BSA Pack55 Internet Procedures

Pack55 maintains a website ( containing useful pack information as well as links to other web sites containing useful Scouting information. Personal information can only be obtained by entering the secured section of the site. The secured section contains the pack roster andthe leadership of the Troop. Additional links may also be added to the secured section as needed. It is very important the Scouts and parents understand that the User Name and Password for the secured site be kept confidential and not be given out to other individual so that all personal information stays secured. Upon returning the bottom portion of this form signed, you will be given the User Name and Password for the secured site.

Please feel free to contact Sharon McRae or Hope Timmerman with any suggestions, pictures, information, or problems you may have with the web site.

  • I understand that pictures of my son may appear on( and that only first names may be used for captions for the pictures.
  • I understand that all personal information pertaining to my family may be listed in the secured section of the web site. This includes but not limited to full name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
  • I understand that the secured site is for Scouts and parents of Pack55 only and the User Name and Password will not be given out to anyone.
  • I understand that in the event I have forgotten the User Name and Password I can contact one of the committee members to obtain the information.
  • I understand that if I find information on the Website that I do not wish to be released, I can contact the Webmasters and every effort will be made to remove the information.


Scouts Name: ______

Parents Name: ______

I agree to the above listed terms for Pack 55 web site. I also understand that the User Name and Password is not to be given out to anyone.

Scouts Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Email Address: ______