Bronze Award Examples

Girl Scouts Eastern Washington & Northern Idaho

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Girl Scout Juniors Emily, 9, and Lauren, 10, led park preservation and revitalization efforts in their community after county funding had been cut.

Making It Happen: *Partnered with the Spokane County Parks and Recreation Department on a restoration plan for Moose Park, and initiated a campaign to raise support among park neighbors.
*Secured volunteers for mowing and other park-maintenance responsibilities, and created volunteer schedules.
*Raised $1,735 for continued Moose Park maintenance by distributing flyers and donation envelopes to nearly 500 park neighbors.
*Organized a Family Fun Day at the park, attended by about 100 community members, which included a scavenger hunt, refreshments, a beanbag toss, and face painting.

Quote: "Our Family Fun Day was a huge success! We had an oversize check printed to present to the county. Everyone cheered the volunteers and those who had donated money to our park."

Issue: Environment & Energy

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Anne, a 10-year-old Girl Scout Junior, educated restaurants on the need for gluten-free meals.

Making It Happen: *Created a packet of information on gluten, explaining which foods contain it and which foods do not.
*Included information on celiac disease, the autoimmune disorder that can only be treated with a gluten-free diet.
*Visited local restaurants to speak with the managers and leave packets with them.

Issue: Healthy Living

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of California's Central Coast

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: A group of seven Girl Scout Juniors addressed the issue of hunger in their community by providing meals for the homeless.

Making It Happen: *Partnered with Feed the Hungry, an organization focused on fighting worldwide hunger caused by poverty, war, famine, and natural disasters.
*Provided two months of meals for the local homeless community.
*Ensured the project was sustainable by recruiting volunteers to keep it going.

Issue: Homelessness

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of Colorado

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Girl Scout Junior Hanna, age 11, organized a way to show support and appreciation for U.S. troops in Afghanistan with Operation: Valentine’s Day.

Making It Happen: *Organized the delivery of 20 packages to U.S. soldiers overseas on Valentine’s Day 2011, which included hand-knit woolen hats to protect against cold weather, various goodies, and notes of appreciation.
*Managed several groups of people, tracked donated materials, and adhered to a delivery schedule.
*Became resourceful when her initial foreign contact fell through and she needed to find other troops to distribute the packages.
*Led community-outreach efforts and eventually attracted donations from across the country—enough for 56 care packages! Enlisted her Sunday school class to contribute cards and letters.

Quote: "It was so rewarding to learn that the soldiers who received the bags were thankful to be remembered by so many people."

Issue: Military

Girl Scout Grade Level: Daisy, Brownie, Junior

Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: 18 Girl Scout Juniors addressed hunger in their area by creating two community gardens and organizing a food drive for their local food pantry.

Making It Happen: *Created two vegetable gardens—which they tilled, planted, and tended—to grow the produce that was donated to the Independence Area Food Pantry.
*Harvested and donated more than 300 pounds of vegetables to the pantry.
*Solicited, collected, and donated an additional 300 pounds of canned goods.

Quote: "Each girl in our troop also got to take home pumpkins and gourds that we grew."

Issue: Hunger

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Journey: Agent of Change

Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: 15 Girl Scout Juniors raised health awareness by educating their community about importance of developing heart-healthy habits.

Making It Happen: *Formed committees to research various aspects of the heart: how it functions, how diet affects it, why exercise is important, how heart disease develops, and how to prevent it.
*Developed activities and created posters and other relevant educational materials to distribute at a workshop; included information provided by the American Red Cross.
*Hosted Daisy and Brownie troops for a three-hour workshop, where girls rotated through stations to learn about heart health. Hosted a separate three-hour workshop for Junior troops.
*Encouraged attendees to continue to educate their families and friends, and spread the heart-healthy messages.

Quote: "One parent wrote us to say that the day her two daughters attended our workshop, they decided to forgo a high-fat meal in favor of a more healthful lunch. Both girls chose more vegetables than they would have prior to the event!"

Issue: Healthy Living

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Following a devastating flood in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, eight Girl Scout Juniors, ages 10–11, raised education awareness by rallying the community to recognize the importance of their local library as a community resource and help restock the 160,000 books lost to flood damage.

Making It Happen: *Met with library officials to plan a four-month book and magazine drive from September 2010 to January 2011.
*Designed posters and flyers to distribute at their school, organized neighborhood drives and community presentations about the importance of the Cedar Rapids Public Library.
*Rallied their community to contribute 5,355 new or gently used books and magazines, audio books, DVDs, and CDs to replace the lost collection. Thanks to the girls' campaign, the library was able to reopen.

Quote: "It meant a lot to [us] that [we] could still help others after the flood."

Issue: Disasters

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Mikaela, a Girl Scout Junior, rallied support for the needy by launching the More-Than-Food Drive for the Crisis Center and Food Bank in her hometown of Iowa City.

