July 10, 2017

The meeting of the Pend Oreille CountyBoard of Commissioners was called to order in their meeting room at 9:25 a.m. Present were Chair Karen Skoog, Vice-Chair Stephen Kiss, Commissioner Mike Manus, and Clerk of the Board Rhonda Cary.S. Kiss offered the invocation. K. Skoog led the flag salute.


M. Manus was excused at 9:35 a.m. to attend the Regional Interlocal Leadership Table meeting in Spokane.


Community Development Director Greg Snow was present for an update. Topics discussed included building permits, the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations, exempt structures, the Whisper Point final plat, the Geocache event beginning August 5, the Natural Resources Committee, an inquiry regarding camping on county property, and zoning.


The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m.


The Board reviewed the draft Articles of Association and Bylaws for the Northeast Washington Counties (N.E.W.C.).


M. Manus arrived to the meeting at 2:35 p.m.


Treasurer Terri Miller was present to discuss Tax Title property in Cusick and indicated the Kalispel Tribe is interested in purchasing at the minimum bid.


T. Miller expressed concern about the directives from a county consultant. Also discussed was tax title property regarding certified appraisal value versus assessed value. Prosecuting Attorney Dolly Hunt was also in attendance.


D. Hunt provided a legal update. Topics discussed included executive session parameters, the Ashenfelter Bay agreement, andGrizzly Tower litigation. Motion was made by M. Manus to enter into the amicus brief with AFRC with D. Hunt as counsel at no cost to the county. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.

Continued update discussion included litigation in progress, signage for park trails, the Social Media Policy, andBehavioral Health Integration.


Transportation Technical Specialist Jonathan Mason was present to provide a PowerPoint on the Middle Fork Roaderosion issues. Information provided included recent road repair, erosion, road designs for stability, options to rebuild the road in order to reduce frequency of maintenance, and a cost comparison chart.


Public Comment Period – There were no persons present for comment.


At 4:35 p.m., K. Skoog declared the meeting continued to July 11.

July 11, 2017

The meeting resumed at 9:05 a.m. with all members present.


Public Works Update – Present were Public Works Director Sam Castro and Financial Manager Jill Shacklett.

Action Items:

S. Castro reviewed the bid tabulation for the Sullivan Lake Bridge replacement and identified Versatile Industries as the lowest responsible bidder. Motion was made by S. Kiss to award to Versatile the Sullivan Lake Bridge and authorize the chair to sign the award letter. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.

S. Castro requested approval to purchase a message board from National Barricade & Sign Co. in the amount of $14,443.20. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the purchase of the message board. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.

S. Castro discussed the federal funding requirements for the US Bike Route 10 project. Motion was made by M. Manus to reject the USBike Route 10 funding, but still complete the project. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.

Update and Discussion Items:

S. Castro discussed employee participation on a project which may have been billable to the expired Commerce grant. After a brief discussion of draft proposals for a road project from Parametrix, how to facilitate the intended project, and what fund to bill for the services, the Board was in consensus that a workshop be scheduled with any interested departments and consultants.

S. Castro discussed funding options for the repair of the arena at the fairgrounds. As a courtesy, the Board will ask the fair board for funds from the reserve account. S. Castro will return to the Board with an approximate cost to complete the project.

J. Shacklett left the meeting.

The update continued with a request to schedule a budget workshop for ER&R rate setting, FEMA funding, the approval of the Indian Creek Federal Highways project, the expiration of CPG funding for management of household hazardous waste, installation of jail doors, the location of the dispatch center in relation to the main water housing, the HVAC unit at the jail and replacement of accessories/duct work to extend the life of the unit, camping on county lands, the proposed purchasing policy, and the Fire Recovery Bill.


Public Hearing – Surplus Vehicles. S. Castro was present. The hearing was opened and the notice was read. S. Kiss raised a question regarding the condition of the 2001 Dodge Flat Bed truck versus a similar vehicle in use. Being no further discussion, the hearing was closed.

Motion was made by M. Manus to approve all the items listed for surplus. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.


Human Resources Manager Spencer Shanholtzer requested an executive session regarding collective bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) for one hour from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Also present was S. Castro.


The Board returned to regular session at 11:40 a.m.


The Board recessed for lunch from 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.


The Board discussed the proposed EMS District and reviewed a handout for the hearings.


K. Skoog was excused at 1:00 p.m. to meet with Northeast Tri County Health District Administrator Matt Schanz.


K. Skoog returned to the meeting at 1:20 p.m.


S. Castro was present to discuss a leave of absence request made by a road employee. The Board was in consensus to agree with the management decision which will be made by S. Castro.


