Brookwood High School Dress Code


Brookwood High School
Dress Code

The Board and administration further recognize the importance of personal rights and privileges of each individual student in the school system; however, individual rights stop where the rights of the group (the school) begins; no student has the right to dress or appear in such a manner that disrupts the teaching-learning process.

·  No hats of any kind allowed on campus.

·  Dresses, skirts and shorts must be worn at the knee even with leggings.

·  Tight fitting garments may not be worn (leggings, yoga pants, etc).

·  Clothing with inappropriate logos or messages may not be worn at school.

·  Destination shirts may be worn as long as drugs are not printed on the item and it does not explicitly state that a drink on the clothing item is alcoholic.

·  Clothing or personal items associated with gang affiliation or gang activity are prohibited.

·  Pants that reveal undergarments may not be worn.

·  Torn or ripped clothing is acceptable as long as the hole does not show any skin above the knee.

·  Belts and pants must be fastened at the waist; overalls must be properly fastened.

·  Safe footwear must be worn at all times. Slick or shoes that roll may not be worn at anytime on school grounds.

·  Clothing that reveals the stomach and/or chest may not be worn at anytime.

·  Pants or clothing that are see-thru or excessively too small may not be worn.

·  Students are not allowed to wear halter tops, strapless shirts, spaghetti straps, razorback shirts or tank tops.

Consequences for Violating Dress Code

1st Offense: In-School-Intervention (ISI)

2nd Offense: In-School-Intervention (ISI)

3rd Offense: In-School-Intervention (ISI)

Each additional offense: 1 day suspension

Note: Hats taken up from a student will be kept until the end of the academic year.

Dress Code Acknowledgement

I watched and understand the Dress Code video. I have been made aware and understand the consequences if I fail to follow the dress code policy established by the Tuscaloosa County School System and Brookwood High School. I will consult with an administrator before wearing questionable attire.


Student’s Name (Printed) Date