January 13, 2015

Dear Friend,

We would like to personally invite you to join us at our 8th annual Gala on Sunday, March 15 at the NY Academy of Medicine as we pay tribute to our honorees: Ruth and Spencer Kupferman, Parents of the Year, Ze’evKolman, Community Service Award and Yehudis Silverman, Leadership Award.The Chairs for the evening will be Peter Schwalbe and Jody Soltanoff. Co-Chairs will be Joseph and Deborah Aronow and George and Pamela Rohr.

We would like to list your name on the Benefit Committee at one of the sponsorship levels.Below please find the Benefit Commitment Form. Please respond by January 25 so that we may acknowledge your generosity on the invitation. For your convenience you may also complete it online at

Our Gala will once again be featuring amazing raffle prizes such as a trip to Israel, Jewelry and a Cash prize etc. We can also use your help in procuring prizes. To donate, sponsor or solicit a prize, please see the attached prize donation form.

Thank you for your continued and generous support,

Rabbi Ben Tzion and Chanie Krasnianski

Benefit Committee Form

○ Founder $100,000 10 tickets, a virtual journal page, and plaque/naming opportunity

○ Platinum $50,000 – 10 tickets and a virtual journal page, and plaque/naming opportunity

○ Diamond $36,000 – 10 tickets and a virtual journal page, plaque/naming opportunity

○ Emerald $25,000 – 10 tickets and a virtual journal page

○ Chai $18,000 - 10 tickets and a virtual journal page

○ Gold $10,000 - 8 tickets and a virtual journal page

○ Silver $5,000 – 4 tickets and a virtual journal page

○ Copper $2,500 – 2 tickets and a virtual journal page

○ Donor $1,800 – 2 tickets and a virtual journal page

○ Benefit Committee Sponsor $1,000 – 1 ticket and a virtual journal page

○ Gala ticket - $500 per person, includes business card virtual journal ad

Invitation Deadline January 25, 2015 / Virtual Journal Deadline: March 1, 2015

Please print your name as you wish it listed on invitation and virtual journal



Phone ______Cell______

[ ] Check payable to Chabad.Credit Card [ ] Amex [ ] Visa [ ] MC [ ] Discover

Card #______Expiration ______CVV:______

Signature ______Name of card holder______

Chabad of the Upper East Side is a charitable tax-exempt organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID number #113083540. Your contribution is tax deductible except for $150 per ticket used.

I wish to use the following ad for the 2015 Gala virtual Journal:



(Or send camera ready artwork to )

Chabad Upper East Side, 419 East 77th Street, NYC 10075 / chabaduppereastside.com 212.717.4613