Lesson 10Gospel of MarkHomework for October 31, 2017 Mark 14:1 - 15:47

The Scriptures which we will cover now are perhaps the most familiar to all of us, so we will look primarily at the progression of events. As we continue it is important to remember that each day begins at sunset of what we would consider the day before. Therefore, events of Thursday, for instance, would have begun at sunset on what we would consider Wednesday. This may be a bit clearer as we examine the calendar on Day Five of our homework. There is a lot, but you have two weeks to complete.

DAY ONEMark 14:1 - 31Anointing and the Lord's supper

v. 1-2What is the time reference here? ______

What danger did Jesus face? ______

What urgency was there? ______

v. 3-9The event recorded here happened earlier.

From John 12:1-8, when did this occur? ______

Where does this happen? Mark 14:3 ______

Who was present or would eventually come? John 12:1-11 ______


What did Mary do? ______Why? ______

v. 10-11 From these verses and the ones in John, what do we know about Judas?


From v. 1-2 and 11, what motivated the chief priests to collaborate with Judas?


v. 12-21 What preparations are identified in these verses? ______

Who was sent? ______

The Festival of Passover included the Passover meal (the lamb was sacrificed at 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. and eaten that evening), Unleavened Bread (celebrated for 7 days) and Firstfruits (occurred on the day after the sabbath).

NOTE: The events recorded from this point to Jesus' burial in Mark 15:42 happened in the evening and daylight of Thursday (one day), and include the Last Supper, Jesus' arrest, trials before the Sanhedrin and Pilate, His crucifixion and death.

When did Jesus and the twelve arrive? v. 17______

As they were eating, what announcement did Jesus make? ______

How would that person be identified? ______

Jesus chose all of His apostles. Why was this one chosen? John 13:18 ______

What is learned from Matt. 26:14-16? ______

v. 22-25 Jesus gave an object lesson during supper. What does the blood represent? ______

What does the bread represent? ______Jesus makes an observation about this meal.

When will He eat with them again? ______

Paul taught about the importance of observing the Lord's supper in 1 Cor. 11:23-26.

Why do Christians repeat this sacred meal? ______

v. 26-31 How did they end this meal? ______

Where did Jesus and His disciples go next? ______

What did Jesus prophesy about them? ______

What did He prophesy about Himself? ______

How did Peter declare his loyalty? ______

Yet, Jesus knew the coming events. What did He tell Peter? ______


Did Peter accept Jesus' words? ______How serious was Peter's devotion? ______

How about the other disciples? ______

DAY TWOMark 14:32 - 52Jesus' prayer and arrest

v. 32-36 Where are Jesus and the disciples when these events occur? ______

While the group of disciples were told to wait for Him, who did Jesus ask to accompany Him as He went to pray? ______, ______and ______

Three descriptions are given of Jesus' soul: He was ______, ______and ______.

What did Jesus ask these three to do? ______Why? ______

What did Jesus ask in His prayer? ______

What did Jesus promise in His prayer? ______

v. 37-42 After one hour, what were the three disciples doing? ______

Who was admonished? ______What was the warning that Jesus gave him?


How many times did Jesus return to find them sleeping? ______

What hour had come? ______Who was approaching? ______

Jesus' High Priestly Prayer is recorded in John 17. Read through this chapter and be blessed!

In verses 1-5 Jesus prays that the Father would be glorified in Him.

In verses 6-19 Jesus prays that the Father would guard the elect.

In verses 20-26 Jesus prays that the Father would gather all His people.

v. 43-45 Judas brought a crowd with him who had been sent by the ______, ______and ______.

Who composed the delegation? ______

How were they armed? ______

Just in case there was any confusion, how did Judas identify Jesus? ______

v. 46-52 When Jesus was seized, who reacted violently? See John 18:10 ______

How did Jesus say He was being treated? ______

Why was this dramatic arrest so unreasonable? ______

However, their actions fulfilled ______. See Isa. 53:8

What did the disciples do at this point? ______

Why? ______

One young man, however, followed. What happened when he was seized? ______

This is only reported here, and it is assumed that this young man is ______

DAY THREEMark 14:53 - 15:15Jesus' trials and Peter's denials

14:53-65 Who would preside on this trial? ______Who would render a verdict? ______

What was the predetermined purpose of this trial? v. 55 ______Why was the testimony being given not convincing? ______

What glaring false testimony was given? ______

When Jesus was questionedby the High Priest about this testimony, how did He respond? v. 61 ______

When asked if He was the Christ, how did Jesus respond? (two words in Greek) __ ___!

