NYSCB Childminders Safeguarding Audit 2016

Childminder Details

Name of Childminding Setting:
Audit Completed by:
Date Completed

This safeguarding audit is for Childminders operating on their own.

This should be used as a best practice tool, to reflect on your safeguarding practice. There is no statutory requirement to have written policies and procedures but you must have, as a bare minimum, a safeguarding statement. However, there is nothing more important than keeping children safe and this audit will help you to identify any areas of practice that need to be addressed.How to Grade your Practice

Unless a question is not applicable, all Childminders are expected to strive to achieve 5 (to show that safeguarding concerns have been addressed). When identifying a score it is important for each early years Childminders to consider whether the minimum standards for addressing safeguarding needs have been achieved. For example, where an early years Childminders has sufficient safeguards provision in place to address safeguarding concerns, and/or action plans are in place to improve or modernise those arrangements, then the Childminder is maintaining compliance and should record their level of compliance as “5”. If you are not fully compliant with the required standard, then you should select the most appropriate grading as outlined in the grading below.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Not applicable / Not in operation – potential safeguarding concerns / Identified safeguarding concerns/weakness to be addressed - no action plan in place / Identified safeguarding concerns/weakness - with an action plan in place / Safeguarding concerns have been addressed
This line of enquiry is not applicable to the early years Childminder.
There are no safeguarding concerns. / Not in operation.
No action plan has been identified to address this at present. / Safeguarding concerns/identified weakness have been identified and the Childminder aims to develop an action plan to address these concerns. / Safeguarding concerns/identified weaknesses have been identified and the early years Childminder has an action plan to address these concerns. / Safeguarding has been addressed and the early years Childminder is compliant with statutory requirements.
Improvements and modernisation of arrangements may be taking place but these do not expose any safeguarding concerns.
There are no safeguarding concerns

For each question, childminders are requested to identify evidence which will support their answers above. Please note that this does not include providing copies of evidence, but should make reference to what evidence is available. For example, the name of a policy which supports a specific question and the date it was last reviewed.

Section 1 - Safer Recruitment

/ Key Questions / Guidance Notes / Grading / Evidence / Actions Required /
1.1 / Does the Childminder ensure that all persons aged over 16 living or working on the premises has had appropriate DBS checks undertaken through Ofsted? / Ofsted currently complete checks on your suitability to look after children but you must make sure that anyone aged 16 years or over, living or working on your premises has had appropriate checks, ie DBS check; online update service; EY2 form. / 54321
1.2 / Are all reasonable steps taken to ensure that the Childminder does not have anyone working or living on the childminding premises who is disqualified from registration by Ofsted or use, in regulated activity, any person barred by the DBS from working with children?
Are all persons aware that it is a criminal offence to knowingly do so? / Circumstances which disqualify a person from becoming a childcare provider are set out in the Ofsted guides to registration, the Childcare (Disqualification) regulations 2009 and Sec 75 and 76 Childcare Act 2006. This includes where the person, a person living with them, a person who works with them and cares for children, or lives and works on the premises where childcare is provided has either committed a relevant offence against a child; been subject to an order or determination removing a child from their care or preventing a child living with them; committed certain serious sexual or physical offences against an adult; been charged with certain offences against an adult; been included on the children’s barred list; been made subject to a disqualification order by the court; previously been refused registration as a childcare provider or provider or manager of a children’s home or had such registration cancelled.
DBS barring is different to Disqualification from Childcare. The DBS maintain a list of people who worked in regulated activity, who have been referred to them, and a determination has been made that they are unsuitable to work in regulated activity with children. / 54321
1.3 / Is the Childminder aware of Ofsted requirements in the event of Disqualification? / In the event of disqualification of a registered provider, a person living in the same household as the registered provider, or a person employed in that household, the provider must not continue as an early years provider nor be directly concerned in the management of such provision.
Where an employer becomes aware of relevant information which may lead to disqualification of an employee, the employer must take immediate action to ensure the safety of children. In the event of disqualification of an employee the employer must not continue to employ that person.
The following information should be given to Ofsted: Details of any order, determination, conviction, or other ground for disqualification including date; body or court; any sentence imposed and who made it; certified copy of the relevant order (EYFS, 3.17) / 54321

