BULLETIN ITEM: Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of June 14 2006

(ECB June 14, 2006, MWM)

LAST THREAT ASSESSMENT: MAJOR TECTONIC THREAT RELATED TO A DEVELOPING RUPTURE IN THE ALEUTIAN ISLANDS. We are in the middle of a Full Moon Perigee. As predicted, the new focal points of stress emerged. They are in the Caribbean and in the Aleutian Islands with two 6 plus mag quakes today. This should be one of the weakest Full Moon syzygies of the year, BUT, watch out. Hurricane Season is upon us and we will have another sudden peak in the Sunspot Count during the next few days. Any storms active during that time could suddenly build into major intensity. Those in volcanic zones CONTINUE TO pay heed: volcanic activity likely will peak during this month for the year, new eruptions could emerge, as one did today in Merapi. Activity should begin to fade away during July - September.

The Polar Motion Anomaly of 2005/2006 – The Spin Axis Shifted

NOT MUCH NEW NEWS. The Spiral of polar motion is still growing higher on the IERS X plot but at a very slow pace. Mostly likely this spiral is near its X Max and the Spin Axis will soon begin to move away from England. If so, it will be clear that that we ARE in a new wobble cycle and that the total phase shift between the last cycle and the new cycle is a little larger than 180 degrees.

For detailed background and links to graphics, etc, see the Earth Change Bulletin Update As Of June 7, 2006 at


Another way to see this hop in the average location of the Spin Axis, view the latest IERS waveform plots of polar motion rather than the spiral waveform of the Earth’s normal wobble. Scroll down the following page to find the X and Y Plots. On the X plot, observe the right hand side, see the hump on top of a previous hump. The top of the previous hump represents the new zero line (average location of the spin axis in the X dimension). Quite a shift, is it not?

For The Changes In The Earth 2006-2050

Have the Earth Changes begun, the ones predicted by Edgar Cayce and many other psychics and prophets. Doubtless. They began within a year of Cayce’s 1998 date, during the peak of Solar Cycle 23. They are now accelerating at a progressive rate and will continue to do so during the next 20 years. At some point they will culminate in a return to stability or an even more radical “adjustment” of all vectors, which could include an avalanche of the crust.

Global Warming is doubtless one of the “upheavals” and “Changes In The Earth” predicted by Edgar Cayce. It has appeared EXACTLY on his schedule. Even five years ago it was not possible to come to this conclusion. Now we can see the whole process of epochal world change and how all the elements interact. From this assessment, and only from this assessment (empirical earth science is too blind to forecast on this level) we can predict that the Phoenix is on track and that increased change, catastrophe, and disruption is inevitable in practically all ways progressively in each of the next several years. Each year we are sinking more deeply into the chaos.


STANDING DESCRIPTION: Generally, solar MIN conditions have nearly claimed the Sun. Information on this front will generally be minimal during the next three years.

STANDING FORECAST: New dimensional modeling of the solar vortex confirms Walter Russell’s model of the Sun, as delineated during the 1930s. From recent findings in the torus modeling of the flow of Solar Activity, researchers in Colorado predict, on an historical statistical basis, that the next cycle of Solar Activity, Cycle 24, will begin in 2007 and generate activity which is 30% to 50% greater than the last cycle. I regret to predict that, IF this is true, the Global Warming Syndrome will be accelerated into greater extremes than we have seen yet and dare not even imagine at this time. Everything of the last seven years, in spades, beginning in about 2010 and lasting through to about 2014. The impacts of course will be on the weather, on the climate, on the species, and definitely as well on human violence. DEFINITELY ON HUMAN VIOLENCE AND POLITICAL IRRATIONALITY – a 30% to 50% increase in stimulation of activity and expression between 2010 and 2014 – think about it!.


BUT, Solar Flux is low 72 and rising suddenly.

More probable than not, Sunspot Count will climb today or begin to tomorrow or the next day.

Fluxgate Monitor at the U of Alaska shows smooth long wave rolling lines during the past 36 hours. No disturbing “chop” for communications difficulties with noise, just long slow major atmospheric variations. The Earth is NOT inside any solar wind stream, there are no serious holes in the solar corona (a squall in the solar atmosphere). This drops the chance of X or M class flares to 1%, respectively, with a 10-15% chance of major magnetic disturbances in the higher latitudes.

