Brown County EDUCATION Action Team

Monday, May 3rd, 2010


Mission Statement: Raising Expectations to Improve Education

2009 Goal: Teacher Morale/Retention

Co-Chairs: Kelly Grady/Daina Howell

Attendees: Mary Koch, Kelly Grady, Ben Ellefritz, Daina Howell, Jean Buckley, Jori Bottorff, Merle Kenady, Erin McCaskill, Sue Kenady, Susie Lerch, Angela Salrin

Welcome to the Real World Seminar - Kelly:

−The seminar is set for Thursday, May 13. Everything is ready to go. Kristin at theExtension office is sending out email reminders this week to those who are helping.

−The presenters will be from the Focus on Results committee. Due to scheduling conflicts someone from John Wood Community College will not be able to attend.

−Possibly for next year ask someone from Quincy University to be a presenter.

Teacher Appreciation Week - Erin:

−Week of May 3-7 is Teacher Appreciation Week.

−We will be doing a couple of things to show our appreciation to our teachers.

Teacher Breakfast -

−Wednesday, May 5th we will be hosting a breakfast for teachers before school, serving from 7:15 – 8 am. It will be breakfast casserole, breads, muffins, cinnamon rolls, fruit, juice and coffee.

−Erin sent out an email asking for donations, remaining items needed such as juice and casseroles were donated/taken care of by committee members in attendance. Casseroles – Sue, Angela, Dorothy, Heather and Jori. Juice – Daina and Kelly. Fruit trays – Jori and Erin.

−High School studentsfrom the Principal Advisory Committee will be serving the BCES and St. Mary’s. Jr. High Student Council will serve the BCMS and BCHS. There will be BCEAT members at each location to help supervise.

Action Steps –

−On Tuesday, May 4 the principals will announce the breakfast at their teacher meetings and Erin will put up flyers at the schools.

Tokens of our Appreciation -

−Thursday or Friday morning (May 6 or May 7) we will deliver chocolate candy bars to the teacher’s mailboxes. The wrappers will have a thank you message on them.

−We had some flowers donated for the week. Erin will be making small flower arrangements and putting them in the teacher lounges with a thank you note for teachers to enjoy.

Getting the Community Involved -

−We are trying to get local businesses to provide a “free item” for teachers who come into their business and show their school IDs. So far we have The Station and Renee’s Place, possibly Tastee Treat and the restaurant in Hersman. Erin is working with the restaurants to determine the free item and get the schedule put together.

−Flyers will be put in the teachers’ mailboxes with the information about the restaurants and the free items.

−We are asking businesses to display signs of appreciation for our teachers in their business windows and on their signs. Erin will be passing out flyers to the local businesses to display as a thank you as well.

Teacher’s Survey - Merle:

−The teacher’s survey was sent electronically to all teachers. So far 26 have responded from the public schools and 6 have responded from St. Mary’s. There are 67 teachers total in the district.

−They will be sending out a reminder about the survey later this week. The survey is due June 7th.

−Last year we had 40% participate in the survey.

−Our team will review/discuss the results and then the results will be given to the School Board for their review.

Fundraiser Letter - Kelly:

−The fundraiser letter was sent out in April; so far we have had zero respondents. Possibly the letters were never given out to the students for them to take home. The Elementary School sent the letters out, but we are unsure of the other schools.

−Possibly send the letter again with report cards.

−A suggestion was make to revise the letter to explain the money will go towards supporting the extracurricular activities and then pass the letters out at the choir and band concerts coming up (BCHS - Thursday, May 6 at 7:30 pm in Auditorium, BCMS – Tuesday, May 11 at 7 pmin the gym). Could also hand them out at the FFA (May 4 at 6 pm) and FCCLA (May 5 at 6:30 pm) banquets.

Action Steps –

−Ben will check with Linda Kennedy to see if the letters went out at the Middle School.

−Merle will contact Van to see if letters were sent out at the High School.

−Jori will contact Mrs. Berquist about the letters being handed out at the choir/band concerts.

−Erin will contact the FFA and FCCLA organizations to see if handing out the fundraiser letter at their banquets would be okay.

Fundraiser Ideas - Kelly:

−The committee discussed other fundraiser ideas, such as;

  • Hornet earrings – qty. 100 for $285, shipping $10, possibly sell for $5.
  • Hornet quilt
  • Window decals, general or personalized, cost between $6-8. Forms for the window decals can be handed out at registration.
  • Basket Raffles
  • Hornet t-shirt blanket – have Hornet t-shirts donated, Kitty Mountain and Kathy Yingling’s mother both make t-shirt blankets.

Action Steps –

−Erin will look into the specifics for the window decals and get company, prices and design information.

−Everyone should think about more fundraising ideas and be ready to share/discuss at the next meeting.

February Fling:

−We reviewed the February Fling survey. There were some really nice complements on the event.

−A suggestion was made to send out a survey to the employees before the Fling to get an idea of what they would like to do and where to have the event.

−Possibly have a smaller Fling and then have several casual events throughout the year for better retention of employees.