J. Shacklett was present to discuss budget issues regarding COLA for a bargaining unit.


M.Schanz was present to introduce Karen Paugh, Environmental Health Specialist in the Newport Tri County Health office. The group discussed staff schedules, testing, permitting, and cases of hantavirus in the state.


K. Skoog was excused at 1:40 p.m. to meet with M. Schanz.


ITS Director Mark Lemen was present for an update. Discussion included the completion of the CJIS audit, social media website archiving, training for county employees, inventory, the HIPPA audit, and GIS data. The group discussed recording options for an offsitemeeting.


K. Skoog returned to the meeting at 2:00 p.m.


Motion was made by S. Kiss to approvethe amended resolution ordering the sale of tax title property identified as 19182 to the PUD. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.

Amended Resolution Ordering Sale of Tax Title Property (PID 19182)



Motion was made by M. Manus to sell tax title property in Cusick identified as parcel number 443330510011 to the Kalispel Tribe of Indians. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution Ordering Sale of Tax Title Property (PID 13235)



S. Castro was present with a project scope and cost estimate for the repair of the arena at the fairgrounds in the amount of $6,266.


Public Hearing – Formation of an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) District. Present were:county residents Pete Scobby, Bob Schutte, Margaret Schmidt, and Ed Hamilton; representatives from Fire District 2 James Mundy and Pete Smoldon; representatives from South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue Scott Doughty and Mike Nokes; representatives from American Medical Resources (AMR) Patrick Ramsey, Paul Priest, Ryan Martin, and Chris Haynes; representative from Fire District 6 Craig Shantz; representatives from Fire District 4 Kathy Brown, Steven Brown, and Nick Knaack; representative from Deer Park Ambulance Steve Cooke; representatives from Newport Hospital and Health Services Kim Manus and Tom Wilbur; Emergency Management Deputy Director JoAnn Boggs, Dispatch 911 Coordinator Steve West, S. Shanholtzer, Newport Miner Publisher Michelle Nedved, Newport Miner Reporter Sophia Aldous, and one unidentified attendee.

The hearing was opened and the notice was read. K. Skoog referred to the resolution to schedule hearings. M. Manus provided a narrative on the current situation with emergency ground transport and options to resolve issues which arose from the closing of Newport Ambulance. Public comment was received opposing formation of an EMS District due to increased taxes for funding and an already fully functioning transport system provided by Fire District 2 in North Pend Oreille County. Public comment was received supporting formation of an EMS District due to it being a “basic need” and the importance of timely transport. Experts in the field provided some facts regarding the makeup of an EMS District and potential funding. The hearing was closed.


Consent Agenda - Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes this week’s Agenda, the corrected Minutes of the Board’s July 3, 2017 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings (through June 30):$16,089.30

Investment Earnings (year to date estimate):$22,202.56

Payroll Change Notice:

Prosecutor –

Tricia Shanholtzer, Step 4, $3,821.77/mo., Effective 8/01/2017

Sheriff-Corrections –

Christopher Lane, Step 2, $3,141.02/mo., Effective 8/01/2017

Sheriff-Deputy –

Ryan Taylor, Step 3, $4,481.34/mo., Effective 8/01/2017

Agreement between the Kalispel Tribe CASA Program and Pend Oreille County Juvenile Court to Fund the Pend Oreille Valley CASA Program Pursuant to the Existing Memorandum of Agreement


Amendment No. 4 to State of Washington Department of Corrections Contract No. K10431



Correspondence Received:

7.01WSLCB-Notification of Pending Marijuana Extraction Operation

7.02R. Zinke-PILT program payment

7.03Rural Resources-Governing Board meeting and dinner

7.04POC Fair Board-June Minutes/July Agenda

7.05R. McCroskey-Caseload Points Report 2017

7.06R. Koontz-Donation request

7.07J. McCroskey-2017 Assessed Value of PID 19182

7.08R. Schutte-EMS vs. ambulance service


As of this date, the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following vouchers/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:

Salary and Claim

Current Expense$325,159.88

Counseling Services$ 76,966.18

Crime Victims Compensation$253.84

Fair$ 3,021.37

Law Library$312.30


Road$ 94,622.02

Emergency 911 Communications$ 9,491.54

Public Facilities$ 2,746.69

Solid Waste$ 17,190.09

Risk Management$ 700.00

Equipment R&R$ 61,794.16

IT Services$ 15,241.05

TOTAL$ 608,023.05

Checks 166001 through 166076 and 166123 through 166162 totaling $160,706.44 and Electronic Funds Transfers 13281 through 13470 and 13472 through 13478 totaling $486,598.02 dated July 10, 2017. Includes Jr. Taxing Districts.


K. Skoog adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m.


Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

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