BTMHS Information for Lady RAMs/RAM Hosts
Who paid for BTMHS?
5 million dollar Bond from the Board of Education
1 million dollar special appropriations from City Council
Chamber of Commerce – $500,000 grant for equipment, training,
Supplies, and Professional Development
Career Tech – bond money to purchase equipment
Some money also came from Magnet Funds
The furniture and equipment for the original building came from another
1 million from the City Council
Money for new building construction came from yet a third one million
from the City Council
Equipment for the new building came from magnet money
How much did it cost to build?
$6,010,354 (and some change)
1/3 cost of a traditional high school
Aesthetics of the building?
Built in the shape of an I
Academy Concept – academy areas anchor the building
Metal Panels – anti graffiti (actually are covering sheetrock)
Ceiling Tiles – 1000 tiles missing – they are $80 per tile, so a savings of
$80,000 – also adds to the tech feel
No lockers – text on CD Rom eventually
Size of the building?
86,000 square feet in original building
17,232 square feet in new building
What is in each classroom?
Traditional things such as books, teachers, students, boards, maps, etc.
Data Video Projector; Computer Work Stations; Network Printers;
Who had the idea to start this type of school?
Marian Parker- former Magnet Director – had the idea and they wrote the
Grant – it is the first school like it in the state
4405 Brewbaker Dr. Montgomery, AL 36118
334.284.7100 Fax 334.284.7110