BSN Coordinator’s Report

April 10/14

  1. Parent Engagement Symposium and Next Steps (see powerpoint presentation attached)The four regional coordinators took part in teleconference with consultant to provide feedback on her report. A final report with Executive Summary will be ready by next week.
  1. Triple P-Meeting notes can be accessed at

I have also attached the Community Plan to resources for reference/input.

Please let me know if you or your agency would like more information on levels of Triple P.

  1. Transportation Accelerating Rural Transportation Solutions-- Update

The survey was sent out to over 125 community partners. There will be a partner focus group on April 23 at EEC.

  1. ECE Recruitment and Retention Committee – (Kim Little) – Meeting March 24

ECE at ECE – panel to promote ECE profession will take place at EEC on April 22 from 5 to 7

SLC has offered to include LG in a project that involves working with media students to create webinars and virtual blackboards to promote the ECE profession. These will run on the SLC website and in common areas at all three campuses.

Kim shared a survey of those who are working in the ECE profession but not yet qualified. Most indicated that the Apprenticeship program is their preferred method of learning. A number indicated that the main barrier to getting qualified is money. Kim will follow up to see if MinEDU funding support can be more flexible. (e.g. support Apprenticeship, purchase of textbooks)

Childcare supervisors will look into establishing lending library for textbooks

  1. Website (message from Keith)

Please ensure that staff are aware of site, Keith is sending tweets from EKIOC blogs, your input is not only encouraged but critical to real collaboration; there is great potential inuse of the tools section for staff in their day to day work.

  1. WTK Meeting -- Welcome to Kindergarten Committee – March 26

Boards are looking at offering 2 ½ day summer programs for students entering JK.

  1. Child and Family Centres – Lead Table members spent some time at their meeting on April 2 defining components of a vision for Child and Family Centres through the lens of a rural family. Results will be summarized and shared with Lead Table and BSN.
  1. Meeting Dates

April 16 – Triple P 9:30 to 11:30 Health Unit

April 17 – Youth Justice Partners 9:30 RNJ

April 17 – Transportation Committee 1:30 EEC

April 22 – BSN Screening Clinic Workgroup 9:30 Frankville Resource Centre

April 22 – Special Needs Reference Group 10:30 Frankville Resource Centre

April 22 – Autism Workgroup 12:30 Frankville Resource Centre

April 22 – ECE at EEC 5 to 7 EEC

April 23 – Poverty Workgroup 9 to 1 United Way

April 23 – Transportation Focus Group 1p.m. EEC

April 28 – Coordinator’s Meeting Kingston 1 to 3

April 29 – Mental Health Initiative 1:30 Frankville Resource Centre

May 1 – Child and Family Centre Workgroup 1p.m. Guthrie House Elgin

May 7 – Lead Table 9:30 UCDSB