THE SOLAR MINIMA: Portions of NASA’s website are referring to the Sun as being at MINIMA with Solar Cycle 23 more or less over. This is NOT CORRECT information. MINIMA is a month in which the average daily Sunspot Count is less than 5. This could be as low as zero, which it has occasionally reached. We will see MINIMA only in retrospect, after the fact, when the average monthly Sunspot Count begins to rise again. We are not there yet but it could now happen practically anytime in 2006 or 2007. Keep in mind that the sunspot cycle is always irregular and definitely a tad unpredictable. It can go a couple extra years in length, or be as short as nine years. So now you know why everybody you read quotes somewhat different numbers. This cycle was less energetic than previous ones and I expect it to end pretty much on the dull average for these cycles, or slightly less than the average 11.5 years. But this is definitely not written in stone.

CONFIRMED AND CONTINUING: Strong prediction: sunspot count and solar activity will slowly taper to zero during the next 60 days with Mercury forming brief but smallish peaks as it aligns with other planets.


Oops. We were closer to eating crow about doomsday meteors and comets than I want to think about. The exploding comet fragment in Norway was huge by any standards, not just by Norway’s. But as they say, a miss is as good as a mile.

NASA ADVISES: “CONVERGING PLANETS: Stick up your thumb and hold it at arm's length. You can use it, thus, to cover two planets. Mars and Saturn are converging for a close encounter, and tonight they'll be tight enough fit behind your thumb-tip. Look for them in the western sky after sunset.” They will be easy to spot, the planets generally shine first because they are brighter than the stars and they are in the zodiac circle which the Sun tracked through during the day. You may be able to spot Mercury as well just above the setting Sun. Your timing has to be perfect.

Moon is 18 days past New Moon and it now 87% of Full, shrinking rapidly towards the next New Moon on June 25, 2006. It is some 368,000 km from the Earth and is still in its South Node almost to Perigee. More or less, lunar influence will still be increasing for the next few days through to the next Perigee on June 16, 2006.


Perigee Apogee

May 22 15:30 368614 km N-4d13h Jun 4 1:42 404079 km F-7d16h

Jun 16 17:09 368925 km F+4d23h Jul 1 20:14 404447 km N+6d 4h

Jul 13 17:36 364286 km F+2d14h Jul 29 13:03 405404 km N+4d 8h

Aug 10 18:29 359754 km F+1d 7h Aug 26 1:24 406270 km - N+2d 6h

Sep 8 3:08 357174 km + F+ 8h Sep 22 5:22 406498 km -- N- 6h

Oct 6 14:08 357409 km F- 13h Oct 19 9:36 406073 km - N-2d19h

Nov 3 23:52 360597 km F-1d13h Nov 15 23:21 405192 km N-4d22h

Dec 2 0:07 365922 km F-3d 0h Dec 13 18:57 404416 km N-6d19h

New Full

2006 May 27 5:28 2006 Jun 11 18:05

2006 Jun 25 16:07 2006 Jul 11 3:04

2006 Jul 25 4:32 2006 Aug 9 10:56

2006 Aug 23 19:11 2006 Sep 7 18:44

2006 Sep 22 11:46 2006 Oct 7 3:14

2006 Oct 22 5:15 2006 Nov 5 12:59

2006 Nov 20 22:18 2006 Dec 5 0:25

2006 Dec 20 14:01 2007 Jan 3 13:58

Since the New Moon Syzygies will be far from Perigees during the next three lunar cycles, their influences will be the weakest of 2006. On August 9, a Full Moon will be followed by an August 10 Perigee. Thereafter through the Fall, Full Moons should have the maximum syzygy punch on the Earth. All dates UTC.

Here is the list of the remaining Super Moon Syzygies for 2006, meaning a New or Full Moon at Perigee or within 90 per cent.
SEP 07, 2006 | 06:43 PM | FULL MOON
OCT 07, 2006 | 03:13 AM | FULL MOON
In accordance with Hotno’s remarks, the October Full Moon may be the deadliest during 2006, esp. through the Medit-Himalayan Belt.

