MARCH 2018



MARCH 07, 2018


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1Call to Order/Verbal Quorum Check – OPEN/CLOSED

The Fluid Distribution System (FLU) Task Group was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 07-Mar-2018.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS and invited guests were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Joe / Bebey / The Boeing Company
* / John / Brittain / Eaton Corporation
* / Samuel / Buri / The Boeing Company / Chairperson
Ron / Clements / The Boeing Company - Seattle
Robert / Hainline / The Boeing Company
* / Ben / Hedges / Bell Helicopter Textron
* / Ulrich / Mueller / Airbus Commercial Aircraft
Aaron / Nash / The Boeing Company
* / Mark / Paul / Rolls-Royce
* / Pedro / Perez / GE Aviation
* / Dan / Smith / GE Aviation
Andrew / Springer / The Boeing Company – St. Louis
Renatas / Stanislovaitis / GE Aviation
* / Joe / Torre / GE Aviation

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Maria Olivia / Adapon / Incotec Corp.
Mehrzad / Bahri / Novaria Group
Jonathan / Beaumez / JPB-SYSTEME
Dominique / BENOIT / Titeflex - Europe
John / Binguro / B&E Mfg.
Kevin / Bires / SAE
Ray / Bitting / Wyman Gordon
Clifton / Breay / Eaton
Chuck / Brannon / SAE
Greg / Brennan / Novaria Group
Nelson / Carpio / Pacific Metals Group dba. PACMET
Ken / Chang / AdelWiggins Group
Mike / Clemente / Titeflex
Jeff / Daedler / Arconic
May / Danhash / Aerofit, LLC
Ben / Emrick / Eaton
Ted / Goosen / Parker Hannifin
Mike / Howlett / B&E Mfg.
Steve / Hudlet / Jetseal
Gary / Jenski / Eaton
Duncan / Jones / EASA
Jonathan / Kweder / Technetics Group
Fabian / Lambert / Eaton
Frank / Lee / Airdrome
Steve / MacDonald / Permaswage
Nhat / Mai / Aerofit, LLC
Kristina / Malmberg / United Flexible/ Habia Teknofuor AB
* / Andrew / Mau / Parker Hannifin, Stratoflex Products
Stephen / McGee / National Utilities Co.
Scott / Minadeo / Voss Industries
Leigh / Mulvomey-Johnson / AFLEX HOSE (UK)
Daniel / Munley / Eaton
Shadrach / Nanney / Parker Hannifin
Ky / Nguyen / AdelWiggins Group
Erwin / Oman / SAE
Esther / Park / Arconic
Nilesh / Patel / Shur-Lok
Bill / Perea / Atlas Specialty Products
Leo / Perez / Allan Aircraft
Mike / Paveglio / United Flexible/US Hose
Sara / Pfannenstiel / Eaton
Kevin / Proschold / Shur-Lok, PCC
Tabassum / Qureshi / Esterline-TA Aerospace
* / Mark / Scatoloni / Spencer Aerospace Manufacturing, LLC
* / Michael / Schleckman / Voss Industries
* / Chris / Schofield / Hydraflow
Denis / Sindezingue / Zodiac Fluid Equipment
Doug / Smith / Titeflex
Tim / Soran / Sandvik
* / Matt / Swabb / Voss Industries
L.T. / Taylor / KLX Aerospace Inc
Graeme / Thorogood / Eaton
* / Phillip / Wade / Titeflex(Consultant)
Maurice / Womack / DLA
Wei Tarn / Yeh / AdelWiggins Group
Jim / Zedris / Wyman Gordon

PRI Staff Present

Keith / Purnell

1.2Safety Information – OPEN/CLOSED

Fire exits were reviewed. It was noted to inform PRI Staff of any emergencies

1.3Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) And Meeting Conduct – OPEN/CLOSED

The Nadcap code of ethics was reviewed.

1.4Present the Antitrust Video (Only @ the First Open and First Closed Meeting of the Week for Each Task Group) – OPEN/CLOSED

The antitrust video was reviewed.

1.5Review Agenda – OPEN/CLOSED

The agenda for the meeting was reviewed.

1.6Acceptance of Meeting Minutes – OPEN

Motion made byR. Clements and seconded by M. Schleckmanto approve the September 2017 minutes as written. Motion PassedUnanimously.


There currently isone audit in Supplier Review and two audits in Staff Engineer Review.

A list of currently scheduled audits was also reviewed.

One problem audit was discussed.Nonconformance one (1) of audit 180265 was reviewed, and the FLU TG decided to void this nonconformance.


