




The White River School District supports the educational process of all students entrusted to its care by providing a variety of learning opportunities in a safe, secure and effective environment. All those involved in the educational process are held to high standards and levels of accountability. The District, in partnership with students, families and community, develops students who are motivated, compassionate, responsible and contributing citizens capable of meeting the challenges of a diverse world.


Administration Office

240 North "A" Street

PO Box 2050

Buckley, Washington 98321



Denise Vogel …………….…………………………….………...... President

Jean Lacy.……………………………………………………....Vice President

Cassie Pearson ……………………………………………..………... Member

Mike Jansen …..………………………………………………………..Member

Tawny Sanabria…………………………………………………..…….Member


Janel Keating


Keith Banks……… Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

Hugh Flint…………………………………Director of Student Support Services

Mike Hagadone………………………………..Director of Secondary Education

Scott Harrison…………………………………..Director of School Improvement

Meagan Rhoades …………………………………………Assessment Manager

Donna Morey ………………………………………………….Business Manager

Pam Jeter………………………………………………….…….Tech. Supervisor

Hydie Kidd………………………………………………. Child Nutrition Manager

Randy Gregg………………………………………….Transportation Supervisor

Updated: 10/06/18

List of Contents

School Directory

  • School
  • Principal/Office Manager (phone number)
  • School Day Hours

Central Office Directory

Aesop (substitute program)

Employee Access

Payroll Procedures

Employment Requirements

Activities for Elementary Students

Activities for Middle School Students

Activities for High School Students

Classroom Survival Tips

  • Administrative Procedures/Board Policies
  • Substitute Staff Identification
  • Inclement Weather
  • Employee Appearance and Dress
  • Board Policy No. 2022 Electronic Resources
  • Board Policy No. 3207 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
  • Board Policy No. 3231 Student Records
  • Board Policy No. 3421 Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Prevention
  • Board Policy No. 5201 Drug and Tobacco-Free Workplace
  • Board Policy No. 5010 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
  • Board Policy No. 5253 Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries
  • Board Policy No. 6511 Staff Safety
  • Board Policy No. 6513 Interference and Intimidation
  • Board Policy No. 6590 Sexual Harassment
  • Social Networking

Become familiar with the district’s Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) thataddresses a variety of perils and actions totake in the event of an emergency ornatural disaster.


Updated: 10/06/18


340 River Avenue, Buckley

Principal: Christi Ellenwood


10621 – 234th Avenue East, Buckley

Principal: Mark Cushman


11812 Mundy Loss Road East, Buckley

Principal: Jeff Byrnes


640 Railroad Avenue, Wilkeson

Principal: Nick Hedman


240 North “C” Street, Buckley

Principal: Robin Gibbs

Vice Principal: LeeAnn Alfano


26928 – 120th Street East, Buckley

Principal: Lainey Mathews

Assistant Principal: Cody Mothershead

Assistant Principal: Jeremy Argo

CTE Coordinator: Amy Miller

Dean of Students: Bryan Howisey


Cindy Teifke


Peggy Hoffer


Penny Oster


Debbie Tyler


Dianna Billingsley


Gay Wright


Updated: 10/06/18

2014-2015 School Hours


School Hours 9:00 am to 3:25 pm (subs work 8:30am – 4:00 pm)
Monday late start School Hours 9:30 am to 3:25 pm
Early Kindergarten 9:00 am to 11:40 am
Monday late start AM Kindergarten 10:00 - 12:00
Early Release time is: 11:55 am
Am Shift / Pm Shift
8:30 am - 12:15 pm / 12:15 pm – 4:00 pm
**Mountain Meadow**
AM Special Education Early Childhood Program 9:30am to 12:00pm
PM Special Education Early Childhood Program 12:45pm to 3:15pm
(no SEECP classes on Mondays)

Middle School

School Hours 7:55 am to 2:30 pm (subs work 7:25am – 2:55pm)
Monday late start School Hours: 8:25 am to 2:55 pm
Early Release time is: 10:55 am
Am Shift / Pm Shift
7:25 am - 11:10 am / 11:10 am - 2:55 pm

