bulgarian Academy of science and arts

International Scientific Conference

BASA' 2016


Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs.): ......

First name: ......


Academic position / Affiliation: ......

Institution / Company: ......


Address of the institution / company: ......


Tel.: ...... Fax: ......

Mobile phone:......


I intend to:

attend Conference BANI 2016
only submit a paper(s), without attending the conference

Title of paper(s) - maximum two:





Preferred Conference Topics:



I intend to book accommodation myself
Please, make hotel reservation to me for ...... nights:
Dates: ...... ,
Single/double room at hotel 2, 3, 4, 5 stars (circle your choice)
Number of people: ......

Name(s) of accompanying person(s):


The deadline for sending your registration form is 31.05.2016!


Please check / Type of participation / Fee
Scientific Presentation and Publication (up to 1 papers)
(PhD Students) / 120.00 Euro
(100 Euro)
Scientific Publication - only (up to 2 papers)
(PhD Students) / 80.00 Euro
(60.00 Euro)
Scientific Presentation only in CD
(PhD Students) / 80.00 Euro
(60.00 Euro)
(PhD Students) / 50.00 Euro
(40.00 Euro)
Corporate Presentation / 150.00 Euro
Corporate Exhibition / 200.00 Euro

For all participants attending the conference, the fees include:

Access to the conference sessions

Conference materials

Copy of the Conference Proceedings (paper and CD)

Refreshment breaks

The Welcome Reception on 23 November, 2016

Opera visiting, 23 November, 2016

Lunch: 23, 24, 25 and Gala Diner 24, November, 2016

Technical excursion, 25, November, 2016

For those not attending, (Scientific Publication only) the fee includes:

Sending a copy of the Conference Proceedings to the address the registered person has provided.



IBAN:BG45 CECB 9790 10B8 8083 01



Please indicate in the payment document your name and the name of the conference, for example: “Edward Lee, BASA 2016”


31.05.2016 / Submission of abstracts & registration forms (deadline)
17.06.2016 / Notification of acceptance
05.09.2016 / Submission of final papers and conference fee payment (deadline)


Topic 1: Social and economic integration of culture heritage; Culture heritage for local and regional social and economic stability; Culture heritage in urban areas; Vulnerability of culture heritage to hazards and preventive measures. Topic 2: Documentation, interpretation, presentation and publication of culture heritage; Degradation of culture heritage in surrounding environment; Indoor climate and tourism effects; Biodegradation of culture heritage. Topic 3: Historic materials and their diagnostics; New materials for safeguarding culture heritage; Historic structures and their monitoring; New technologies for safeguarding culture heritage. Topic 4: Restoration of historical masonry, timber and steel structures-criteria - innovative solutions and case studies; Seismic rehabilitation of historical masonry, timber and steel structures; Conservation and preservation of historical masonry, timber and steel structures; Consolidation, rebuilding and strengthening of historic structures; Culture heritage under catastrophic events: fire, flood and blast loading.


Scientific presentation (oral);

Scientific publication*;

Corporate presentation (oral);

Corporate exhibition.

* Intended for those who cannot attend the conference, but are willing to contribute paper(s) for publication in the Conference Proceedings.


The Conference will be held at the Hotel BCHK (“Orbita”), str. Jeims Bautsher 76, in Sofia.


The official languages of the Conference are Bulgarian and English.

Working languages of the Conference are Bulgarian, English, Russian and German. Camera-ready papers may be submitted in English or in Bulgarian.


A completedRegistration Form sent by e-mail till 31 May 2016, anda copy of the Conference fee payment document sent by e-mail or fax before 05. 09 September 2016, will make you eligible for participation.

Registration Desk:

23, 24, 25 November 2016 from 800 a.m. to 1230 p.m. at the ground-floor lobby of the Hotel BCHK (“Orbita”), str. Jeims Bautsher 76, in Sofia.

Address for Correspondence:

Bulgarian Academy of Science and Arts

International Scientific Conference BASA’ 2016

Prof. Doncho Partov, Phd, Organizing Committee Secretary


Sofia, 1505, bul. Sitnyakovo №47 А, Sofia

Tel: +3592/943 49 60/Fax: +3592/943 49 65


Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts

ScientificCenter forArchitecture, Construction, Urban Planning and Design

Scientific Institute forArchitecture, Construction andUrban Planning

Call for papers


Scientific Conference

“Prevention of Culture Heritage”

BASA' 2016

23-25 November 2016

BASA, Sofia, Bulgaria

honorary co-organizers

ministry of culture in Bulgaria

International Academy of Architecture

Union of architects in Bulgaria

Chamber of architects in Bulgaria

chamber of engineers in investment design


National Scientific Committee:

arch. Georgi Stoilov- Academician in “IAA”, Sofia

Prof. arch. Pencho Dobrev, PhD - VSU “L. Karavelov”

Prof. arch. Borislav Borisov, PhD - VSU “L. Karavelov”

