Innovative methods for Agroforestry (2009-04-27)


Thematic school: Social science methods applied to agroforestry

5-17 October 2009

Montpellier, France

6 days in Montpellier and 6 days of fieldwork (Le Caylar)

Working language: English

A twelve-day training course on social science methods applied to agroforestry is beingorganized through the Innovative Methods for Agroforestry Project (IMA). The training is funded by the Agropolis Foundation and the Center for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development (CIRAD).

Manager: Nicole Sibelet * SteeringOrganization Committee: Nicole Sibelet*, Madeleine Mutel ** Dulcire Michel*, Régis Peltier*, Claire Khoury*.Contacts: Michel Arnaud *, Mireille Mourzelas* (* = Cirad; ** = freelance trainer)

General objective:

Acquire and master all of the skills required to design and conduct socio-economic interviews and process the resulting datain an agroforestry project or in agroforestry research.

Specific objectives:

• Analyze a request for assistance and define the problem;

• Delineate the scope of the study, formulate hypotheses;

• Determine the variables to be studied;

• Identify the uses of different types of interviews;

• Establish the sampling frame;

• Develop interview guidelines;

• Conduct interviews;

• Carry out qualitative analysis;

• Provide oral and written feed-back to local stakeholders.

Time and place:

Coursework: CIRAD, 73 Rue Jean-François Breton,34000Montpellier. Building 15, Room 2.

Fieldwork: CPIECausses Méridionaux, Le Caylar, Hérault, France.

For further information,please contact: , , ,or

Public: Researchscientists, research professors,and doctoral students involved in agroforestry projects.

Number of participants: 20

Fluent spoken and written English is required

Registration: Return the completed application before 2 June 2009to allthe following addresses:, , ,

5 june2009: selection of applicants based on theirprofessional experience in, and/or need for, interview techniques;

8 june 2009: Announcement of successful candidates.

Registration fees:

- Registration fees donot cover travel to and fromMontpellier

- Registration fees cover training costs, field trips,accommodation, and meals:

  • CIRAD UMR Innovation Agents: granted by CIRAD training department.
  • INRAAgents: 500 €
  • Colleagues from developed countries: 700 €
  • Colleagues from developing countries & PhD Students: 300€

Grants may be accorded upon request by contactingthe Steering & Organization Committee.


The 12 day training includes 6 days of class workin Montpellier and 6 days offieldworkona site100 km from Montpellier.

Day / Date / Contents / Location
D0 / October4 / Arrival in Montpellier / Montpellier
D1, 2, 3, 4, 5, / October5-10 / Combination of theory and practical application exercises / Montpellier
D7 / October11 / Rest and travel to field site / Montpellier
D8, 9, 10, 11 / October12-15 / Field work: preparation, implementation, examination, and processing of survey results / Causses Méridionaux
D12 / October 16 / Preparation of feedback for stakeholders
Feed-back / Causses Méridionaux
D13 / October17 / Debriefing on feedback
Report writing
Return to Montpellier / Causses Méridionaux
D14 / October 18 / Montpellier, Departure of participants / Montpellier

NB: the nights of D 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (12-16 oct 2009) will be spent in the field on the Causses Méridionaux.


Application form for theThematic school: Social science methods applied to agroforestry

5-17 October 2009

Montpellier, France

To facilitate processing, please submit only pages 3 to 5 of the application (you do not need to include pages 1 and 2 containing the description of the training).

Please return your application before 2 June2009to allthe following addresses:, , ,

1. Registration Form

First Name:








Training or qualifications:

Job title:

Disciplinary field(s):

Language skill:

Fluent / Acceptable / Restricted

Attach two versions of your CV:a short, one-pageCV anda detailed version



I under-signed, (full name) ...... pledge to attend all workshop sessions and to submit the required documents (survey forms, report) and any working papers.

Grant application.

I do not need a grant

I need a grant:

My travel to Montpellierwill cost: €

I can contribute €; I request a grant from you of €to cover the remaining costs.

My registration fees are: €

I can contribute €; I request a grant from you of € to cover the remaining fees.

2. Your experience withinterviews

This document aims to gather information about yourexperience and training needs in interviewing techniques.

1.1.Describe in a few lines a study using interviews in which you have participated.

Include the objective and theme of the study,the people interviewed(type and number).

If possible, attach the interview guidelines or questionnaires that you used.

1.2. How were the data processed?

1.3. Describe some of the results obtained through this investigation.

1.4. What difficulties did you encounter in the design, conduct, or processing of theseinterviews?

  1. Your training needs

3.1 What are your concerns, questions, and expectations regarding this training?

3.2 In terms of studies involving interviews, what are the methodological topics in which you need training?