High School

School Hours 7:35 am to 2:05 pm (subs work 7:05am – 2:35pm)
Monday late start School Hours: 8:05 am to 2:35 pm
Early Release time is: 10:35 am
Grades 6th, 7th and 8th
Office Hours: 7:35 am – 3:30 pm
Am Shift / Pm Shift
7:05 am - 10:50 am / 10:50 am - 2:35 pm


Human Resources
240 North A Street

P O Box 2050, Buckley, WA 98321

Debbye Humphreys
Sub Coordinator
360-829-3860 / Sandy Magstadt
Tech Support Specialist – HR
Carrie Wetteland
HR Coordinator, Classified
360-829-3824 / Jan Larson
HR Coordinator, Certificated
Keith Banks
Executive Director Human Resources & Operations

Business Office

240 North A Street

P O Box 2050, Buckley, WA 98321

Cindy Ashcraft
Payroll Speicalist
360-829-3830 / Kathleen Ebert
Payroll Specialist


Aesop offers you the flexibility to proactively search for jobs and fill your own schedule the way you want. To help you benefit most from automated substitute placement, Aesop offers you both phone and web services for finding and accepting jobs. Substitutes can call in to Aesop toll-free at 1-800-942-3767 or log in online at The District gives will provide your User ID and Password (PIN) Number to you..

If this is the first time using the system, you may wish to review the Substitute Quick Start Guide located on the White River School District website. Select Departments, Human Resources, Resources, Useful Links

Employee Access

The shortcut to Employee Access can be found in the Staff Portal on our web site:


Staff Portal

Skyward (Employee Access is the payroll system)

Your login name is your name key.Your name key is the first five letters of your last name, the first three letters of your legal first name, plus three digits which are usually 000 but may be 001 or 002, etc. I, for example, Jane Smith’s name would beSMITHJAN000. If you have a short last name you still need to enter spaces up to five. Robert Toy, for another example, is TOY ROB000.) Your temporary password is whiteriver01*, the system will ask you to reset your password on your first log-in.

Navigating to Payroll Information in Skyward



Substitute teachers are paid according to the following rates.

01 - 25 days = $130 per day

26 - 50 days = $135 per day

51 - 99 days = $140 per day

100 + days = $155 per day

Additionally, a long-term substitute is defined as a substitute teacher hired to temporarily replace the same certificated employee for more than twenty (20) consecutive days. Long-term substitute teachers will be paid at the daily rate of pay for a beginning teacher (step A-0 of the state salary schedule).


PSE classified staff substitutes (Para educator, Educational Assistant, etc.) are paid at Step 1 of the position they sub in. Hourly rate currently vary from $10.30to $15.51 per hour. Refer to Step 1 on the current PSE Salary schedule accessible on the White River website – Departments – HR – Salary schedules – PSE.

Custodian substitutes are paid $13.08 per hour.

Transportation substitutes are paid as follows: Substitute bus drivers $14.99 per hour for first 200 hours of work in the district and 17.13 per hour after 200 hours, substitute bus aides $13.32per hour.

Your pay will automatically be deposited to your bank account on the last WRSD business office working day of each month. Payment is from the FIRST working day of the previous month through the LAST working day of the previous month. Please keep an accurate record of your assignments, including hours worked and current rates of pay for each, so you can verify the accuracy of your pay. Always remember to sign the sign-in sheet or individual substitute claim form verifying hours worked prior to leaving your work site each day.
Paystub information is now available online through Employee Access. Employee Access can be accessed through the WRSD website: from the WRSD home page, select Department, Staff Portal, Skyward (Employee Access) and enter your Log-in and Password.

A change of Name - An original social security card must be brought to Human Resources or Payroll for photocopying to facilitate a name change.

