Brittany Kubacki
801 Locust Place NE, 1051G
Albuquerque, NM87102
Cell: (505) 615-3024
University of New Mexico
Ph.D Linguistics. May 2010
M.A. Linguistics. May 2005.
IndianaUniversity-PurdueUniversity, Indianapolis (IUPUI)
B.A. English. December 2001.
In Progress
Linguistics for Language Revitalization. Co-author. To be submitted to MacMillan, Dec. 2005. @ 200 pp.
“Collaborative Linguistics: A Report from Nanbé Ówîngeh.” 10th Annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, May 2007.
“Nanbé Tewa Archive Project.” Poster session. Linguistic Society of America. Albuquerque, NM 2006.
“Linguistics for Language Revitalization Programs.” Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Conference. Victoria, British Columbia. June 2005.
“Linguistics for Language Revitalization.” Conference on Southwest Popular Culture. Albuquerque,NM. February 2005.
“Grammaticization of Tense in Navajo: The Evolution of nt’éé.” 7thAnnual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, May 2004.
2008 Introduction to Linguistics Primary instructor
2007 “Morphology I” Introduction to Linguistics
“Morphology II”
“Gesture and Gesticulation”
“Signed Languages”
“Language Change I”
“Language Change II; Language and Culture”
“Gesture and Signed Languages”
“Language Change I”
“Language Families; History of English”
Language and Identity
“Visual and spatial construction of identity on the Internet”
2006 “Language change” Introduction to Linguistics
2005 “Language change” Introduction to Linguistics “Introduction to Phonetics” Introduction to Linguistics
2004 “Proto-Indo European” Introduction to Linguistics
“History of English”
2003 “Genetics” Biology, CNM
2004Project assistant, “Language Revitalization at Nambé Pueblo.”
Co-wrote a grant proposal to the NSF/NEH/Smithsonian, entitled “Digital Database and Archive of the Nanbé Tewa Language. Was awarded funding, June 2005, for the three-year period 9/1/05 - 9/1/08 for $203, 840.
Participated in the design and production of pedagogical materials.
Prepared survey on language use and language attitudes conducted at Nambé Pueblo in November 2004.
- Planned and executed community support building projects such as Language Fairs
2008 Teaching AssistantIntroduction to Linguistics
University of New Mexico
2007 Discussion Coordinator Introduction to Linguistics
University of New Mexico
2006-8Data Entry Assistant
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
Albuquerque, NM
Beginning Japanese
Beginning ASL
2004-pres High Desert Linguistic Society, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
- Conference organizer, HDLS 6 2004
- Planning Committee
- Abstract Reading
- Website organization and design
- Reception
- Timekeeper
- Conference organizer, HDLS 7 2006
- Planning Committee
- Abstract Reading
- Website organization and design
- Reception
- Timekeeper
- Part time tech support
- LINGGRADS moderator
- Vice-President, 2007 – 2008
- HDLS 2008 Planning Committee
- Constitution Revision Committee
2004-pres Graduate and Professional Association (GPSA)
- Representative for Linguistics Department
- Constitution and By-Laws Revision Committee 2005
- Constitution and By-Laws Revision Committee 2008