Budget Committee Meeting Minutes
February22, 2018
Sequoia 18
Members Present
Administration:Christine Statton - Co-Chair, David Loverin, Zach Patterson
Faculty:Mike Skaff–Co-Chair,James McDonnell,John Sorber,Linda Yamakawa
Adjunct FacultyTBD
Confidential:Mary Schaefer
Students:Jasmine Pacheco
Non-Voting Member:Linda McCauley
Members Absent
Administration:Glen Profeta
Adjunct Faculty:
Student:Cheyne Strawn
Non-Voting Member:
- Call to Order–Christine Statton called the meeting to order at3:08.
- Approval of the February 7, 2018Budget Committee Minutes–David Loverinmoved to approve the minutes of 2/7/18andMike Skaffseconded the motion. No further discussion. Motion carried.
- Report to Committee
a)District Governance Senate Actions –AP/BP’s,Above-base rankings were approved, and the Budget Committee mid-year report was reviewed.
b)Board of Trustees Actions and Items –RFP for bookstore was awarded to Barnes Noble (more financially positive to District) and the 2016-17 audit was presented.
- Above-Base Resource Requests (submitted to District Governance Senate –Christine Stattonreviewed the memo submitted to DGS that summarized the number of requests from each area. It also detailed the funding, the requests that were approved and the ones not approved. DGS approved the rankings in the same order they were presented. The requests that were not approved will be submitted to the Foundation for possible grant funding. The President has the final approval of the rankings and that information will be presented to the board in March.
There was some discussion about Student Senate requests being added, but because they don’t do a program review or have needs that align with the Strategic Plan they are not included. Does something need to be documented about how Student Senate asks for resources? Jasmine Pacheco will take this questions back to Student Senate to find out if there is a need and report back to the committee.
- Budget Assumptions – Budget Development Update- Christine Stattonreviewed some preliminary calculations from the Dept. of Finance showing funding based on the new funding formula. She pointed out that the Chancellor’s Office allocates our funding and these are just simulations from the Dept. of Finance showing what it would look like if we used the new funding formula in 16-17. Based on these calculations the District would have received $2.8 million in new revenue (possibly receive more under the old funding formula). The main factors of the new formula are FTES, CA Promise Grant fee waivers, Pell awards, and degrees and certificates being awarded. The District is trying to reach the 10,000 FTES, but we don’t know if we get any credit for reaching 10,000 other than having more FTES (researching this). The formula for the simulation funding previously was also reviewed. The state shouldhave actual funding calculations in late March or early April.
The committee will continue to work on budget assumptions and a PowerPoint will be created for the budget forums.
Christine Statton shared that the District hasn’t decided if it’s jumpinginto free first-year college (College Promise).
- Assessment of Effectiveness of Above-Base Resource Allocations – Christine Statton reviewed the assessment memo that was previously used by the committee. She reminded the committee that IPRC wants to take the assessment step out of program review. It has been recommended that the change take place after the accreditation visit in October 2018. Christine Statton will check into when IPRC wants this change to take effect. There was discussion about all requests being linked to District Objectives. The committee reviewed the RAM and recommended some revisions to the memo. The revised memo will be brought back to the March 8th meeting.
- Budget and Fiscal Items on Board Agenda– None
- Spring Budget Forums – Committee members were encouraged to attend one of the forums.
Hanford-April 17 – E63
Visalia-April 18- Ponderosa
Tulare-April 19– B223
- Other Business– Christine Statton shared that the contract with Carl’s Jr. expires in June and the District will not renew it. Something with fresh and healthy options will open in that space.
- Items for Next Agenda – Revised Resource Allocation Effectiveness Memo
- Next Meeting – March8, 2018
- Adjourn – 4:04