Bulletin Announcements for Your Website
Common tips:
When printing your website address, there is no need to put “www. “ in front of the address
When printing you website address, it should not have in front of it. The represents a hyperlink which only works on a computer, not from a piece of paper.
Make your address clean and easy to read using a capital letter for each word. For example: OurChurchWebsiteAddress.org
Promote your website regularly- People are busy, they need to be reminded of why to go to the website and give them a reason to go with new content. Make sure other entities know your website address, the newspaper, the phone book, the Chamber of Commerce, online posting places etc. so they are directing traffic to the correct site.
Make your website your communication vehicle above and beyond the bulletin. This is the place parishioners should find your forms, news, event happenings and more.
Your bulletin only touches those that attend mass, make sure your website is ready for the general public to become acquainted with your parish, your outreach programs and the events they can attend. You website is your electronic front door and can bring new people in or turn people away, make sure you are welcoming them in.
Sample bulletin announcements:
- We are proud to announce the new redesign of our website is complete. If you haven’t been to our website in a while check out the new look and content atChurchWebsiteAddress.org If you have a contributing article, calendar event or photo you would like to share on the website please email it to: (INSERT name of person and their email address.)
- The church has stepped up to the 21st century and now has a vibrant website! Please visit our site regularly as it contains great information about what is happening at the church, our history and photos. ( ADD THIS NEXT LINE IF YOU HAVE A FAITH IN ACTION WEBSITE) Plus, start your day or reflect on your day at night with a daily meditation, read an inspirational story or learn about Catholic news happening around the world by clicking on the icons on the bottom of any page.
- New on the parish website… photos from the ( INSERT EVENT HERE). To view the photo collection, go to (INSERT WEBSITE ADDRESS HERE) and click on photo gallery under the Parish Life tab (If your photos are in another location on the website, make sure you give specific instructions on where to find them)
(If you have a Faith in Action website, each week go to the Faith in action footer and select a headline of a Faith in Action story or Catholic News and Prospective or both that sounds intriguing,)
- Have you read this story on our website?...... (INSERT STORY HEADLINE HERE) for the rest of the story check out our website YourChurchWebsite.org and click on the (Faith in Action OR Catholic News and Prospective, wherever the story was taken from) icon at the bottom of the page
For Schools and Religious Education Classes
- If you have a school or for religious Education classes- Have the teachers start the day off by reading the Daily Mediation and reflecting.
- Faith in Action stories and Catholic news and prospective articles make great talking points for religious education / RCIA classes, Bible study, Year of Faith study groups, confirmation classes, even some pastors are getting inspired for homilies with this information.
- Get the kids involved creating content for your website- Have each class make a video to post about a topic in the catholic faith, interview the kids about what Christmas means to them, have the confirmation group create a video on peer pressure and their faith, engage the younger kids with a coloring contest and have them draw about how they have helped to show stewardship, take those drawings and turn them into a slideshow on the website, start a blog for the kids where they can “Ask the Pastor” questions about the Catholic faith