Section 2 – Suitable People

/ Key Questions / Guidance Notes / Grading / Evidence / Actions Required /
2.1 / Does the Childminder ensure that any persons who have not been subject to enhanced DBS checks do not have any unsupervised access to children on the premises? / Volunteers, contractors and other visitors should not have unsupervised access to children.
An assessment should be undertaken to establish if the person is in regulated activity and if a DBS and barred list check should be undertaken, having regard to the new HM Government Supervision Guidance https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/253564/Supervision_guidance.pdf
For volunteers other appropriate safer recruitment checks should also be undertaken e.g. informal interview and references / 54321
2.2 / Does the Childminder ensure that they verify the identity of all visiting staff from other organisations? / Where a person from another organisation e.g. the local authority, health service or NSPCC is not known to the Childminder they should check with the employing body that the person making the appointment is their employee and should check, on arrival that they have valid ID.
In the extremely rare event that these persons may require unsupervised access to a child it is the manager’s responsibility to risk assess the appropriateness of this. If this is considered necessary, assurance should be sought with the employing body that the person has a satisfactory enhanced DBS check and barred list check. / 54321
2.3 / Does the Childminder have arrangements in place for making referrals to the LADO where an allegation is made against themselves or a person working or living at the childminding premises and fulfilling their legal responsibilities to make a referral to the DBS where required to do so? / Disciplinary policy guidance is available from NYCC
Updated Allegations against staff procedures and guidance are available on the NYSCB website sec 10
Referrals to the LADO must always be made, immediately, where there is an allegation, (relating to either within or outside of the Childminding premises,) that someone who works with children has: behaved in a way that has harmed a child or may have harmed a child; possibly committed an offence against or related to a child; behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he may pose a risk of harm to children.
Childminders, as regulated activity providers, have a statutory duty to make referrals to the DBS where they have permanently removed a person from regulated activity through dismissal or permanent transfer, or would have done so had the person not left, resigned, retired or been made redundant and they believe that the person has engaged in ‘relevant conduct’, satisfied the ‘harm test’ or received a caution or conviction for a ‘relevant’ offence / 54321
2.4 / Are Childminders aware that and do they, when working directly with children, that they must not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or any substance, including prescribed medication, which may affect their ability to care for children and that they must not smoke on the premises? / Childminders under medical investigation, treatment and/or taking medication should advise their medical practitioner of their employment to determine if this may affect their ability to care for children and their fitness for work.
Childminders must ensure that a risk assessment is undertaken in order that the safety of children is not compromised. Medication on the premises must be securely stored and out of reach of children at all times. / 54321
2.5 / Does the childminder hold a current paediatric first aid certificate which is renewed every three years? / Childminders can choose which organisation they wish to provide the training (preferably one with a nationally approved and accredited first aid qualification or one that is a member of a trade body with an approval and monitoring scheme) but the training must cover the course content as for St John Ambulance or Red Cross paediatric first aid training and be renewed every three years. / 54321
2.6 / Does the Childminder recognise that they are the key person? / Their role is to help ensure that that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, help the child become familiar with the Childminding premises, offer a settled relationship for the child and build a trusting relationship with the parents/carers. / 54321
2.7 / Does the Childminder ensure that children are adequately supervised at all times? / These are set out on pages 21- 24 of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage / 54321
2.8 / Does the Childminder undertake appropriate training in child protection and safeguarding to fulfil their role as Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)? / For childminders the current online safeguarding course on the LSCB website is identified as appropriate. / 54321
2.9 / Does the Childminder undertake refresher training at a minimum of two yearly intervals, to keep his/her knowledge and skills up to date? / Ensure that safeguarding training is refreshed at least every 2 years but ensure that any updates such as via Key Messages or on the LSCB website provide them with an up to date knowledge, recent guidance and specific issues. / 54321
2.10 / Does the Childminder have an up to date knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and are they able to implement their policy and procedures appropriately? / All childminders should be able to recognise and respond appropriately to possible signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect including: significant changes in behaviour, deterioration in a child’s wellbeing, unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse or neglect; suspicious injuries; comments children or others make which give cause for concern; inappropriate behaviour by other people e.g. inappropriate sexual comments; excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of their usual role and responsibilities, or inappropriate sharing of images. / 54321

Section 3 – Child Protection

/ Key Questions / Guidance Notes / Grading / Evidence / Actions Required /
3.1 / As best practice, does the Childminder have a clear and effective written safeguarding children policy and procedure?
Is there evidence that the policy is fully implemented and that the Childminder fulfils their responsibilities in meeting the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS?
Is children’s safety and safeguarding central to everything they do? / This should be in line with North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Boards’ guidance and procedures.
Childminders may find it helpful to use the NYCC, PACEY or PLA policy guidance as a template for formulating their written policy.
The policy should be reviewed at least annually.
The childminder should have measures in place to ensure that a culture of safeguarding is embedded, promoted and understood and have effective systems to monitor that the safeguarding policy is effectively implemented.
Children should know that they can share concerns with any adults at the Childminding premises and their behaviour should show that they feel safe. / 54321
3.2 / Does the policy include procedures for dealing with allegations against themselves, volunteers and others working or living at the childminding premises? / The policy should include procedures to be followed where there are allegations of harm or abuse against persons working or looking after children at the premises, irrespective of whether the alleged incidents took place on the premises or elsewhere. See Section 10 NYSCB procedures.
Registered providers must inform Ofsted of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working, or looking after children at the premises (whether the allegations relate to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere). Registered providers must also notify Ofsted of the action taken in respect of the allegations. These notifications must be made as soon as is reasonably practicable, but at the latest within 14 days of the allegations being made. A registered provider who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with this requirement, commits an offence.
They must also follow the NYSCB procedures and inform the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) without delay. / 54321
3.3 / Is the policy and procedure explained to and accessible to parents and carers? / There should be evidence of this e.g. policy available and parents and carers asked to sign a statement on the admission form that they have seen policy / information on Childminder website or brochure. / 54321
3.4 / Are child protection records forwarded to other settings/ school when the child moves? / Childminders should ensure that, when a child moves, any records relating to child protection are passed on, under separate cover, addressed to the setting’s or school’s designated person for child protection. It is good practice for the childminder to keep the original copies and to provide photocopies for the new setting. / 54321
3.5 / Is there evidence that the Childminder has read “What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused 2015”? / https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/what-to-do-if-youre-worried-a-child-is-being-abused--2 / 54321
3.6 / Is the Childminder aware of what they should do if they have concerns about another person on the premises? / If the childminder has concerns about another person on the premises then this should be referred to the LADO or the Customer Contact Centre / 54321
3.7 / Do parents understand the Childminder’s safeguarding responsibilities and know whom to talk to if they have a concern/complaint? / Information is shared with parents about safeguarding on their child’s admission form and at meetings for new or prospective parents. / 54321

Section4 - Behaviour / Attendance