Prof. Valentin Todorov, PhD – Аcademy of arts, Sofia

Assoc. Prof. arch. Emil Galev, PhD – LTU-Sofia

Prof. Marina Traikova, PhD – UASG, Sofia

Prof. Fantina Rangelova, PhD – UASG, Sofia

International Scientific Committee:

Prof. Antonia Moropoulou, PhD – National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Prof. Asterios Liolios, PhD – Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

Prof. d-r h. c. Constantine Spyrakos, PhD-NTU of Athens, Greece

Prof. Damir Zenunović – Technical University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. František Wald, PhD – Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Prof. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, PhD – IZIIS, Skopje, Macedonia

Prof. Görün Arun, PhD-HKU, Gaziantep, Turkey

Prof. Gunnar Grün, Phd, Technical University of Nürnberg, Germany

Prof. Nartmut Pasternak, DrSc, BTU, Berlin, Cottbus, Germany

Prof. Ivan Baláž, PhD – University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia

Prof. d-r h. c. Vladimir Křistek, DrSc –Czech Tech. Univ. in Prague, Czech Republic

Prof. Ján Bujňák, PhD – University of Žilina, Slovakia

Prof. Jiri Maca, CSc. – University of Technology, Prague, Czech Republic

Prof. Jiři Stráský, DrSc. – University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic

Prof. Emeritus, d-r h. c. John Ermopoulos, PhD – NTU of Athens, Greece

Prof. Emeritus, Mario A. Chiorino, DrSc – Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy

Prof. Mariusz Maszlak, DrSc– University of Technology, Cracow, Poland

Prof. Martin Krejsa, PhD, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Prof. Martin Krus, PhD, Technical University of Stuttgart, Germany

Prof. Massimo Fragiacomo, PhD – University of L, Akuila, Italy

Prof. d-r h. c. Miloš Drdácký, DrSc. – ITAM-Acad. of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Prof. arch. Miomir Vasov, Phd - University of Niś, Serbia

Prof. Miroslav Bajer. PhD - University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic

Prof. arch. Nadja Kurtović-Folić, PhD – University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Prof. arch. Nikola Cekić, Phd - University of Niś, Serbia

Prof. d-r h. c. Nicolae Taranu, PhD – TU Iaśi, Romania

Prof. Paolo Lorenco, DrSc – Technical University of Mihno, Portugal

Prof. Emeritus, d-r h. c. Radomir Folić, PhD – University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Prof. Radim Čajka, PhD – VŠB, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Prof. Philippe Van Bogaert, DrSc – State University of Ghent, Belgium

Prof. Renata Korenkova, PhD – University of Žilina, Slovakia

Prof. Roberto Leon. Phd – TU Virginia, USA

Prof. Rita Bento, PhD – Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Vassilios Tsihrintzis, Phd - NTU of Athens, Greece

Prof. Veronika Sentova, PhD – IZIIS, Skopje, Macedonia


Prof. arch. Nikolay Tuleshkov, PhD - Academician in “BASA”, Chairman

Prof. Doncho Partov, PhD - VSU “L. Karavelov”, Vice – Chairman

Env.arch Assist. Prof. Veselin Rangelov, PhD-LTU, Sofia

Env.arch. Maria Gurkova, PhD, Union of Env. Arch.

Arch. Ivan Mustakov, Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria

arch. Yuly Farkov, main restawrator in Kustendil

Cand.arch. Albena Dzudzeva, - VSU “L. Karavelov, tel. +359885073406,

Cand. Arch. Ivana Krivobarska, - VSU “L. Karavelov, tel. +359883410 433.


Authors are invited to send completed registration form(s) and abstracts of up to one page to e-mail address:till 31 May 2016. The abstract must contain a title, author(s) names, preferred conference topic and an e-mail for contact.

The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and authors will be informed about its decision till 17 June 2016.

The full text of the papers should be prepared in MSWord and must not exceed 10 (ten) pages including formulae, figures, tables and photos. Please write down your papers inside a copy of the template file Template BANI2016en.doc which will be sent to you upon acceptance of the abstracts. When using color, please bear in mind that the Conference Proceedings will be printed in black and white.

The full papers should be sent to till 05 September 2016. Contributions received after this date will be published on CD only.

Presentation time will be 15 minutes, including discussion. We will provide presentation equipment; you should only bring a file with your presentation (PowerPoint;for other formats please let us know in advance).

best presentation by a young researcher award

All participants aged 35 or younger, who are not full or associate professors may join the competition.

The criteria for evaluating the presentations are: merits of the reported research problem and research methodology; quality of the presented content - clear and consistent presentation of the problem and the results; aesthetic quality - colors, quality of graphical material and text; presentation skills - quality and consistency of the explanation, eloquence; confidence; observing allocated presentation time; answers to questions - preciseness, brevity, self-confidence.

There are first, second and third prize for the best entries, accompanied by award certificates!