West Yorkshire Community Accounting Service

employment application form

Post applied for:
Surname: / Forename:
Telephone: / (Day) / (Eve)


Please give details of your present or most recent post, including the name and address of your employer, dates, and a brief description of duties, and reason for leaving or wanting to leave.

How soon could you start this job?

PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT (posts held in last 10 years – max 5 to be listed)

Post /
summary of duties / Employers name & address / Dates of employment / Reason for leaving

UNPAID WORK/ SPARE TIME INTERESTS Please include your membership of any groups, clubs or societies, and any particular role you have had in these organisations. Please tell us about any periods of time you have spent doing unpaid/ voluntary work.


We would be interested to hear about any subjects studied or courses you have attended (including in-service training), irrespective of whether or not they led to a qualification. (Please only include details from the last 10 years)

Course / Institution / trainer / Date


Please state, with dates, the academic, professional and/or vocational qualifications you have obtained.

Qualification / Awarding Body / Date

Please describe briefly a situation in which you achieved a successful business outcome. What made it successful? (max 150 words)


Please tell us (in no more than 2 pages) why you think you should be considered for this post, linking each section to the person specification you were sent with this form:

Experience / Abilities and attributes:



Please give names and addresses of two referees indicating in what capacity you know them.

1 / Name:
Tel / email:
2 / Name:
Tel / email:

If you are shortlisted these references may be taken up prior to interview. Should you not wish us to contact them before interview, please give your reasons:

In the event of you being offered the post, the appointment will be conditional upon our receiving a reference from your present or most recent employer, if they are not one of the above. Appointment will also be conditional on proof of eligibility to work in UK and subject to successful completion of a 3 month probationary period.

For hard copy applications:

Signature: ......

Date: ......

Please return to: Administrator, WYCAS, Stringer House, 34 Lupton Street, Leeds, LS10 2QW

For email applications:
By submitting this form you are affirming that all the information contained within it is true and otherwise correct. Please return to: