Polish Community of the Valleys Association
Date: 11th April 2013
Venue: Soar
Attendees:Lesley Hodgson, Camilla Lovelace, Mirco Cordeiro, Bridget Daly SWP Community Engagement Officer, Barbara Rachwal, Ewa Bilewicz
Item / Discussion / Action1 & 2 / Welcome, introductions and apologies
Lesley welcomed everyone.
Lesley thanks Ewa for attending to interpret for PCVA
Apologies:Agieszka Dybioch, Marek Kozak, Marek Konopicki, Beata & KamilPoplawski
3 / Notes from last meeting
The notes were passed as a true record.
4 / Police Update
Bridget told the group that investigations were continuing and that prosecutions were likely in some cases.
The police are looking to set up a group looking at community tensions and how agencies can engage the various communities living in Merthyr.
The police also have a Community Cohesion Group and they would like to see more community people getting involved with it.
Lesley shared some information about house robberies when families are on holiday. This is deterring people from going away. Bridget stated that if this type of crime is reported then families can get extra safety equipment fitted to their homes.
Lesley stated that many people do not want to share community intelligence with her about serious issues because they are concerned about her welfare. Bridget provided advice.
Barbara felt people are concerned about confidentiality. Bridget wanted to assure people that confidentiality is paramount. There was some discussion about the difference between anonymous reporting and crime reporting. / BD to update
Lesley to ask for volunteers to be involved.
Bridget to provide information for website
5 / Guest Speaker
There was no guest speaker.
6 / PCVA update
- VAMT Capital Bid for Equipment was not successful.
- The bid for the work with Cardiff University and the Wales Rural Observatory was accepted and work had stated. Thus far 23 interviews have been undertaken.
- Merthyr Valleys Homescreative writing project had hit a snag when contact was lost with the performance poet. The Portuguese project will go ahead on May 11th and the Polish one sometime after that. The Portuguese project theme will be ‘stories from my past’ and will focus on food too. Barbara will think of theme for polish project/
- Communities Voice project is on target and we are likely to have meetings next week.
- Global Village Festival is on Sunday May 19th
- Lesley asked for ideas for summer activities.One idea is to run small trips for Polish families without transport who would like to visit surrounding areas. Others could join the trip by car if they wish. Mirco is running two residential trips to West Wales in June?
- Lesley stated her intention to stand down as trustee and director of PCVA. She will continue to support the group as secretary. Camilla and Mirco thanked Lesley for all her hard work and stated that other people need to be involved and share the workload.
- Lesley to look at new meeting date and time as more people might attend but English classes are on Thursday.
- Drop in sessions still continuing
LH to update
LH would like some others to attend the meeting.
LH to update website
LH to gain more ideas from MK, AD & KP
LH to meet with AD & MK to discuss
All to publicise
7 / Needs of the Community
People not receiving P45s
People not being offered work because of personality clash with staffline team. / LH to contact Staffline.
Date of next meeting to be confirmed via email and text.
Venue: Soar