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FlorenceNightingalewas a nursewhosavedmanylives in the 19th century. Shewasnamedafterthecity of Florence in Italy, where her parentswentaftertheygotmarried in 1818. Her familywasrichandthey had twohomes in Britain as well as servants. Florencewas an unusualyoungwomanfor her time becauseshedidn’twanttogotopartiesandgetmarried. Shewantedto be a nurseandhelppeople. Her familydidn’twant her tobecome a nursebecausehospitalsbackthenweredirty, horribleplaces. Theywereworriedabout her. In 1851, Florencewentto Germany andlearnedallaboutnursing. Itwas hard work, but sheloved it.

In 1854, lots of British soldierswenttofight in theCrimeanWar. Armyhospitalswerefilledwithinjured men, but therewerenonursesandmany men died. Florenceand a team of nurseswenttohelp. Florenceworked 20 hours a daytomakethearmyhospital a cleanerand safer place. Shebroughtthe men freshfood, shecleanedthehospitalbedsandsheusedcleanbandages on thewoundedsoldiers. Soon, fewer men weredying. At night, Florencewalkedaroundthehospital. Shetalkedtotheinjuredsoldiersandhelpedthe men towriteletterstotheirfamilies. Shecarried a lampandthesoldierscalled her ‘Theladywiththelamp’.

WhenFlorencereturnedtoEngland, peoplecalled her a heroinebecause of her amazingwork in theCrimeanWar. Queen Victoria wrote her a letterto say thankyou. Shecontinuedtowork hard in Britain toimprovehospitalsandshewasgiven a medalcalledtheOrder of Merit. Shewasthefirstwomantoreceivethishonour.

1. Answerthequestions! ( Soruları parçaya göre cevaplayınız.)

a. WhatdidFlorencewantto be? Shewantedto be a nurse.


b. Whydidn't her parentswant her to be a nurse?


c. Whydidshegoto Germany?


d. Whydidlots of men die in thearmyhospitals?


e. How didsheimprovethehospital?


f. How didshehelpthesoldiers?


g.Whywasshecalled 'Theladywiththelamp'?


h. WhatdidshegetfromQueen Victoria?


i. Whatdidshe do whenshereturnedto Britain?


j. Whywas it specialfor her togettheOrder of Meritmedal?