Travel Bursary Application Form for Postgraduate Students
Please read the rules about these Bursaries (given overleaf) to make sure that you are eligible before filling out this form, and use BLOCK CAPITALS.
Meeting location:Meeting date:
Surname:First name(s):
Institution and postal address:
Are you a member of the British Society for Cardiovascular Research?Yes No
(If not, you must send a completed application form, available from the Treasurer and enclose copy)
Title of research project:
Source of personal support (e.g. BHF, MRC, etc.):
Details of estimated travel costs:
Total requested: £
I wish to apply for a Travel Bursary to attend this meeting. I undertake to return any money granted to me by the Society if I subsequently obtain sufficient funding from any other source.
Applicant’s signature:Date:
I confirm that the applicant is a bona fide postgraduate student.
Supervisor’s signature:Date:
Supervisor’s name:
Please return the completed form to the Chairman:
Professor Michael Marber
Department of Cardiology,
The Rayne Institute, St Thomas’ Hospital, London SE1 7EH
Travel Bursaries for Postgraduate Students
Travel bursaries of up to a maximum value of £150 are available to postgraduate students, as a contribution towards the costs of attending a BSCR Meeting or Workshop. The total number and amount awarded may vary according to the availability of funds. The aim of the scheme is to encourage young research workers to attend and to contribute to the meetings of the Society.
Rules and Eligibility
1.The applicant must be a member of the British Society for Cardiovascular Research. If a non-member wishes to take advantage of this scheme, a completed membership application form (available from the Honorary Secretary) must be submitted to the Treasurer and a copy enclosed with the bursary application form.
2.The applicant must be engaged in full-time research and registered for a PhD degree in an institution in Great Britain or Ireland.
3.The subject of the applicant's research should preferably be related to the areas covered by the meeting or workshop.
4.The applicant must be in receipt of a recognised postgraduate studentship.
5.The applicant must submit details of estimated costs (travel, accommodation, etc.) and state the mode of travel (e.g. rail, car, etc.). Claims must be based on the most economical mode.
6.Successful applicants will not be considered for another award within the same year.
How to Apply
Applications must be made using the Travel Bursary Application Form (see overleaf) which should be returned to the Chairman of the Society at least 2 months prior to the meeting. The form needs to be countersigned by the Student’s Academic Supervisor.
The applicant must register for the relevant meeting separately, in the usual manner.
Payment of Award:
Successful applicants will be sent a cheque by the Treasurer of the Society upon submission of the relevant receipts. If funding to cover the meeting costs is subsequently obtained from any other source, the excess (up to the total value of the Bursary) must be repaid to the Treasurer.
Registered Charity No. 1011141