GwinnForest Management Unit


2007 Year-of-Entry

Northern MichiganUniversity, UniversityCenter, Marquette, MI

November 9, 2005

The following documents the changes and decisions made to the OIPC database and Compartment maps at the Gwinn Forest Management UnitCompartment Review. Unless a revision is prepared, this document is the official record of changes and decisions.

In Attendance:

Warren Heikkila, FMFM; Dean Wilson, FMFM; Jim Ferris, FMFM; Deb Begalle, FMFM; Bill Scullion, WLD; Mike Koss, WLD; Terry Popour, FMFM; Jerry Mohlmen, FMFM; Kevin LaBumbard, FMFM; Ron Yesney, FMFM; John M. Hamel, FMFM; Monica Weis, OLAF; Bill Brondyke, FMFM; Jason Stepens, FMFM; Doug Heym, FMFM; Bob Heyd; Terry McFadden; Nick Dohm, FMFM; Brian Maki, FMFM; Michelle Kleckler, FMFM; Lisa Dygert, FMFM; Pete Glover, FMFM; Robert Ziel, FMFM; Darren Kramer, Fisheries.

Comments from Open House and E-Mail

7 visitors to the Open House:

1)John Lamy with L-P Sagola, provided written comments regarding management of State Sorest.

  1. Has concerns about how we use Limiting Factors
  2. Would like to see more active management of lowland conifer types.
  3. Would like to see more active plans for evening out the age class distribution and in general see more long term plans.

Compartment 12

Defer until December 15, 2005 to clarify limiting factors

Compartment 16

Stands 7 and 11, Combine these stands for timber sale.

Stand 20, remove limiting factor, add comments for winter cut, keep hemlock and add C and Q as back up Management objectives (MO).

Stand 11, remove limiting factors, comment for keeping hemlock.

Compartment 24

Stands 8, 12, 13, and 20, add comments regarding the difficult to Harvesting these stands; need to plow Swamp Buck Road approximately 7 miles, bridge or temporary bridge needed over Mud Creek, winter cut only. Code Harvest Priority 3. Remove merchantability code and limiting factors.

Compartment 28

Stand 4, ensure Cover type is changed to M6 and the database is accurate.

Compartment 31

Stand 15, add comment regarding road closure proposal.

Compartment 39

Stands 4 and 5, add Limiting Factor (3M), and comment ‘Save due to exceptional mast production.’

Compartment 50

Stands 10, 13, 14, 15, 40, 43, 45, 59, and 75, summer only harvest restrictions on these stands.

Compartment 53

Add Snowmobile Trail designation to the map.

Compartment 69

Stand 13, will have a summer only restriction on the sale.

Stand 23, the stand directly to the south Compartment 70, Std 17 will be added to LaFleur Forest Product’s contract sale #32-014-05-01 at the same prices – with a restriction of a winter cut access from the West or summer with access from the East, if possible.

Stand 414, add comment as to where oak was planted.

Compartment 92

No Changes

Compartment 97

Stand 20, Leave limiting factor as is. Check with surveyor when work could be done.

Stand 51 and 53, Remove limiting factor, put up for sale this entry.

Compartment 210

Stands 11 and 12, remove limiting factor (survey).

Stand 33, add alternate MO aspen and hardwood

Compartment 220

No Changes

Compartment 230

Stand 61, remove limiting factor.

Stand 47; change MO to JP with conversion to grass on the next harvest.

Stands 404, 419 and 420,GrassMO, add cultural treatments for proscribed burn.

Compartment 240

Stand 21,mark some aspen in this treatment for retention.

Compartment 250

No changes

Compartment 260

Stand 2, work with Recreational Specialist to protect ORV trail.

Stand 9 add scarification to this treatment

Compartment 270

No changes

Compartment 290

Stands 13, 15 and 17, restrict to winter cut only.

Compartment 300

No changes


GwinnForest Mgmt. Unit, Compt. Review – 2007 YOE – November 9, 2005.