A change of Address/Phone Number Number/Email change – please email your new information to Sub Coordinator, including effective date, or contact the Human Resources office for a change of address form

Feel free to contact Payroll at(360-829-3830) or (360-829-3829) with questions.EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS

Prior to employment, all new certificated and classified substitutes must meet the following requirements:

CERTIFICATION (not required for classified substitutes) - Prior to being placed on the certificated substitute list, you are required to register your teaching certificate in Human Resources. Human Resources will monitor your certificate validity. It is your responsibility to keep your certificate current. If it expires you will no longer be eligible for teaching assignments.

BACKGROUND CHECK - In accordance with Washington State law, the district requires a criminal background check including a clear fingerprint check by both the Washington State Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation. New hires may not work until proof of fingerprinting has been verified. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must work one day minimum per year to be an active substitute; if you have NOT worked in the previous school year and it has been two years or more since your last fingerprint check; you will be required to be re-fingerprinted at your cost prior to working in the White River School District.

WA STATE SEXUAL MISCONDUCT DISCLOSURE RELEASE (Insert C) - State law requires all school district substitutes to sign this release form for each school district in which you have been employed. If you continue to work in multiple districts you will be required to complete a new form each year for every district in which you worked the previous school year.

APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM - Part of the online application.

Form I-9 EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION - Federal law requires completion of a form I-9, and accompanying documentation, to validate employment eligibility.

Form W-4 WITHHOLDING ALLOWANCE CERTIFICATE- All employees must have on file a form W-4 for correct withholding of federal income tax.

HEALTH STAFF - IMMUNIZATION HISTORY - Staff born on or after January 1, 1957 are required to have documentation of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella or sign an exemption from immunizations.


If, as a substitute you are exposed to another person's blood or potentially infectious fluids, please take the following steps:

1. Wash "exposed" area immediately

2. Report to supervisor immediately

3. Complete "Physicians Post-Exposure Evaluation" form

4. The district will provide post-exposure medical evaluation and follow-up to be done

5. Supervisor contacts school nurse for specific steps/procedures - contained in district's Infection Control Plan - as needed

* Exposure incident means that an employee, in performing his/her job responsibilities, has been exposed to another person's blood or potentially infectious fluids, by direct contact to the employee's eye, mouth, or other membrane or break in the skin.

Address any health concerns regarding staff and students to district nursing supervisor at 360-829-3960.


  1. You must have valid CPR and first aid certifications to work as a bus aide and it is recommended to have this training when working as a playground supervisor, lunchroom supervisor, or as a specialized paraprofessional.
  2. You are required to have Health Clerk training to substitute in a health room andin school officepositions; this training is held each August prior to the start of school and also by special arrangement with the district nurse.It is also recommended to have valid CPR and first aid certifications.
  3. We recommend that custodial substitutes have CPR and first aid certifications.

Updated: 10/06/18

Activities for


Middle School


High School Students

Updated: 10/06/18


Students can create a story about things that interest them.
Students can write spelling words in ABC order.
Students can complete ten math problems you place on the board.
Students can draw and describe a new invention of their own.
Students can practice handwriting by copying spelling words.
Students can write poems.
Students can listen to stories read by you.
Students can listen to tapes found in the media center.
Students can take a nature walk.
Students can do reinforcement math from the back of their math book.
Students can draw their own creatures.
Students can think of imaginative ending for incomplete sentences.
Students make and decorate a calendar.
Students can use their spelling words in a story.
Students can calculate mental math problems read by you (8 + 7 - pause + 6 = ___).
Students can unscramble their spelling words.
Students can calculate math word problems.
Students use wall/book map for geography review.
Students can view appropriate filmstrip from media center.


