Build-It-Yourself Lesson Plan Notes
MC 101
Members must be able to:
- Describe examples of average and way cool structures.
- Install MC and use basic menu/command structure.
- Build creative structures that are colorful and use unusual shapes.
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly.
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research average vs. inspiring structures
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- Problem solving tricks
- Amaterasu laboratory floor plan
- Screen shots of their work
- Build statue to symbolize the Amaterasu civilization (Sphinx, Budda, gargoyle, Arc de Triumph)
- Build inviting entranceway.
- Design floor plan. Start with list of 'play areas'
- Build laboratory structure
- Decorate around your structure (garden, waterway, fountain, animal preserve)
- Build a colorful parkour game.
Project Support Materials:
PPT Intro
MC 102
Members must be able to:
- Describe examples of clashes of civilizations. (Modern Man vs. Neanderthal; Spartans vs. Athenians; Spanish vs. Aztecs, Christians vs. Muslims)
- Use boolean algebra and digital circuit design elements to build playful contaptions.
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly.
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research inspiring images
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- AND and OR truth tables
- Problem solving tricks
- Screen shots of their work
- Assign building spaces in blank world
- Build a decorative entrance structure for a big door that will accomodate a combination lock 2 inputs growing to 4 inputs.
- Build a trap that springs when someone steps on a pressure plate AND it is night OR an emergency lever is switched.
- Build a repeater or oscillator (cart and/or redstone repeater) to control a rotating door or shoot a series of fireworks.
- Build a T-Flip FLop to control a door or light from inside and outside
- Make a parkour game that incorporates logic gates and flip flops and repeaters
- Build a counter that counts in binary up to 8. Use this counter to measure success in a parkour game.
- Build an elevator.
- Build a music machine
Project Support Materials:
PPT Intro
Pirates' Cove
Members must be able to:
- Describe pros and cons of pirating (Robin Hood vs. Black Beard)
- Describe the advantages of modular construction
- Build a pirate boat that is recognizable from a distance
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly.
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research inspiring images
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- Problem solving tricks
- Modular construction
- Pictures of projects
- Build pirates (to show scale)
- Build hull
- Build deck
- Build treasure chest
- Build cannon
- Build sails
- Build captain's cabin
- Build masthead
- Build gang plank
- Build flags
- Steer boats around obstacle course
Project Support Materials:
Project Website
Flying Machines
Members must be able to:
- Describe history of flying
- Describe principles of flying (dive/stall/glide, 3 degrees of motion, lift vs. gravity)
- Build paper, sling shot and air powered flying machines.
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly.
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research inspiring images
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- Problem solving tricks
- Principles of flight
- Rocket of the future design
- Pictures of projects
- Build paper planes
- Build sling shot gliders
- Build straw rockets and gliders
- Build air rockets
- Build air gliders
- Decorate and draw pilot cartoons
Project Support Materials:
PPT Intro
Chain Reaction Machines
Members must be able to:
- Describe the importance of teamwork to solve important problems.
- Describe the advantages of modular construction.
- Build a machine that demonstrates teamwork to do something important.
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly.
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research inspiring images
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- Draw 'teamwork' grafitti
- Problem solving tricks
- Modular construction
- Pictures of projects
- Build bumper/golf ball track (slowest ball to go down the table track. beat 30 seconds)
- Decorate bumpers with teamwork signs.
- Build coin spillway
- Build scale trigger
- Build catapult
- Build catapult release
Project Support Materials:
PPT Intro
Scratch Games
Members must be able to:
- Describe pros and cons of computer games.
- Describe 5 basic programming primitives.
- Build computer games that incorporate playful graphics.
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly.
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research inspiring images
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- Problem solving tricks
- 5 Programming primitives
- Game graphics
- Play BIY games in a competition
- Draw cartoon face (will be bouncing ball in Pong game)
- Modify pong game
- Draw rocket
- Control rocket
- Draw space scene
- Draw 2 planets
- Draw 2 planet backgrounds
- Program trivia game when land on planet
- Go back to space after question answered
- Make your own game or improve another game.
Project Support Materials:
PPT Intro
UID: member
PWD: RobotSushi1
Scratch Animated Story
Members must be able to:
- Describe components and attributes of famous fables.
- Create compelling character and background illustrations.
- Integrate multimedia resources.
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research inspiring images
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- Problem solving tricks
- Components/attributes of a popular story
- 5 Programming primitives
- Game graphics
- Write storyline
- Illustrate storyline
- Animate illustrations
- Create sound effects
- Integrate resources
Project Support Materials:
Scratch Example
Members must be able to:
- Describe useful applications of catapults
- Describe 4 variables of catapults that control trajectory (load, tension, arm length, arm swing radius)
- Build working catapults.
- Create and present PPT lab book clearly, concisely and convincingly.
Lab Book:
- Cover
- Research inspiring images
- Problem / Mission
- Presenting ideas
- Problem solving tricks
- Factors that control trajectory
- Pictures of projects
- Build cardboard catapult
- Build trigger
- Build sling shot catapult
- Build trigger
- Build trebouche catapult
- Build trigger
- Program catapult game
Project Support Materials:
PPT Intro In Development
Build-It-Yourself 269 Pearl Street Cambridge MA 02139 (617) 547-9705