Los Angeles Valley College
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle Report
Courses and Programs
Discipline: Broadcasting Department: Media Arts
Program/Course: 17 Industrial and Commercial Voiceover Semester/Year: Fall 2010
SLO Representative: Douglas Rye Department Chair: Eric Swelstad
Student Learning Outcome Assessed / Students will write and perform in a variety of voiceover disciplines including but not limited to: Coopy Analysis, Backstory Creation, Word Coloration, Elements of Advertising Copy, Audiobooks, Dialogue, Storytelling and Industrial Voiceover. There is emphasis on in-class performance and personal signature.Description of Assessment Method
a. Describe the assessment tool and how the data was analyzed (e.g., student activity, rubric elements, etc.). Attach rubric if applicable.
b. Describe the sampling methodology (i.e., how sampling was done, number of students and faculty/staff involved out of the total)
c. Describe how inter-rater reliability was achieved / a. The assessment tool was a portfolio, subject to weekly evaluation, in which students demonstrated an array of acquired skills.
b. Random samples of 1/3 of the class portfolios were then compared rated and was assessed using the rubrics to determine overall quality levels of comprehension.
c. Ratings of each sample of portfolios were then assessed by the instructor, any discrepancies discovered in the ratings of representative student portfolios were resolved quickly. In no case would a grade for the course have been changed based on the portfolios. Norming was achieved by having the student work assessed by the instructor as well as two other industry professionals who came to agreement on individual student performances. There was minimal disagreement between the instructor and the industry pros.
Assessment Results
a. Describe the relevant findings according to the criteria set by the assessment tool / Overall, the self evaluations were considered fairly uniform, although there were definite and definable differences noted between the individual self evaluations and the scope of the course information.
Students had difficulty in two areas:
a. 35% of students had difficulty speaking in public, despite the class being an acknowledged ‘safe zone’ where fear and trepidation were expected and students were encouraged to support their classmates.
b. 25% of students had difficulty incorporating certain concepts and ideas into their in-class performances, instead deciding to minimize that incorporation and thereby minimize their own efforts.
How Results were Used for Course/Program Improvement
a. Describe how the results are going to be used for the improvement of teaching, learning, or institutional effectiveness based on the data assessed.
b. Describe how results will be shared with others in the discipline/area. / More class time should be devoted to students practicing and applying principles of what was learned in class to their work.
a. Instructors will provide more support and understanding of the difficulties of public speaking. Class will be split into smaller groups in order to reduce the intimidating aspects of performing. More instruction will be given on the process of voiceover technique and subsequent performance.
b. Instructors will encourage the study of certain concepts and emphasize their value in creating a full palette of voiceover performance.
These results will be shared with other instructors who may be teaching the course in the future, along with a list of potential problems and solutions that will help instructors reach the same level of familiarity in all areas of the discipline/area.
Broadcasting 17
Final Rubric
Assessment Measure / Excellent / Meets Expectations / Needs workFollows class guidelines / · Follows all directions
· Turns in all assignments on time
· Length and other specifications for classwork/tests are exact
· Follows all class parameters for an introductory course / · Follows most directions
· Turns in all assignments with no more than one late
· Length and other specifications for classwork/tests are close to requirement
· Follows most class parameters / · Does not follow directions on a regular basis
· Missing assignments or significantly late on more than one
· Length and other specifications for classwork/tests are not in compliance with deliverables
· Does not follow most class parameters
Textbook and lecture proficiency
· Copy Analysis
· Backstory Creation
· Word Coloration
· Elements of Advertising Copy
· Dialogue
· Storytelling
· Industrial Voiceover
· Audiobooks / · Synthesizes most material and can interrelate different sources
· Can utilize most elements of the text and lectures, and technical elements / · Can repeat most of the information from disparate sources but not necessarily draw unique conclusions or synthesize facts
· Can utilize most elements of key text and lectures but not necessarily and technical elements / · Unable to explain or utilize key elements of text, lectures and technical elements
Visual literacy / Innovative interpretation of visual and aural materials. Can explain all or most technical elements and styles / Recognize and identify key visual and aural elements and materials. Can explain majority of technical elements and styles. / Inability to differential visual and aural elements and technical elements
Written proficiency / Utilizes proper formatting and standard English for all assignments. Fluid writing style and strong organization. / Utilizes proper formatting and standard English for all assignments, but has occasional typos or grammatical errors. Some lack of structure may be evident. / Poor use of proper English and a lack of clarity in presentation.