DublinCityUniversity 1997 - 2001
BSc (Hons) Applied Computing
Graduated with a 2.1
Technical Courses completed
Advanced XSLT(Dublin)2005
IBM Portal Development(Dublin)2004
Web Services within WSAD(London)2003
Development Environments
Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA,Oracle JDeveloper 10g , IBM RAD v6, IBM WSAD v5.x, Jbuilder, Visual Age for Java, MS Dev Studio
Development Utilities
Maven, Ant, Xml Spy, jMeter, Rational Rose
Project and Repository Management tools
Subversion, IBM ClearQuest, IBM ClearCase, PVCS, Microsoft VSS, CVS
Software Design
OOAD, CMM, UML, RUP, XP, Design Patterns
Programming Languages
Java, C, C++, VB
J2EE Technologies
Servlets, JSP, EJB, MDB, Portals, Web Services
XML Technologies
XSLT 1 and 2, XSL-FO, XPath, WSDL, SOAP, JAX*, Xalan, Xerces, Saxon, Oracle XML parsers and XSL processors.
Development Frameworks
Struts, Spring, iBatis, jUnit, jUnitPerf, HttpUnit, Log4J, Castor, Commons
Scripting Languages
Javascript, Vbscript, AJAX
Markup Languages
RDBMS Technologies
SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle 8/9i/10g, DB2
MS SQL Server, MS Access, MySql, Sybase
Operating Systems
Windows NT/ XP/Vista, Solaris, Linux, DOS, VAX
Application Servers
Oracle App Server 10 (OC4J 10g)
Websphere Application Server v3.5 – v6.0,
Websphere Portal Server, Apache Tomcat, Jetty
Brokat Business Rules Server,
Internet Information Server, Netscape LDAP Server
Software & Computer Company, Dublin Sept 2009 – July 2011
J2EE Consultant
The Company provide Financial Service applications to their clients.
Main Duties & Responsibilities:
- Development of the bulk upload interface mechanism by which client’s staff can upload pertinent information from existing legacy systems to the Risk Management database.
- Writing all of the PL/SQL procedures required to clean and import the data into the appropriate data structures.
- Sucessfully produced a fully working demonstration code sample to illustrate how they might leverage Xslt and the dHtmlx component library to transform their application to use a modern tree-based GUI that employs all of their existing code artifacts, but with minimal intrusion to their existing codebase.
- Provided architectural design and development support to the application.
Technologies: Java, XML, XSD, XSLT, PL/SQL, Eclipse, JSP, Spring, Javascript, JUnit, Hibernate and SQL.
Technology Company, Dublin February 2006 – August 2009
Senior J2EE Consultant
This company provide a diverse range of technology projects including market data technology, UI design and BPM.
Main Duties & Responsibilities:
- Provided architectural design and development support in the important area of Risk Control for this large Investment Bank.
- I worked on the integration of their existing Risk Control and Monitoring System (RCMS) with the CSR document storage system.
- Tasks included leveraging a bespoke Web Service interface (.Net to Java), automatic production of same using Ant scripting and the wsdl2java tool, leveraged the Quartz scheduling tool for quarterly bulk uploads overnight EST. Added all required GUI elements.
- I designed the new infrastructure within the context of the pre-existing Spring, JSP, and Hibernate one.
Technologies: Java, XML, XSD, XSLT, PL/SQL, Eclipse, JSP, Spring, Javascript, JUnit, Hibernate and SQL.
Software Company, Dublin February 2001 – January 2006
Senior Software Developer / J2EE Consultant / Analyst
The company is a software development and contact centre subsidiary of a US based Financial Services Bank.
Main Duties & Responsibilities:
- Worked with development teams on a range of J2EE software development projects in the Claims Processing, Annuities, and Mutual Funds business areas.
- Provided analysis, consultancy support, and training on Java technologies to US and Irish teams.
Technologies: Servlets, JSP, Struts, EJB, XML, XSL*, JAX*, Html, Javascript, UML, jUnit, HttpUnit, Web Services, and Portals.
Reading, Football, Hiking, Playing the Guitar and keeping up to date on the latest technologies.
Available on request
The information outlined in this CV is fictional. This CV is designed to act as a guide only
Morgan McKinley is a registered name of Premier Group.