Making It Happen: *Read about the need for dry goods (such as diapers, wipes, shampoo, and toilet paper) as well as baby food and formula at her community crisis center and food bank, then contacted its coordinator for a tour.
*Launched a publicity campaign to solicit donations by distributing flyers at her school and in the neighborhood, and giving an interview to KRUI radio.
*Delivered 10 cases of supplies and more than 100 pounds of food to the center.

Quote: "For a sustainability project, I made an allergy reference book for the center that lists eight allergies and ingredients to avoid, so volunteers know what food is safe to include in bags for people with special diets."

Issue: Homelessness

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Journey: Agent of Change

Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Eight Girl Scout Juniors supported environmental protection by developing a recycling and composting program at Kennedy Elementary School.

Making It Happen: *Surveyed the community for its knowledge level, then gave a series of informational presentations to raise awareness of kids and their families at Kennedy Elementary School.
*Enlisted cooperation from teachers and school administrators.
*Implemented a recycling and composting program in the school’s cafeteria.
*Won the support of their community and two Iowa legislators.
*Received an invitation to tour the new IBM building in Dubuque, Iowa, that was recently renovated to include many green features.

Issue: Environment

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Journey: Get Moving

Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Eleven Girl Scout Juniors in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, hosted a fun and educational 100 Years of Girl Scouting Rally, promoting community service, the Forever Green initiative, and Girl Scout traditions.

Making It Happen: *Set up a skills station where girls could practice and learn about flag ceremonies, the Girl Scout Law and basic first aid.
*At the Forever Green station, girls could take the Forever Green pledge and obtain sunflower seeds for future planting.
*Collected food donations for the Narberth Community Food Bank.
*Opened a 25-year-old time capsule from local Girl Scouts and created a new one with donations from guests.
*Held a DJ dance party to celebrate 100 years of excellence for girls.

Quote: "The girls in our troop have always been community-focused. They wanted not only to have a fun party for our guests but also wanted to teach them about Girl Scout history, teach them Girl Scout basics that they can bring back to their own troops and encourage other scouts to donate to a worthy cause." (submitted by an adult volunteer on the "100 Years of Girl Scouting Rally" project)

Issue: Community Development, Environment

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Girl Scout Juniors Zoe and Caitlin, both 11, helped the planet by convincing people to recycle.

Making It Happen: *Gathered information on community recycling centers, including locations and materials recycled.
*Created a presentation and flyers to educate and inspire others to help stop waste, with information on where to recycle.
*Presented their findings to the Rotary Club and distributed flyers at a local grocery.

Quote: "We wanted to help make the world a better place by educating people and stopping waste. If one person starts to recycle, the world has already become a better place."

Issue: Environment

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: 9 Girl Scout Juniors developed an educational-awareness program to protect sea turtles, an endangered species.

Making It Happen: *Researched sea turtles and their habitat, and created a presentation—including a life-size model of a sea turtle—for their school's education night.
*Taught their community steps to help ensure sea turtles’ survival.
*Solicited donations and raised money for South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Hospital.

Quote: "After realizing that many kids knew little about sea turtle conservation, we wanted to help. We wrote a book, and also donated our model of a turtle to the sea turtle hospital."

Issue: Environment

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of Maine

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Fifteen 11-year-old Girl Scout Juniors contributed to the improvement of their local Girl Scout camp by building 10 bunk beds for the camp's farmhouse at Cumberland Fairgrounds.

Making It Happen: *Hosted car washes, bake sales, and babysitting events to raise money for the project, while also soliciting donations.
*Learned about blueprints, hand tools and power tools, and sanding and staining.
*Assembled the various components into completed bunk beds.
*Designed wooden plaques with their troop number to attach to the bunk beds.
*Partnered with Home Depot, Lowes, K.L. Jack, Ace Hardware, and the Cumberland Farmers Club - Cumberland Fairgrounds.

Quote: "Our troop makes our winter getaway to the farmhouse an annual event. When the girls were in fourth grade, we were camping but not getting much sleep as the bunk beds were older, metal and very squeaky. The first time we slept in the beds that we made was an amazing experience!" (submitted by an adult volunteer on the bunk beds project)

Issue: Outdoors

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior

Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys

Bronze Award Project

The Vision: Nine Girl Scout Juniors led energy conservation efforts in their community by establishing a lightbulb exchange.

Making It Happen: *Distributed information and brochures to educate the community about energy-efficient lightbulbs.
*Organized and advertised a lightbulb exchange at their school, where people in the community could trade their incandescent bulbs for more energy-efficient ones donated by Xcel Energy.

Quote: "The energy-efficient bulbs will continue to conserve energy long after our project is finished."

Issue: Environment

Girl Scout Grade Level: Junior