This year we will be:

-  Building a thorough foundation in the basic skills of mathematics,

-  All standards in Algebra according to the Keystones/Scranton School District Curricullum and Problem Solving techniques.

What You Will Need for Class:

-  You will need your notebook, specifically for Math class.

-  Student Journal which can be left in the classroom.

-  Calculator if you need it.

-  A folder to keep any handouts.

-  You will need a pen or pencil. No red or pink ink.

My Classroom Rules:

Be organized and ready to work when the bell rings.

o  This means NO LOCKER TRIPS! You need to have all your materials ready and at your fingertips when the bell rings so you aren’t holding up the class as you look for your notebook, homework, pencil, calculator, etc.

-  Have respect for others in the classroom.

o  This includes raising your hand to be called on and listening while others are speaking. Also, respect other peoples’ boundaries—do not touch others or their property. Say “please” and “thank you” and look people in the eyes when you are speaking to them.

-  Rude and age inappropriate will not be tolerated.

-  If you are failing my class I will not sign a paper for you to go on a field Trip.

-  I should not see any cell phones during a test or a quiz.

National Honor Society- if you are suspected of cheating or plagiarism I will contact the advisor of the National Honor Society, and further action will be taken. Possible removal from the National Honor Society can occur.

-  When a substitute teacher is present and I am not, the rules are still in effect.

o  If you disobey the substitute teacher, you are disobeying and disappointing me. Any punishment handed out when I am absent will be enforced by me.

All rules and consequences set forth in your Student Handbook will be enforced in my room. This includes the uniform policy and the cell phone policy.


-  You will be graded on various assignments including (but not limited to) homework assignments, tests, quizzes, warm up exercises, group work, and projects.

-  Participation can only help your grade. I understand that some people do not like to speak aloud in front of the class for various reasons. However, I strongly encourage you to participate in class.

-  All grades can be found on Eschool.


-  Your books can be found online at

Remind 101:

-  I will get you set up on it and you will receive text messages about tests, quizzes, or information you need to know for this class.


-  On the schools website you are able to find my classroom website. This website will contain homework and reminders for test and quizzes.

Extra Help:

-  If you are having trouble with the work in class, please see me to get help. I am willing to help you before a disappointing grade appears on your report card. I am available after school. However, the last week of the quarter is too late to drastically improve your grade for that quarter.