The Budget meeting of the City of Buffalo City Common Council was called to order by Mayor, Russel D. Lorenz. Roll call: Seitz, Schuh, Mack, Holien. City Employee: Meier. No Cititzens present for budget hearing. The meeting was held as noticed. Lorenz opened the floor to public comment. No citizens spoke.Motion Mack, second Schuh to adjourn the meeting. All yes, motion carried.
The Regular meeting of the City of Buffalo City Common Council was called to order by Mayor Russ Lorenz at 7:10 p.m. Roll call: Brach Seitz, Lisa Schuh, Kevin Mack, Ben Holien and City Superintendent Stan Meier. Citizens: David Schams, Ric Ahern and Jim Wilke. The meeting was held as noticed. Motion Holien, second Seitz to approve minutes from the October 13th regular meeting and the October 23rd Board of Appeals meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Dave Schams represented the proposed recreational trail committee to discuss their future plans. The committee would like to have every municipality in the county pass a resolution in support of the proposed project which includes a bike/recreational trail from Nelson to Winona. Schams said they would like to see the trail go through Buffalo County to hook up with the Trempealeau County trail that will soon connect to the Winona Bridge. The project is in very initial stages according to consultant Ahern. The first step would be to raise enough money from the county, local municipalities and private donors to conduct a feasibility study. Schams said the resolution would be used to show any possible grant holders that the municipalities in the county support the project. Council questioned what type of funding now and future maintenance costs would come back to the City. Seitz felt a trail was not very feasible in the Buffalo City area or many other areas where the Highway 35 corridor seemed to be the only place for bicycles to travel. Ahern told the council the Department of Natural Resources operates and maintains the trails in many other areas of the state. Schams and Wilke said a trail through the communities could bring in many tourists and money to the municipalities. Consensus of the Council to put the resolution on the December agenda.
Finance:Motion Seitz, second Mack to approve the 2015 City budget as printed. Roll call vote. All yes, motion carried.
Recreation: Storage building addition at the skating rink was discussed. Consensus to look for bids in the spring.Lorenz will manage the skating rink. Several applications have been received and will be reviewed.
Pubic Works: More cold mix has been ordered and will be placed soon. Mack and Seitz advised they would like to see the seal coating, patching done in a more timely manner next year.
Building: Four permits issued this month. One structure was built closer to the setback than was outlined on the building application last spring. Consensus of the council to tell the property owner that the structure must be relocated to meet city setbacks set by ordinance.
Health & Safety: Semi owner has applied for a conditional use permit to park the semi on private property on 1st Street. Permit will be considered at the next Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for January 22, 2015. Consensus of council to allow semi tractor to be parked in owner’s driveway to be plugged in during the winter months. Trailer will be parked at City Municipal buiding or shop.
Cemetery:Mausoleum and cemetery pilar quotes were reviewed from Ron Schutz and Affordable Tuckpointing. Consensus of council to discuss prices with the Huebsch family and Castlerock Museum, as they were considering donating to the restoration. Council agreed that the Schutz quote was substantially less and they would like to go with that once we talk to the family.
Riverfront: Beavers are again chewing on trees along the riverfront. Council will hire someone to try to trap/relocate them.
Clerk:Candidate nomination papers for Spring Election can be distributed starting Dec. 1st. Non-candidacy papers for any current office holders not seeking re-election must be submitted by Dec. 26th. Motion Seitz, second Mack to approve an operator license for Catherine Lewis (Resort). All yes, motion carried.Motion Seitz, second Holien to approve the sale back to the city of the Hobbs cemetery plot (372 S ½). All yes, motion carried.
Motion Mack, second Holein to pay bills. All yes, motion carried.
Motion Mack, second Holiento adjourn meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Jenny Ehlenfeldt, Clerk