Students can create a story about an assigned topic.
Students can draw and describe a new invention of their own.
Students can write poems (Books available on types of poems).
Students can listen as you read literature, and then summarize it.
Students can write a newspaper article (Give them a choice of topics).
Students can draw a map of their school/city/state.
Students can write about the best teacher they have ever had.
Students can correct sentences, stories, etc. that you have written on the board.
Students can create/solve a word puzzle.
Students can do reinforcement math from the back of their math book.
Students can write about the future.
Students can listen to tapes found in the media center.
Students can think of imaginative endings for incomplete sentences.
Students can express in pantomime, different ways to do things.
Students can write compositions on items you have brought to class.
Students can design a travel poster for their favorite vacation spot.
Studentscan form two teams and compete to answer geography questions (State capitals, state abbreviations, mountain ranges, etc.).

Students can list as many words as they can form from letters in school name (Ex. Campbell = bell, camp, cab, cap, ball, lamb, etc.).


Students can write stories about something that has had significance in their lives.Students can read the newspaper and analyze what they have read.Students can draw and describe a new invention of their own.Students can create a crossword puzzle from vocabulary words.Students can write an essay on a place they have visited or would like to visit.Students can finish a poem that you have started.Students can draw posters to illustrate what they are learning.Students can listen to tapes found in the media center.Students can think of imaginative endings for incomplete sentences.Students can create an educational brochure or booklet on a range of topics.Students can express in pantomime different ways to do things.Students can answer questions about geographical details using maps.Students can try to answer Trivial Pursuit questions.Students can listen and analyze a selection read by you.Studentscan complete analogies (Grass: green as banana: _____).Students can complete various sequences (1, 5, 2, 10, 3, _____).Students can create a time line of their life including major events.Students can create an advertisement for designated product.

1. Arrive in class at least 15 minutes before the students
a. Check lesson plans. If lesson plans appear to be incomplete or you do not understand them, contact the principal or designee.
b. Gather materials for the lesson(s)2. Write on the board
a. Your name (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms.)
b. Date
c. Student assignments3. Welcome students to class
a. Greet students with a smile
b. Always stand if possible4. Start class as soon as bell rings
a. Introduce yourself with a smile
b. Check attendance
c. Explain class assignments
d. Praise and encourage students

e. Circulate around the classroom and smile whenever possible

f. Watch for raised hands; go to the student(s) instead of having them come to you

g. Collect assignments with a smile

h. Dismiss quietly

i. Straighten the room5. Write the teacher a note explaining the day's events

a. Identify helpful students

b. Identify both completed and not completed assignments/lesson plans

c. Identify student(s) who became ill or hurt and send them to the office and/or clinic with the required paperwork!

Updated: 10/06/18

Administrative Procedures


Board Policies

Updated: 10/06/18


Per administrative procedure No. 6511P under Board Policy 6511 Staff Safety, you are required to wear a picture identification badge that bears your name and photograph during duty and off-duty hours when working in district buildings or on district property. The wearing of picture identification is to be considered a condition of employment.

Substitutes will be issued one picture identification badge at no charge which they will keep for the duration of the school year. All identification badges issued by the White River School District are the property of the school district. Damaged badges will be replaced at no cost upon surrender. Lost badges will be replaced for a fee of $5.00. At the end of the school year, or upon severing or termination of employment, substitutes must return their identification badges to human resources before final payment is issued.


At the elementary and middle schools you will find ample parking. At the high school please use the area designated for staff parking.


During days of possible school closure or delays, substitutes are responsible to watch and listen to the airways for school cancellations or changes (most television station web pages can be accessed with up-to- date school schedule information during inclement weather). If it is announced that White River School District schools will be closed, and you are scheduled to substitute for the day at one of our schools, your job is cancelled for that day and any others that may follow due to inclement weather or other circumstances. If you have any doubt regarding the school openings or closures, please call our district inclement weather line for the updated information. The number is 360-829-0600, press 2, then press 1 for the inclement weather line. This message is updated regularly.

In the event that closure is caused by other circumstances, the sub coordinator will be in the office to call and cancel all substitutes if necessary. Please be assured that whenever the situation allows for us to personally cancel sub jobs, we will do whatever we can to make that happen.


(From WRSD Employee Handbook - Section 12:3)