Substance Misuse Commissioning

NHS South of Tyne & Wear PID

Project Initiation Documentfor-

Implementation of Community Contract within South Tyneside PCT Substance Misuse Commissioning Team

Document purpose:

To formally agree a contract of work between the Project Management Provider and the Project Sponsor.

Approval of this document marks the formal start of the project.

Revision Control:

Version / Date / Author / Owner / Status
1 / 07/04/2009 / Christian Geisselmann / C Geisselmann / Draft


Name / Position / Role / Date / Signature
Janice Chandler / Project Sponsor / Team Manager / 7/4/09 / X
Mark Watson / Project Sponsor / Head of SM Commissioning / 7/4/09 / X

Sign off from the Project Management Provider denotes acceptance for and on behalf of PCT


The new Standard NHS Contract for Acute Hospital Services was introduced through the Operating Framework in December 2007 for agreements between PCT’s, as commissioners, and NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts as providers. Its use will be extended to independent sector providers in late 2008 (pending legislation on their eligibility to participate in CNST).
DH indicated in Health Reform in England: update and commissioning framework, (July 2006) that further contracts would be developed for mental health and other non-acute services. This commitment to develop a new contractual framework for a range of out-of-hospital services was been reinforced in the Commissioning Framework for Health and Well-being (March 2007).
The Contracts will be based upon many of the same principles and requirements of the standard acute contract, amended as necessary to take account of the different service and organisational contexts.
The Community and Mental Health Contracts have now been agreed and came into force with effect from 1st April 2009.

Reasons the project is needed

The Community Contract came into effect on the 1st April 2009 and it is imperative that thatas Commissioners within South Tyneside PCT Substance Misuse Commissioning Team we fully understand the contract and its possible impact and effect onour providers whom which we contract with. The contract is very long and quite complicated in places. A clear understanding and training for both Commissioners and Providers will be a must during initial rollout phase.
The framework for the Contracts required the development of a standard contract applicable to:
  • Mental health services (including pathways relevant to the NHS learning disability services)
  • Community health services (including pathways relevant to the NHS learning disability services)
  • Ambulance services(including Patient Transport Service)
The three contracts, built around a common framework, are now agreed between PCT’s and all types of provider organisation including NHS Trusts, NHSFT's, and independent and third sector organisations.
Separate contract types will not be developed for different types of provider. A consistent contractual framework will ensure a fairer playing field.

Justification for the project

Gain a clear understanding of what the contract means
Service Reviews & Improved service Delivery
Improved Outcomes
Greater Patient experience
Review of all existing systems
Possible new systems to be put in place

Outline business case / business plan alignment

Enables and effective clear understanding of the Contract
Delivers agreed business targets
Consistent pathways
Performance measurement enablement
Developing existing services
Improved patient experience


  • PID and plan in place
  • Review of community contractand other linked performance requirements
  • Implications of community contract to World Class Commissioning, standing orders and contract law framework review
  • Establish gaps and infrastructure needs for Commissioners to monitor and providers to be able to deliver contract
  • Develop existing internal systems to gather information data and feed into PCT Boards
  • Finalise reporting arrangements
  • Communications and management development programme design and implement

Project Controls and Reporting

The project manager will report weekly with project updates via a summary report to the South Tyneside Team Manager and South of Tyne & Wear Head of Commissioning (Substance Misuse)


The following areas are in scope:
Review of the Community Contract and also an awareness of the Mental Health and Learning Disability Contract:
  • Substance Misuse (Primary function of commissioning, Drugs & Alcohol)
  • Dual Diagnosis awareness
  • Mental Health awareness
  • Offenders / Ex Offenders awareness


Currently no exclusions


The sponsors for this project is:
Janice Chandler & Mark Watson


Business case
Business plan
Implementation plan


Provision of enough detailed information to make an informed decision around project viability.
Sufficient level of completion to take forward to next stage.

Success Criteria

There is a product which is a tangible business case and review documents that allow informed decision. Delivered to time and to cost.

Measurement of deliverables, outcomes and quality

Approved documentation exists and decision made.


Availability of other specialist areas resource
Availability of skills and resources.

