BTSA/Induction Standard Class Lesson Plan Guidelines
Los Angeles Unified School District:
Seminar Homework Assignment
Please note: Completion of this assignment is OPTIONAL, it is only required if you wish to receive the Seminar Salary Point.
Please use these guidelines in as you design a lesson plan that will provide evidence that you have implemented one of the concepts addressed at either the Mid-Year Conference or the Local District Seminars.
Name: ______Employee #: ______
School: ______Gr/Subj ______Local District: ______
You will need to:
- Write a lesson plan
- Implement the lesson plan
- Analyze the student work generated by the lesson
- Attach at least four pieces of student work, with commentary (for this assignment you must select a lesson that will generate student work that can be submitted)
Please include the following in your lesson plan:
Briefly describe how this lesson is connected to the concepts outlined in one of the seminars.
Academic Content Standards:
List the student content standards covered in this lesson.
Instructional Goals:
What are your goals for student learning for this lesson? How does content build on prior knowledge?
What evidence will you collect to measure student achievement?
Instructional Strategies:
Describe the instructional strategies for this lesson and why they are appropriate for the instructional goals.
Student Activities and Grouping:
Describe the activities and grouping strategy.
Differentiation of Instruction:
Describe how you are going to adapt, modify and/or adjust instruction and materials to meet the needs of the diverse learners in your classroom.
Culturally Relevant and Responsive Education:
Indicate any strategies that you incorporated in this lesson that are relevant and/or responsive to the cultural background of your current class.
Materials and Resources:
List the materials and resources required for this lesson.
If applicable, what technology resources will you use?
Personal Reflection:
Was the lesson successful? What evidence do you have that the instructional goals were met, or not met? Were the strategies appropriate? What materials or resources do you need to add to the lesson? What would you do again, what would you change?
Analysis of Student Work:
Look at the student work generated by this assignment.
Based on the goals indicated in your lesson plan divide the work into four categories:
- fully and competently met the standard
- met the standard but could use support to become more proficient
- did not fully meet the standard
- significantly below standard
Select one sample of student work from each category and submit it with an annotated page indicating what instructional strategies you will use in a follow up lesson to further support the student’s academic growth.
Next, analyze which students have work samples in the two categories that did not meet the standard. Determine if there are any factors that these students have in common. Write no more than one page to indicate what targeted strategies you can use to assist these students as a group to become more successful in your classroom.