Building Momentum 2008 Agenda

Monday, April 28, 2008
7:30 / Conference Registration
Continental Breakfast
Alaska/Denali Ballroom / 8:30 / Emcee
Denise Morris, President/CEO, Alaska Native Justice Center
Opening Remarks
Joe Masters, Board of Directors, Alaska Native Justice Center
Hon. Mark Begich, Mayor, Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska
Julie Kitka, President, Alaska Federation of Natives
Chief Justice Dana Fabe, Alaska Supreme Court
Lorraine Edmo, Deputy Director for Tribal Affairs, Office on Violence Against Women,
U.S. Department of Justice
Jan Langbein, Senior Policy Advisor, Office on Violence Against Women, U.S.
Department of Justice
Hon. Sarah Palin, Governor, State of Alaska
Traditional Welcome
Dorothy Cook, President, Native Village of Eklutna
Thank you to the Native Village of Eklutna for welcoming us to their aboriginal lands.
Presentation of the Shawls
Tammy Young, Executive Director, Alaska Native Women’s Coalition
Lighting of the Lamp
Cindy Pennington, Special Projects Coordinator, Alaska Native Justice Center
9:30 / Research Regarding Violence Against Alaska Native Women
An Overview of Title IX of VAWA pertaining to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research Program on American Indian and Alaska Native Women and an overview of demographic data and crime statistics for the State of Alaska and Alaska Native women.
Christine Crossland, Sr. Social Science Analyst, National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice
Andre Rosay, PhD, University of Alaska Anchorage
Tara Henry, RN, SANE-A, Forensic Nursing Services
10:30 / Break
10:45 / The Maze of Violence
During this session factors contributing to the high rate of sexual and domestic violence against Alaska Native women will be identified. Resources and supports needed to address this issue will be discussed. Audience participation welcomed.
The Honorable Senator Georgianna Lincoln
Peggy Brown, Executive Director, AK Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Tammy Aguchak, Tribal Court Administrator, Mountain Village
Commissioner Walt Monegan, State of Alaska, Department of Public Safety
Denise Morris, President/CEO, Alaska Native Justice Center
12:00 / Break
12:30 / Lunch Safety on a College Campus
Speaker: Fran Ulmer, Chancellor, University of Alaska Anchorage
Thank you to our lunch sponsors: Southcentral Foundation & Cook Inlet Tribal Council.
1:45 / Workshops – Monday, April 28, 2008
Aleutian Room / A / Trauma Informed Services
The primary goal of thisworkshop is to help participantsbetter address the safety needs of women impacted by multiple abuse issues, including domestic violence, sexual assault,andtrauma from past abuse. Thisworkshopprovides participants with tools to better address service needs and options for people coping with complex trauma and grief associated with multiple layers of abuse and oppression.
Patricia Bland, Director of Training, AK Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Dillingham/Katmai Room / B / Tribal-State Forums on Safety and Justice
A statewide training project presented by the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in partnership with the Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Department of Law, Alaska Court System, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and the Alaska Native Justice Center.
Sherrie Goll, Coordinator, Alaska Tribal-State Forums
Cathy Satterfield, Statewide Victim-Witness Coordinator, Department of Law
Denise Morris, President/CEO, Alaska Native Justice Center
Lupine Room / C / Domestic Violence and Mandatory Arrest Laws
This presentation will provide an overview of Alaska state statutes relating to domestic violence and mandatory arrest policies. It will include information on dual arrest policies and determination of principal aggressor.
Katherine TePas, VAWA Coordinator, Alaska State Troopers
Det. Gerard Asselin, Anchorage Police Department
Fireweed Room / D / Roundtable Discussion with NIJ to Discuss a Program of Research on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women
The purpose of this session will be to discuss the National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) development of a Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women Research and Evaluation Program. The discussion will cover a review of the mandate (Violence Against Women Act of 2005, Title IX); gauge reactions to a literature review of violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women; discuss and gather recommendations on research and evaluation priorities; and collect input on ways to maximize the generalizability and usefulness of results.
Christine Crossland, Sr. Social Science Analyst, National Institute of Justice, Office of
Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice
Kelley Moult, Research Associate, National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, U.S. Department of Justice
King Salmon/Iliamna Room / E / The Art of DART
Disability Abuse Response Teams (DARTs) uses a community, collaborative approach in responding to allegations of abuse of Alaskan elders and people with disabilities who rely on others to maintain their independence in the community. Come find out what DARTs are all about, how you can join and benefit from an existing Disability Abuse Response Team, or how you can take a leadership role to form your own response team in your community.
