Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

The Directory is a useful tool in providing contact information for students and teachers,class and staff lists, and listings for PTSA, CSC, and committee members. We are hoping to get the Directory out quickly again this year. Please help us by getting your information to us NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 7. The forms can be returned to the front desk.


RETURNING FAMILIES: If the contact information is the same as last year’s, simply put your name(s) on the form,ONLY fill out the new information about your child(ren)’s teacher(s) and grade level(s),check the appropriate box below, and send your form back in. If you have changes, fill out the ENTIRE form with ALL information to be included. Be sure to put the name you wish your child to be called if he/she has a nickname.****

NEW FAMILIES: Please fill out the entire form with all information you want included in the directory. Typical information includes address, home and work and cell numbers, email addresses.

****Anybody who wishes NOT to have a listing in the directory, please put your name on the form, check the appropriate box, and send the form back in.


***Please put your name on the form and send it back in, regardless of choice of inclusion and/or changes.***

□ I do not wish to have my family’s information listed in the directory.

□Mycontact information is the same as it was in last year’s directory. Please include it in the

directory. I am including my child(ren)’s names and grade(s)/teacher(s).

□Please make changes to the contact information in last year’s directory. (Fill out entire form)

□ I am new to Bromwell. Please include my and my child(ren)’s information in the directory.

Child 1: ______Grade/Teacher: ______

Child 2: ______Grade/Teacher: ______

Child 3: ______Grade/Teacher: ______

Child 4: ______Grade/Teacher: ______

Parent/Guardian 1: ______

Address: ______

City: ______ST: ______Zip: ______

Parent/Guardian 2: ______

Address: (if different from above) ______

City: ______ST: ______Zip: ______

Par/Guar 1 home phone: ______Par/Guar 2 home phone: ______

(if different)

Par/Guar 1 work phone: ______Par/Guar 2 work phone: ______

Par/Guar 1 cell phone: ______Par/Guar 2 cell phone: ______

Par/Guar 1 email: ______Par/Guar 2 email: ______

***Additional information, suggestions, comments about last year’s directory format, information, etc: *** ______