If Jesus spoke in Hebrew, the answer would have been YHWH! Ex. 3:13-14

What prophecy did He give? ______

How did the high priest respond? ______

Of what was Jesus then convicted? ______What was the penalty? ______

How was Jesus treated then by these leading Jews? ______

14:66-72 Where was Peter during all this? v. 54 ______

Who asked Peter if he was with Jesus? ______Was she a significant threat? ______

However, how did Peter respond? ______

As she continued to identify Peter as a Jesus follower, what did he do? ______

Her actions caused the ______to join in. What did Peter do? ______

What happened to remind Peter of Jesus' prophecy? ______

At this point, what was Peter's reaction? ______

15:1-5 Incidentally, this trial occurred at night which was forbidden of the Sanhedrin.

Jesus was escorted to Pilate, the Roman procurator over Judea, by the whole ______.

While the Jews had asked Jesus was He the Christ, what did Pilate ask Him?

______Why were these two accusations different?

The Jews inquired about a ______offense; Pilate asked about a ______offense.

What was Jesus' answer? ______How did the chief priests react? ______

Jesus' reaction caused Pilate to chime in. How did Pilate react to Jesus' behavior? ______

6-15What feast is referenced here? ______Had it begun yet? ______See John 19:13-14

What did Pilate customarily do to appease the Jews on this holiday? ______

Who was destined for execution? ______His name means ______

What were his offenses? ______

When the crowd asked for a prisoner to be released, what choice did Pilate give them?

______or ______What motive did Pilate ascribe to the Jews? ______

What did the crowd demand? that Pilate ______

How did they respond when Pilate asked the crowd what Jesus had done? ______

Acting to appease the crowd, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified after He was ______

A more detailed account is found in Matt. 27:11-31. As we finish today, read through these verses.

DAY FOURMark 15:16 - 47Crucifixion and burial

v. 16-21 Leaving Pilate, the soldiers took Jesus to the soldiers' headquarters.

How was Jesus mocked? ______

How was He physically abused? ______

What evidence is there that this was severe? ______

v. 22-32 How is the place of crucifixion described? ______

As Jesus was dying, what pity did the soldiers show? ______

What did they do with Jesus' meager possessions? ______

According to v. 25, when did the crucifixion begin? ______

What sign would have told passersby why Jesus was being crucified? ______

Two men were crucified at the same time. What was their offense? ______

How was the crowd acting? ______

How were the chief priests acting? ______

What were the two men being crucified doing? ______

v. 33-39 What happened in the sixth hour? ______How long did it last? ______

How did Jesus describe His sacrifice? v. 34 ______

What did some in the crowd do to challenge Jesus? ______

Then, according to these verses, about what time did Jesus die? ______

On what day of the week? ______

What happened in the temple? ______

Whose heart was changed as these events occurred? ______

v. 40-41 As Jesus died, who was noted as being present? ______


Who else is listed in John 19:25-26? ______

v. 42-47 What day is identified here? ______

Who asked for Jesus' body? ______

What are we told about him? ______

As a Council member, what had he witnessed? ______

What did Pilate confirm before making a decision? ______

Where was Jesus buried? ______

Who was watching? ______

DAY FIVELooking at the calendar Refer to the chart given with Lesson 7.

Just for convenience, let's assume that the Jewish days go from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Therefore, Sunday would begin at 6:00 on what we would consider Saturday. Let's make a quick chart:

What happened before 6:00 p.m. Sunday, a week before the resurrection? Begin with Mark 11:1.



What happened from then until 6:00 p.m. on Monday?______


What happened from then until 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday?



What happened from then until 6:00 on Wednesday?



What happened from then until 6:00 on Thursday?




What happened from then until 6:00 on Friday?______

What happened from then until 6:00 on Saturday?


What happened from then until before dawn on Sunday?


The confirming sign of Jesus as the promised Messiah is the sign of Jonah. Matt. 12:38-41, 16:4;

Luke 11:29-32. But the sign of Jonah is counted in three days and three nights (opposite of the evening and morning). Jesus rose before dawn on Sunday. Count backwards to confirm this sign.