Business Link (Internal)

IM&T, HR, Procurement, Finance, Contracts & performance, Commissioning (PCT)

Business Link (External)


Escalation Process

Escalation will be achieved via the Sponsor and ultimately SMT or other appropriate authority

Roles and Responsibilities

Name / Role / Responsibility
Janice Chandler / Team Manager (SM Commissioning) / Sponsor
Christian Geisselmann / Project Manager (SM Commissioning) / Provider of Project Management
Dean Outterside / Manager or Performance / Sponsor representative
Mark Watson / Head of SM Commissioning / Sponsor

ConfidentialPage 110/09/2018

Risk Log
Last Updated: / 7th April 2009
RL001 / Scope / Christian Geisselmann / 07/04/09 / Lack of information infrastructure at provider and commissioner level to deliver data between contracting parties / 07/05/09 / Medium / High / High / Have data improvement plan to allow for progress for improvement to be tracked during contract period. Performance criteria and measures based around achievement of milestones. / 24/11/08
RL002 / Budget / Christian Geisselmann / 07/04/09 / Unachievable timescales to complete the project / 07/05/09 / Medium / Medium / Medium / Clear programme management arrangements in place with strong performance and risk management. / 24/11/08
RL003 / Budget / Christian Geisselmann / 07/04/09 / Failure to agree contract deliverables / 07/05/09 / Medium / Medium / Medium / Maintain focus on NHS Operating Framework and Contract requirements
Avoidance of aspirations to expand remit of contract / 24/11/08
RL004 / Quality / Christian Geisselmann / 07/04/09 / Lack of guidance and support from PCT / 07/05/09 / Medium / Medium / Medium / Early discussion and clear communication / 24/11/08




Support for a review of the community contract remains a priority as it came into force on 1st April 2009.
Portfolio remains constant for three years as all contract awards are for a 3 year period.


Managers and support service staff being available and are provided with the relevant information.


Project Start:
7th April 2009 / Project End:
7th September 2009

Key Milestones:

Task / Milestone Date / Owner
Project Overview & PID completed / 8th April 2009 / Christian Geisselmann
Reviewed Community Contract / 15th May 2009 / Christian Geisselmann
Produce Advice &Recommendations Paper / 19th June 2009 / Christian Geisselmann
Produce Draft Report / 10th July 2009 / Christian Geisselmann
Approve Draft Report / 17th July 2009 / Christian Geisselmann
Produce Final Report / 14th August 2009 / Christian Geisselmann
Agree Final Report / 7th September 2009 / Christian Geisselmann

Completion Guidance Notes:


Brief outline of Current situation/working practices/history

Reason the project is needed

Please list Major/main Reasons that project is required

Outline business case / business plan alignment

How does the project Support the Business Plan. Please quote section/page of Business Plan

Justification for the project

Outline what would happen if the project is not devlivered


Please list the aims of the proposed project.

Project controls and reporting

Specify the frequency of project team meeting and also the reporting measures e.g. RAG status

Milestone / Deliverable level / Project level (one overall traffic light)???
Red / Overdue or will be during period. No plan / Red / One or more red on critical path
Amber / Under threat or has a plan to get back on track / Amber
Green / On track / Green


List what is covered by the project.


List what is NOT included in the project (What is out of Scope?)


The Sponsor owns and is ultimately responsible for the project. They are supported by the Assistant Director and the Project Managers


List the changes that will be implemented.


List the Benefits and the Measurable Outcomes (include Quality Criteria if applicable)

Success Criteria

Define how the sponsor will know that the project has been a success

Measurement of deliverables, outcomes and quality

How can the success factors be measured?


What are the known limitations at the outset?What are the likely limitations?

Business Link (Internal)

Links to areas and resource that are local to the provider area and within the provider area control

Business Link (External)

Links to areas that are not local to the provider area and may not be assumed to be available e.g. HR, IM&T, Estates.


The risk log at the point in time this document is created


What assumptions exist around the project


What dependencies exist between other projects or deliverables?


Show the project start and end dates

Show the key milestones, dates expected and milestone owner.

