting until the 14th May.
106 Monies – It was agreed the Clerk, Cllrs Stower and Taylor will have a meeting to discuss this issue and brief the Council at the June meeting.
The Clerk had received a letter from the Definitive Map Review with an anomaly regarding footpath 10 in the Culmstock Parish. In the past there had been some correspondence regarding this issue from a Burlescombe Parishioner. The Chairman will contact the parishioner and respond to Tania Weeks.
The Chairman announced that David Beard will be leaving the parish shortly and it was suggested that a letter should be sent to him thanking him for all his previous work on the Council.
Cllr Downing requested funding to purchase bulbs for planting in Park Wood and ORL. The costs are Snowdrops £55 for 500 or £95 for 1000.
Bluebells £38 for 200 or £90 for 500
It was agreed that 500 snowdrops and 200 bluebell bulbs should be purchased.
The Chairman congratulated Cllr Ray Radford on his re-election as our County Councillor. Cllr Radford thanked all the Parishioners who voted for him and said it was a real honour and he has been a County Councillor for 12 years. He expressed his hope to represent the whole Community.
He has been elected as the Chairman of DCC for this forthcoming year and apologised that he may not make all our Council meetings.
There are three Councillor vacancies, if anyone is interested in becoming a Councillor they should contact the Chairman or Clerk, they would be most welcome.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 5thJune 2017 at 7pm in the URC Hall, Westleigh. / KS

Les Neville


Burlescombe Parish Council