−There was some discussion on student teachers winning the bigger prizes.

Action Steps –

−We need to advertise the Fling more.

−Add a disclaimer that only employees of the school district may win prizes.


−Mary and Angela contributed to the BCEAT fund through the Dot Foods’ TLC Volunteer Program.

−Our email listing needs to be updated. Possibly send out an email to all who are currently on the list and ask them to respond if they would like to stay on the email distribution list.

−Currently we have $800 in general funds and $968 for teacher appreciation. We need about $2,500-3,000 to cover the expenses that we incur throughout the year.

−It was decided to not have a booth set up at the Back to School Fair on July 17. There was not much traffic last year. We will set up a booth at school registration, Aug. 4 from 8-4 pm and Aug. 5 from 11-7 pm.

−The Brown County Against Cancer benefit will be June 12 from 8 am – Midnight at the K of C Hall. There are opportunities to sell raffle tickets, memorial flowers or volunteering that day. See Karla if you would like to help.

−Possibly start sending out a calendar or some sort of communication to the teachers/employees to inform them of what our committee does and to help announce events.


Community Betterment Team

May 3, 2010, 5:15pm @ BCMS

Attending: Renne Childers, Brandon Gallaher, Steve Gragg, Holly Gallaher, Jori Bottorff

Farmers Market

  • Decided to start May 15 – will have every Saturday thereafter from 8-noon
  • Will do advertisements in DM, BCAT facebook page, e-mail

Flower boxes

  • Get box from Coach Fullerton & fix
  • Flowers/potting soil up to $100-$120

Fundraising Options

  • Golf outing (all teams)
  • Dodge ball tournament
  • Trivia


  • Check on cookbook company & prices
  • Talk to Beth about steps involved

Next meeting: June 7, 2010, 5:15pm @ BCMS

Notes taken by: Holly Gallaher


May 3, 2010 5:15pm @ BCMS

Housing & Economic Development

Attending: Jeff Seefeldt, Sandy Trusewych, Dave Ferrill, Lance Grady

  • Lance talked to nearly all house rehab guys
  • Building new multi-unit would be a long term ROI
  • Not much interest in building multi-unit rentals
  • Sandy suggested having a ‘housing fair.” Invite contractors, loaners, ect. to educate the public interested in building/home ownership
  • It was felt we’d have a hard time attracting contractors.
  • We need word from Bryan on whether the Lunch n’ Learn is a go at Dot Bryan was unable to attend due to a death in the family
  • We believe it’s a go, we need to know when & where
  • Jeff & Sandy can put together the presentation/presenters

Next Meeting: June 7, 2010, 5:15pm @ BCMS

Notes taken by: Dave Ferrill


May 3, 2010, 5:15 @ BCMS

Health & Social Services Team

Attending: Deb Meservey, Tim Klobe, Gail Cochran, Carolyn Wort, Tammy Underwood, Cathleen Koch, Paula Hannant, Theresa Giesler, Britney Shepherd


  • Hope to put food in ‘L’ shape corner near kitchen
  • Use cork board on east wall for wall of flowers ceiling to floor (7’9” high X 23’ length)
  • Put form for flowers in DM
  • Britney will sell at yard sale (tickets & flowers)
  • Cathleen to sell at Rennes on Mother’s Day
  • Paula & Cathleen at IGA May 15
  • Deb will work on phone calls for June 5 & 6
  • DM survivor article; Todd Shepherd, Jim Heaton, Fran Parker, Kathy Grady, Kathy Yingling, Susan & Kallie Hendricker
  • Survivor banners along ceiling
  • Will meet every Monday up to event (except Memorial Day)
  • Britney will make something to make signs stand out (balloons, reflectors)
  • How many packs of seeds do we need?

Next Meeting: June7, 2010, 5:15 @ BCMS

Notes taken by Paula Hannant


Youth Action Team

May 3, 2010, 5:15pm @ BCMS

Attending: Brad Henry, Barb Poe, Dale Poe, Jade Umberger, Josh Jennings, Cody Herald

Youth Center

  • Waiting for the location
  • Backwaters – coming to Brown County (maybe)
  • Hit up Backwater’s in Quincy to get more info

The Lot

  • YMCA parking lot
  • Signs up at the parking lot for the section to hang out
  • Youth action to watch it
  • Get the word out – will tell the highschool at the assembly, put signs up around school
  • Will open up the last day of school

Fishing Tournament

  • Can’t win more than once
  • 10am-noon on Saturday June 5


VolunteersDale Poe, Barb Poe, Josh Jennings

And maybe Lori Poe

BCAC Auction Benefit

  • Maybe do a 50/50 raffle


Volunteers for BCAC BenefitJosh Jennings, Dale Poe, Barb Poe, Jade Umberger will auction “not present”

Volunteers for Dot 5oth Anniv.Jade Umberger, Ciera Umberger, Josh

Jenning, Nikki Jenning, Dale Poe, Barb Poe

Next Meeting: June 7, 2010, 5:15 @ BCMS

Notes taken by: Barbara Poe