Building & Construction AuthorityMNDRF RFP 04/15

MNDRF DfMA & BIM Grant Call

Application Form

All information is treated in confidence. The information is furnished to the MNDRF Secretariat with the understanding that it shall be used or disclosed for evaluation, reference and reporting purposes.


Type of proposal / Domain A: Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)
Domain B: BIM for Construction Value Chain Integration
Proposal Title
Budget Requested (Excluding Indirect Costs) (S$)
Period of Support (years)
Host Institution
Role / Name / Designation / Department & Institution/Organisation / % of time committed on the project
Co-PI (1)
Co-PI (2)
Collaborator (1)
Collaborator (2)
  1. Host institution refers to the organisation (Singapore-based institutions of higher learning (IHLs), public sector agencies, research institutions, private sector companies and not for-profit organisations) to which the lead PI belongs, which will provide the primary support for the proposed project.,. This organisation will be named in the Letter of Award as the Host Institution.
  2. PI refers to Lead Principal Investigator who is the person to be named in the Letter of Award as the Principal Investigator for the project.
  3. Co-PI refers to Co-Principal Investigator who is the person to be named in the Letter of Award as a Co-Principal Investigator for the project.
  4. Collaborator refers to any company, institution, incorporated body or other industry or academic collaborator, that provides secondary support to the proposed project, which is not the host institution.


Content in this section should not exceed 20 pages. All fields must be completed. Diagrams, references and CVs should be attached as appendices, which are excluded from the page limit. Please use Arial font size 12.


Clearly state the industry-relevant problem(s)/ challenge(s) and explain why the research is significant. Give a concise description of the project/ proposal, including background, scope of work and objectives of the project/ proposal.


How is it done today, what is the current state-of-the-art, who are the leading researchers studying the problem, and what are the limitations of their current approaches? What is your approach and how does it differ from what others are working on? Why do you think your proposal will be successful?

Outcomes & Deliverables

What are the possible measurable and tangible outcomes achievable from this research? What are the scientific milestones/ metrics that can be used to measure success at mid-term review and at completion of the program? If successful, how would this generate value for Singapore (such as impact to local capabilities development and economy, as well as potential commercialisation opportunities (e.g. number of patents))?

Application Potential of R&D

What are the potential applications of the research outcome(s)? Please suggest relevant industry partner(s) that you are collaborating (or considering to collaborate) with, and suggest how the industry partner(s) could apply and/or commercialise the project’s deliverables?

Role of team members

What are the roles and contributions of the co-PIs and collaborators? Why are you and your team members particularly qualified to do this? Briefly describe the plans for interaction among the team member(s) and with collaborators in achieving the research objectives.

Project Plan

How are financial and human resources organised to accomplish the objective? What are the technical risks and how would these be mitigated? Outline the schedule for all phases of the proposed programme – a Gantt chart can be attached as an annex.


Please provide an estimated budget and provide a detailed breakdown on the funding support requested (e.g. no. and cost of manpower required, name and cost of equipment, materials, and consultancy services required).

Budget Category / Description / Budget(S$)
  1. Expenditure on Manpower (EOM)

  1. Expenditure on New Equipment, Materials and Software
(e.g. Equipment, Consumables, Material, Software)
  1. Professional Services
(e.g. Consultancy, Subcontracting, compliance testing)
  1. Other Operating Expenses (OOE) (e.g. local & overseas conference)

Total Direct Costs (S$):

*N.B. For all monetary transactions carried out, please indicate if the party involved is related to your company (e.g., from the same group or subsidiary / parent of your company). Any transaction between the Applicant and its related party/parties (as defined under the Financial Reporting Standard 24 (FSR 24) published by the Accounting Standards Council) are not eligible as claims under the Qualifying Cost Item.


The Company has obtained or is applying for Government incentive/loan[1]Yes /No*

If yes, please provide details using the format below:

Grant Title & ID / Funding Agency / Status / Amount
($’000) / Years of Support / Expiry Date / Role Played

I hereby declare that the information provided are true and correct.


Signature of Host Institution’s Representative


Name Contact No.


Official Stamp / Date

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1 Please indicate incentives/loans etc. administered by Ministry of Finance, Building and Construction Authority, Economic Development Board, A*STAR, SPRING Singapore, International Enterprise Singapore or any other government agencies.