Auditor performance and consistency data, including the standard data set, were reviewed. No auditors stood out as requiring additional action.

For observations, it was determined that the two new auditors will require observation. Task Group members were requested to notify if they can observe any audits in the current schedule. If so, K. Purnell will assign one of the two new auditors to that audit.

No Auditor Conference Confidential Topics were discussed.

ACTION ITEM: FLU TG Subscriber Members to notify if they can observe any audits in the current schedule. (Due Date: 30-Mar-2018)


Task Group oversight of Audit Report Reviewers was reviewed. Delegated reviewer K. Purnell met the requirements of having at least 10% of NCRs reviewed by the Task Group Subscriber Voting Members with over 90% concurrence; he also reviewed the required 10 audits in the previous annual review period. Delegation is maintained.

Non-delegated reviewers J. Lewis and A. Baer are having 100% of their NCRs reviewed by the FLU TG Subscriber Voting Members.


Change notifications since the last meeting were only name changes so no additional discussion was required.


The s-frm-14 Preliminary Questionnaire for Fluids was discussed and currently it does not include all the Aerospace Standards included on the PRI QPL search function. The s-frm-14 Preliminary Questionnaire for Fluids will need to be updatedto include them.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to update the s-frm-14 Preliminary Questionnaire for Fluids to include applicable Aerospace Standards listed on the PRI QPL. (Due Date: 30-Apr-2018)

K. Purnell reported out that some AC7123 Value Added Hose Assembly Distributors would like to purchase fittings directly from Original Component Manufacturer (OCM)-approved machine shops that are not AC7112/2 accredited.Previously, the Nadcap Auditors had reportedthat the OCM audits of subcontracted machine shops hardly ever resulted in any nonconformances.It was decided by the FLU TG that this practice is not acceptable because other operations such as plating, dry film lube, marking, and final inspection that may be performed by the OCM or another Nadcap accredited supplier could be omitted.

K. Purnell also received requests fromsuppliers accredited to AC7123 and AC7112/4 to perform their own AC7112/2 audits of non-accredited machine shops,so that these suppliers could purchase fittings directly from the non-accredited machine shops instead of purchasing from the OCM or another supplier accredited to the AC7112/2. This practice was considered not acceptable by the FLU TG Subscribers.


All action items were reviewed, and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current FLU Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.

8.0Review Membership Status – OPEN

The following requests for additions or changes to voting membership were received and confirmed by the Task Group Chairperson pending verificationof PD 1100 requirements:

  • Subscriber Voting Member: UVM
  • Supplier Voting Member: SVM
  • Alternate: ALT
  • Task Group Chairperson: CHR
  • Vice Chairperson: VCH
  • Secretary: SEC

8.1Confirm New Voting Members:

First Name / Surname / Company / Position:
(new / updated role) / Meetings Attended
Xin / Jin / COMAC / UVM (new) / Sep-2016 / Mar-2018
Pedro / Perez / GE Aviation / ALT UVM (new) / Sep-2017 / Mar-2018

8.2Review Compliance to Voting Requirements (Attendance and Balloting)

The compliance to voting requirements per PD 1100 was reviewed and J. Bebey of The Boeing Company was non-compliant with voting requirements. The voting requirement for J. Bebey was waived by the Chairperson and he was approved to remain a voting member.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send e-mail to J. Bebey reminding him of the obligations for voting. (Due Date: 30-Mar-2018)

8.3Changes to Voting Memberships Since the Last Meeting:

There were no changes to voting membership since the last meeting.

9.0Staff Report – OPEN

K. Purnell presented the PRI Staff Report that included Auditor Status, FLU TG Metrics, Most Common NCRs, Latest Changes, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations, Staff Delegation Metrics, and New NMC Metrics. Auditees were reminded to upload their self-audits into eAuditNet at least 30 days prior to the audit. Auditees are also required to include procedure and paragraph numbers for compliance with each self-audit question. The importance of verifying the audit scope was discussed. The current potential FLU TG audit scopes are contained in s-frm-14. Auditees and Auditors verify the audit scope at the beginning of each audit. Auditees need to ensure Aerospace Standards intended to work to in the near future are included in their audit scopes.

There was not adequate time at the meeting to resolve AC7112/2 ballot comments, so K. Purnell will set up a WebEx meeting to address the ballot comments.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell set up a WebEx meeting to resolve AC7112/2 ballot comments. (Due Date: 18-Apr-2018)

9.1Auditor Status

The FLU TG currently has six (6) approved auditors.

