A Review
Build Background
As a group, discuss the following:
Why are secret codes necessary?
Sharing a secret language brings some people or groups together. They can use their shared but secret knowledge to do good deeds. Can you think of some examples?
Discuss the meanings of words in the concept map.
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 1
A Activity
Leveled Reader: The Super Secret Surprise Society
Before Reading
Preview the text by looking at the illustrations in the book. What clues do the illustrations give you about the story? What do the pictures tell you about the characters?Set a purpose for reading.
Make a sequence chain with four boxes and label it What Happens. This book is about trying to surprise someone.
During Reading
As you read, decide what the four most important events are. Add these events to you sequence chain.
After Reading
What is the first main event of the story? How does it end?
How does the topic relate to the weekly question Why are secret codes necessary?
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 1
A Review
Review the definitions of sequence on p. EI-13. One kind of sequence is an order of steps. Writers use clue words to help readers understand the order of steps. Look at p. 12-13 and find the first sequence clue words that begin sentences - Now, First, Second, Third, Fourth, First, Then, and Next.
Important Ideas
Review the definition of important ideas. Distinguish interesting details from important ideas as you read. Use the Extend Thinking questions for additional support or refer to Envision It! p. EI-17
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 2
A Activity
Reading Street Book: Navajo Code Talkers
Read Navajo Code Talkers on pp. 58-67 and use the comprehension skill and strategy as you read.
Name two things that happened before anyone thought of Navajo code talkers.
What do you learn about Philip Johnston? Tell the events you learned in order.
What was the first thing that the new recruits did? Name some things, in order, that they did after that.
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 2
A Review
Unknown Words/Dictionary/Glossary
Look at the word recruit. I could probably find the meaning of this word in a glossary or a dictionary. To do that, I would follow these steps in order: First, I would turn to the R section and use guide words to find the page. Second, I would use alphabetical order to find the word recruit. Third, I would read all the meanings of the word. Finally, I would choose the meaning that makes sense in this sentence.
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 3
A Activity
Reading Street Book: Navajo Code Talkers
Read Navajo Code Talkers on pp. 96-103. As you read, apply the skill and strategy.
The Navajo code talkers helped Allied forces in World War II. How would you use a dictionary or glossary to find the meaning of Allied?
Why did the Marines want the Navajo code talkers to keep their work secret after the war was over?
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 3
A Activity
Reading Street Book: Your Own Secret Language
Before Reading
Read the genre information about how-to articles on p.108. Preview Your Own Secret Language on pp. 108-109. Set a purpose for reading.
What features do you see that are different from features in stories?
Why do you think there is so much bold type on the second page?
During Reading
How is this article similar to Navajo Code Talkers?
How are they different?
After Reading
Share your reactions to the how-to article.
Write a how-to article about a familiar process, such as heating food in a microwave oven
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 4
A Activity
Leveled Reader: The Super Secret Surprise Society
Reread for Fluency
Silently reread passages from The Super Secret Surprise Society. Then reread them aloud with a partner or individually.
For optimal fluency, you should reread passages three to four times.
What is the problem in this story?
Tell the main events in order.
Unit 4 Week 3 Day 5