Christine King, UAA – Center for Human Development
Mary J. Elam, Advocacy Coordinator, Alaska Native Justice Center
3:15 / Break
3:30 / Workshops Continued – Monday, April 28, 2008
Aleutian Room / A / Rights for Victims
Participants in this session will learn about services offered to victims of violent crime from Violent Crime Compensation, Office of Victims’ Rights, and the Alaska Native Justice Center.
Susan Browne, Executive Director, Violent Crimes Compensation
Katherine Hansen, Associate Victim’s Rights Attorney, Office of Victims’ Rights
Linda McLaughlin, Advocate, Alaska Native Justice Center
Dillingham/Katmai Room / B / The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: DELTA Project
The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault was selected by the Center for Disease Control to participate in the DELTA Project. Alaska is one of 14 states for this pilot project. The Project is working to develop domestic violence prevention strategies that can be implemented at the community and level and statewide.
Lori Grassgreen, DELTA Project Coordinator, AK Network on Domestic Violence &
Sexual Assault
Dorothy Larson, Tribal Administrator, Curyung Tribal Court
Rachel Muir, Public Health Nurse, Dillingham
Lupine Room / C / Sexual Assault Laws and Response
This presentation will address sexual assault statutes in Alaska, law enforcement response and the criminal investigation
Katherine TePas, VAWA Coordinator, Alaska State Troopers
Adrienne Bachman, District Attorney, Department of Law
King Salmon/Iliamna Room / D / Pathways to Healing: Best Practices from Traditional Healing and New Trauma Response Research
There are five categories of protective responses that are incredibly effective in helping us manage the initial crises of life’s traumas and losses. This presentation will describe the “Five Protections,” how they work and how we can use them in facing the challenges of life, including the challenge of improving our systemic response to violence against Alaska Native women.
Bob Chaney, Ph.D., Southcentral Foundation
Kimber Evensen, LCSW, Changing Tide Alaska
Fireweed Room / E / The Heart of the Grizzly
Participants in this session will learn about the scope and impact of prenatal exposure to alcohol in Alaska and links between FAS and sexual assault. They will increase knowledge and practical skills for effective intervention and response to victims of sexual violence who are affected by fetal alcohol exposure.
Ginger Baim, Executive Director, Safe and Fear Free Environment
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
7:30 / Continental Breakfast
Denali Ballroom / 8:30 / Opening Remarks
Denise Morris, President/CEO, Alaska Native Justice Center
Traditional Welcome
Presentation of the Dance Fans
Cindy Pennington, Special Projects Coordinator, Alaska Native Justice Center
9:00 / Tribal Protective Orders & Full Faith and Credit
Participants in this workshop will be given information on issuance, registration and enforcement of tribal protective orders in Alaska.
Kevin Illingworth, JD, Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Andy Harrington, JD, Executive Director, Alaska Legal Services
April Pleasant, Tribal Justice Director, Association of Village Council Presidents, Bethel
10:30 / Break
10:45 / Highlights of Community Projects
1. Southcentral Foundation: Family Wellness Warriors Initiative (FWWI)
The Family Wellness Warriors Initiative addresses the core issues of abuse from the perspective of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellness. The goal is to break the cycle of abuse in Alaska in this generation. Intervention is aimed at healing the damage of abuse and preventing future abuse, for men and women whose lives have been touched by domestic violence, child or sexual abuse.
Max Dolchok, Committee Chair, Family Wellness Warriors Initiative, Southcentral
Gene McConnell, Young Men’s Initiative, Southcentral Foundation
Bobbi Donadio, Clinical Director, Family Wellness Warriors Initiative, Southcentral
2. Tundra Women’s Coalition: Teens Acting Against Violence (TAAV)
Teens Acting Against Violence is a program offered by Tundra Women’s Coalition in Bethel, Alaska for youth ages 12-18. This prevention and education program addresses teen dating violence and healthy relationships through leadership development, skill building, healthy activities, peer education, experiential education and crisis and family work. Recent funding has allowed TAAV opportunities to engage in culturally relevant outdoor activities like ice fishing and caribou hunting.
Kristy Newell, Teen Advocate, Tundra Women’s Coalition
Youth Members of TAAV
12:00 / Break
12:30 / Lunch
Speaker: Sammye Pokryfki, Program Officer, Rasmuson Foundation
Thank you to our lunch sponsor: The Rasmuson Foundation
Special Performance: The Fireweed Dancers
1:45 / Workshops – Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dillingham/Katmai Room / A / Culturally Competent Shelter and Advocacy Services
This workshop will explore strategies for providing emergent victim advocacy services, follow-up support services and significant other/ family member advocacy services.