9.2Task Group Metrics

The FLU TG metrics of Average Audit Cycle Time, Most Common NCRs, Average Number of Major and Minor NCRs, and Number of Lapsed Accreditations were reviewed. Most Task Group metrics are green since the last meeting except for Supplier Cycle Time. An effort must be made to vote on audits with a non-delegated reviewer(s).

9.3Most Common NCRs

The most common NCRs covering the period of February 2016 to February 2018 were reviewed:

#1 Sampling and Periodic Test Requirements, not submitting required data or maintaining part counts

#2 Calibration Issues, labels, outside calibration services, out of tolerance conditions, equipment not in calibration system

#3 Review of sub-tiers, annual onsite audits of machining suppliers

#4 Flow down of purchase order requirements

#5 Non-sustaining Corrective Actions

9.4Latest Changes to eAuditNet and Fluid Audit Checklists

The latest changes in eAuditNet were reviewed. These changes are posted in eAuditNet under Resources, Documents, Public Documents, eAuditNet, Rolling Release Notes.

9.5Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations

The future Nadcap meeting schedule is as follows: 18-21 June 2018, London, UK; 22-25 October 2018 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; and 18-21 February 2019 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

The next Fluids Nadcap meeting will be19-Sept-2018 to 21-Sept-2018 in Queretaro, Mexico.

9.6Staff Engineer Delegation

Delegated reviewer K. Purnell met the requirements of having at least 10% of NCRs reviewed by the Task Group Subscriber Voting Members with over 90% concurrence; he also reviewed the required 10 audits in the previous annual review period. Delegation is maintained.

Non-delegated reviewer J. Lewis and A. Baer are having 100% of their NCRs reviewed by the Task Group Subscriber Voting Members.

9.7New NMC Metrics

K. Purnell reviewed the NMC presentation of the new Equitable Contribution metric.

10.0Review of Procedure Changes – OPEN

10.1Review any changes to General Operating Procedures since the last meeting

K. Purnellpresented the summary of changes to Operating Procedures OP 1101 Document Control, OP 1102 Records, OP 1111 Merit Program, and OP1113 Appeals since the October 2017 Nadcap meeting.

10.2Review changes to OP 1114 and OP 1116 Appendices since the last meeting

Changes to OP 1114 Appendix FLU since the September 2017 meeting included an update to address the rewrite of OP 1114 Task Group Operations, criteria for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Supplier Support Committee Representative term lengths, and addinga reference to the preliminary questionnaire.

There were no changes to the OP 1116 AppendixFLU since the September 2017 meeting.

11.0Audit Failure criteria – open

11.1Review Audit Failure Criteria, Single Year Data Compared to Multiple Years of Data

Audit NCR data for 2017 and 2016/2017 combined was reviewed to determine potential changes to the failure criteria.

11.2Establish Fluid Task Group Failure Criteria for 2018

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by P. Wadeto keep the current failure criteria for 2018. Motion PassedUnanimously.

The failure criteria for 2018 will remain the same as 2017.

12.0G-3 QPG Status Report – OPEN

R. Hainline presented an update from the G-3 Qualified Product Group (QPG) meeting. The presentation included discussion of periodic testing and the use of the periodic test form located in eAuditnet, specifications with QPL requirements and no QPL listings, use of the tfrm11 for notification of change, future changes to PD2101, and the need for additional members.

13.0Supplier Meeting Report – OPEN

M. Scatoloni presented an update on the G-3 Supplier Group meeting. The change notification process is being reviewed and changes proposed. G-3 committees are developing a list of critical attributes for each product type to aid in determining when PRI needs to be notified of production changes.

14.0october 2018 Auditor Conference – OPEN

The agenda for the FLU TG October 2018 Auditor Conference was reviewed. The conference will be held on Friday,19-Oct-2018 and will include the following topics:

  • Most Common NCRs and Auditor Consistency
  • Periodic Testing
  • Dry Film Lube AC7108/1
  • Question / Answer / Discussion Session
  • eAuditNet
  • Review Checklists and Suggestions for Auditor Handbook Clarifications

for AC7112, AC7112/1, AC7112/2, AC7112/3, AC7112/4, AC7112/6, and AC7123

A limited amount of time will be spent on Dry Film Lube to AC7108/1 as there are currently no FLU TG audits scheduled or performed to this checklist. All other topics were accepted.

15.0Meeting Close Out – OPEN

All action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current FLU Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.

Agenda topics for the next meeting will be the same as this meeting.

ADJOURNMENT – 07-Mar-2018 – Meeting was adjourned at 11:30a.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Keith Purnell,

***** For PRI Staff use only: ******
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