PLANETARY ALIGNMENTS: The next two major planetary dates to watch for is June 21, the Summer Solstice more or less, and July 16. On the Solstice, Mercury will align with Jupiter and then speed by to align with Earth on July 16. Anticipate major sunspot peaks, perhaps in the range of 60-100 about five days prior to both alignments. These will most likely be accompanied by solar pyrotechnics in the form of flares, auroras, CME”s. Impact on the Earth’s weather will be substantial and will immediately push any existing hurricanes, cyclones, t-storms, and tornadoes into higher energy states. The last half of July should be very petulant and tropical storms during that period are especially likely to be extreme.

August should lull down for the first two weeks until another double-header alignment forms up on about August 21. The Earth will align with Neptune about August 20, which will produce a minor peak in Solar Activity about August 15, while Mercury will align with Venus about August 21 and quickly speed by Saturn the next day. These passages most likely will produce another spectacular increase in Solar Activity.

Beware then, THE IDES OF AUGUST. Hurricane activity will be greatly stimulated during the third week of August leading into the New Moon period on August 23. The New Moon of August may be especially ominous this year.

But wait it can and most likely will get worse about the end of August when Solar Activity is pulled out in even larger volumes by a triple header alignment on September 4.

September 4 will bring alignments between Venus and Saturn, Mercury and Mars, and Earth and Uranus. This may very likely produce a week long plateau above 50 in the Sunspot Count, along with three distinct peaks, one of which will reach towards 100.

Any hurricanes which form up about the New Moon of August 23 or during the ensuing week are likely to be stimulated THREE TIMES by the Sun, a few days apart each time.

This will be a very good time indeed to be a long ways away from Gulf and Eastern beaches. Take your last August and early September vacation in the Mountains, preferably the Rockies, or in places like Maine and Newfoundland.

AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: (ECB April 5, 2006, MWM) All weather patterns and ocean temperature patterns strongly hint that the increased ferocity of storms this year will move right on schedule, perhaps slightly early this year. The Gulf Coast and the entire Mississippi Watershed region up to the Great Lakes is quite obviously going to be hit very heavily with tornadoes and hurricanes with many more super strong systems than normal. This is the Global Warming reality, the new Climate Syndrome. Adapting to it will require a different agriculture and a radical conversion of construction to reinforced concrete and all construction heavily anchored into the Earth. Looking at past cycles, this could last a minimum of another 10 years to play out previous hurricane cycles. But this is the Global Warming Trend, which will not return weather patterns to a previous level. The forced adaptations will have a huge impact on the economy of the Mid West, Plains States, and the Gulf area. Go with the flow, let go all past patterns, realize everything really is changing, and rapidly.

AS REPORTED LAST WEEK – NOTHING NEW IN: All temperature patterns in the Pacific are breaking up. All anomalies dissolving. No seeds of El Nino or La Nina are present. These developments portend a more normal year in the western portion of North America (within the new normal of the Global Warming Syndrome).

ATLANTIC: Anomaly conditions have broken up along the Equator from Africa. Main patch of warmer than normal air is now in the area to the north and east of Puerto Rico and related islands of the Antilles Islands. The entrance to the Caribbean Sea looks will appointed to suck in every available tropical storm. The greater energy in the warm water in these zones will suddenly intensify the storms which hit them, making storms into these areas less predictable than normal. If you live in those areas, when the weather reports say Cat 3, think Cat 4 when it hits you.

NEWFOUNDLAND: The warm anomalies are breaking up, may be gone by the end of June.

Take a look at all this on the “Anomalies Chart” at


Conditions are propitious to equal or come close to last year’s records.

IT APPEARS that the chief strike zone will be Carib Basin, from Venezuela to Cuba to Yucatan. For the moment, the Gulf and Florida are less likely to suck in the storms. The storm track pattern is likely to vary and may shift as the season advances. Expect storms which enter into the Gulf to SHOOT STRAIGHT UP THE LOW GRAVITY CENTER OF N.A. – UP THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. THIS PATTERN MAY BE A PART OF THE EMERGENT GLOBAL WARMING SYNDROME, thus we may see it repeatedly.