Tammy Jerue, Alaska Native Women’s Coalition
Naomi Michalsen, Acting Executive Director, Women In Safe Homes
Aleutian Room / B / Tribal Protective Orders and Full Faith and Credit
What does a tribal protective order look like? What information should be included? Who should apply for one? To learn these answers and many more, join us for this session.
Kevin Illingworth, JD, Associate Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Andy Harrington, JD, Executive Director, Alaska Legal Services
April Pleasant, Tribal Justice Director, Association of Village Council Presidents, Bethel
Fireweed Room / C / Civil Legal Remedies for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence and Stalking
This session will explore State Court remedies (protections orders, divorce and custody actions, domestic partnership actions, tort cases, immigration remedies) and Tribal Court remedies (protection orders, custody cases) available to victims of violence in Alaska.
Kari Robinson, JD, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Christine Pate, JD, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Diane LoRusso, Legal Advocacy Director, Standing Together Against Rape
King Salmon/Iliamna Room / D / Incorporating Cultural Traditions into the Response to Violence Against Native Women
This presentation will highlight service delivery models that honor the history and traditions of Alaska Native culture.
Lenora Hootch, Executive Director, Emmonak Women’s Shelter
Tammy Young, Executive Director, Alaska Native Women’s Coalition
Gilbert “Buz” Daney, Manager, Traditional Healing Clinic, Southcentral Foundation
Lisa Dolchok, Tribal Doctor, Traditional Healing Clinic, Southcentral Foundation
Denali Room / E / Coordinating a Community Safety Team
This workshop will provide information on how to create a community safety team and will feature the Tribal Government of St. Paul Island.
Kathy Andrews, Tribal Government of St. Paul Island
Serefima Lestenkof, Tribal Government of St. Paul Island
Faith Rukovishnikoff, Tribal Government of St. Paul Island
3:30 / Workshops Continued – Tuesday, April 29, 2008
King Salmon/Iliamna Room / A / Domestic Violence Screening in the Healthcare Setting
Participants will learn how to screen patients for domestic violence and assess their safety in a healthcare setting.
Stephanie Eklund, MD, Women’s Health Clinic, Southcentral Foundation
Beverly Wooley, Director, Department of Health and Human Services, State of Alaska
Lynn Hoefer, Ketchikan Indian Tribe
Denali Room / B / Role of Tribal Court in Child Custody Cases with Domestic Violence
What can the tribal court do to protect children who have been exposed to domestic violence in their home? Join us for this session to find out the answer.
Sue Hollingsworth, Tanana Chiefs Conference
Charlotte Brower, Tribal Judge, Native Village of Barrow
Aleutian Room / C / Sexual Assault Training Curriculum
Sexual Assault training curriculum developed by the Tundra Women’s Coalition in Bethel and delivered to Village Public Safety Officers and Health Aides.
Michelle DeWitt, Executive Director, Tundra Women’s Coalition
Kristy Newell, Teen Advocate, Tundra Women’s Coalition
Katie TePas, VAWA Coordinator, Alaska State Troopers
Tanya Matchian, Tribal Health Aide, Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation
Katmai Room / D / Violence Against Urban and Rural Alaska Native Women
What do we know about the differences between violence perpetrated against Alaska Native women in urban areas and rural villages? This workshop will explore relevant research and explore strategies for intervention and prevention.
Bing Santamour, Tribal Court Administrator, Orutsararmiut Native Council
Andre Rosay, PhD, University of Alaska Anchorage
Tara Henry, RN, SANE-A, Forensic Nursing Services
Fireweed Room / E / The Coordinated Community Response
This workshop will provide an overview of the developing SART Center in Sand Point, the established SART Center in Anchorage and will explore considerations for creating a SART Center appropriate for your community.
Angelia Morris, RN, MS, SANE-A, Associate Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage
Lt. Dave Parker, Anchorage Police Department
Jim Neumann, Associate Director of Behavioral Health, Eastern Aleutian Tribes
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
All Sessions held in the Alaska/Denali Ballroom
7:30 / Continental Breakfast
8:30 / Welcome and Introductions
Denise Morris, President/CEO, Alaska Native Justice Center
Alaska/Denali Ballroom / 9:00 / Alaska Rural Justice and Law Enforcement Commission
The ARJLEC would like to take this opportunity to share the recommendations the Commission made in their 2007 report and hear from conference attendees about gaps in services that exist in their communities for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. This forum will not take the place of any public hearings the Commission will hold around the state, but rather will serve as an additional venue for citizen input.